chdir problem Programming Software Development by phil750 …Im trying to get cd working but having trouble with chdir function, i have this and it just gives me … the 2nd command is null then change cd to home { chdir(getenv("HOME")); } else // if the 2nd command…then change directory to whatever the 2nd command says. { chdir(cmd); } [/code] any help? } Re: chdir problem Programming Software Development by phil750 …! Perhaps you meant to test cmd for being empty? > chdir(getenv("HOME")); getenv() might return NULL as well…(command,"cd")) { if(x = 1) { chdir(getenv("HOME")); } else { chdir(cmd); } } [/code] just done now another way of… Chdir in c program Programming Software Development by mkab …the cd shell command in c. I used chdir function to code it but the problem is…* home = getenv("HOME"); int i = chdir(home); if(i < 0) printf("directory couldn… %s\n", home); } exit(0); } result = chdir(argv[1]); if(result == 0){ printf("directory changed\n… Re: chdir problem Programming Software Development by phil750 …;, x); while(!strcmp(command,"cd")) { if(x == 1) { chdir(getenv("HOME")); } else… Re: Chdir in c program Programming Software Development by mkab …"); const char* home = getenv("HOME"); int i = chdir(home); if(i < 0) printf("directory couldn't…;); printf("home = %s\n", home); } exit(0); } result = chdir(argv[1]); if(result == 0){ printf("directory changed\n… Re: chdir problem Programming Software Development by Salem > if(strcmp(cmd,NULL) == 0) Well this will blow up every time! Perhaps you meant to test cmd for being empty? > chdir(getenv("HOME")); getenv() might return NULL as well, and that will segfault as well. question on chdir() function Programming Software Development by hsyuen …, not the new directory. I then try: import os os.chdir("/opt/WindRiver") os.system("ls") os….chdir("/home/harry") chdir worked but looks likes it started a new… Re: question on chdir() function Programming Software Development by woooee …/WindRiver", shell=True) You can use python's os.chdir("/opt/WindRiver") but it is better to always… Re: question on chdir() function Programming Software Development by hsyuen …/WindRiver", shell=True) You can use python's os.chdir("/opt/WindRiver") but it is better to always… Re: User input chdir c++ Programming Software Development by Freaky_Chris usethe string header so you can get the path from the user then pass it to chdir like this [CODE=cplusplus]chdir(path.c_str());[/CODE] Chris keep os.chdir() after exit? Programming Software Development by Miyuki I want to make Python code to make a new directory then put you into it, same as typing md and cd yourself, but only one command typed. I can use os.chdir() but after Python program exits I return to original directory, not going to new one. How do I change directory and stay there after exit? User input chdir c++ Programming Software Development by darren2005 I'm very new at C++ and would like to know how I would change a directory via user input? This will be a Win32 Project and [U]not [/U]a Win32 application. I know I can use (as standard - and without user input) the [U][B]chdir("\\dir");[/B][/U] - but how do I use this with user input? Thanks in advance! :) Re: User input chdir c++ Programming Software Development by darren2005 …. Enter FULL PATH to directory: "; cin >> entry; chdir(path.entry_str()); cin.get(); return 0; }[/ICODE] Thanks again for… Re: chdir problem Programming Software Development by Salem Now your code makes no sense at all. Did you just type that in as a reply, or actually test it? Re: Chdir in c program Programming Software Development by D33wakar [QUOTE][CODE]int main( int argc, char **argv[] ) {//Wrong[/CODE][/QUOTE] [CODE]int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {//right[/CODE] Re: Chdir in c program Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon You can not make the results of the C program permanent on the terminal. Like all other shell programs anything done within the program (or shell script) is destroyed when the program ends. Re: Chdir in c program Programming Software Development by mkab OK thanks Re: keep os.chdir() after exit? Programming Software Development by woooee Since you enter the Python interpreter, run the program, and then exit the interpreter, I don't think there is a way. The interpreter will always return you to the original directory when it exits. Perhaps someone else will have other ideas on this. Re: keep os.chdir() after exit? Programming Software Development by jrcagle Your code would have to have its own configuration file that it stores the default directory in and then loads on entry. Jeff Re: User input chdir c++ Programming Software Development by Freaky_Chris This should help you out [url][/url] I would read that but this is how to use it anyway [code=cplusplus]#include <string> #include <direct.h> using namespace std; int main(void){ string hello; hello = "C:\\"; _chdir(hello… Re: User input chdir c++ Programming Software Development by darren2005 Hi, Thank you very much for that. It now works!!!! Using: [ICODE]string user; string entry; cout << "2. Enter FULL PATH to DIR: "; cin >> entry; user = entry; _chdir(user.c_str());[/ICODE] Thanks for your help!!!!!!! Flash drive auto run project please help Programming Software Development by Thomasmcdaniel …quot;).read()+" before error" print player.medir os.chdir(player.medir) l = os.popen("ls").read…[0].find("yes") != -1: mode = True os.chdir("/media") oldfolders = os.popen("ls").read…;/home/revmedia/media") t.start() while True: os.chdir("/media") folders = os.popen("ls").… Python - Installing Programming Software Development by matthew.l.diefenbacher …%s', tmpdir) old_wd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(tmpdir) tar = _extractall(tar) tar.…# exitcode will be 2 return 2 finally: os.chdir(old_wd) shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) def _build_egg(egg, tarball,… New to Perl, please explain the script Programming Software Development by ranadheer … # @DealNameDirs = glob "*"; foreach $DealName ( @DealNameDirs ){ chdir($DealName); @FileNames = glob("*.txt"); foreach $FileName ( @FileNames …} # # Delete the flag files. # foreach $DealName ( @DealNameDirs ){ chdir($DealName); @FileNames = glob("*.txt.flag"); foreach $FileName ( @FileNames… Please help file name and folder name it doesn't array A-Z,0-9 Programming Web Development by kenchiro …} $nImageNr++; } } } closedir($handle); } chdir($savedir); frmImagesHdFt(4,$nCurrentPage,$nPages); ?> </…nImageCount = 0; $savedir = getcwd(); chdir($GLOBALS["rootdp"].$GLOBALS["image_home"… Memory Error Programming Software Development by Edwards8 …== ".tif": print 'Opening ' + name os.chdir(path) im = + '/' + name)…; try: os.makedirs(savedfile) os.chdir(savedfile) except WindowsError: os.chdir(savedfile) savedfile = name[:-4] +… program to read directories in UNIX help Programming Software Development by jkun2 …exit(1); }*/ directoryPath = argv[1]; if (chdir(directoryPath) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "…quot;In if\n"); if(!chdir("..")) { printf("… Recursive directory listing Programming Software Development by mikabark … come back to called point. I think chdir("..") or return is proper to …statbuf; //File inode information structure strcpy(in_addr, dir1_nm); if(chdir(dir1_nm) < 0) { printf("DIR : %s… \n", dir1_nm); perror("chdir "); exit(1); } while ((entry = readdir(pdir)) != NULL… PHP - create files and folders with variables - Help Programming Web Development by Who me? … last 3 lines. echo "Success"; fclose($handle); chdir('../'); // Go back up one directory level //----------------------------- // Now repeat… fwrite($handle,$somecontent); echo "Success"; fclose($handle); chdir('../'); //----------------------------- Etc. ?> [/code] The code works except … phpBB thread archive Programming Web Development by rex_b …_GET,$webous); $HTTP_GET_VARS = array_merge($HTTP_GET_VARS,$webous); extract($webous); chdir("./.."); require ("profile.php"); } else{ …_GET,$webous); $HTTP_GET_VARS = array_merge($HTTP_GET_VARS,$webous); extract($webous); chdir("./.."); require ("viewforum.php"); } die();…