help to understand parent node childnode properties Programming Web Development by zorro-az hi, everyone i would like to learn more about parentnode and childnode (with exaplanation) with the tutorials The reason i am beginner i dont understand this properties does anyone help Last Shot at FTPWebrequest Programming Software Development by cVz … TreeNode(ChildDir); Console.WriteLine("Start Childnode :" + ChildNode.Text); Node.Nodes.Add(ChildNode); recureseChild(ChildNode, root + "/" + ChildDir + "/"); } [/COLOR] I… Re: Last Shot at FTPWebrequest Programming Software Development by cVz …("Start Childnode :" + ChildNode.Text); Node.Nodes.Add(ChildNode); // MessageBox.Show("Start Childnode :" + txtFtpServerName.Text + "/" + ChildNode.Text); recureseChild(ChildNode, root + ChildDir… Re: Last Shot at FTPWebrequest Programming Software Development by cVz …{ TreeNode ChildNode = new…Childnode :" + ChildNode.Text); Node.Nodes.Add(ChildNode); // MessageBox.Show("Start Childnode :" + txtFtpServerName.Text + "/" + ChildNode.Text); recureseChild(ChildNode Password Storage System. Programming Software Development by sam210 …extract data for childNode in element[0].childNodes: if childNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE: data += return data…, update it for childNode in element[0].childNodes: if childNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE: = value break… i developed an website.. in one of the page. the click event is not generatin Programming Web Development by VinayRok …Body.GetClassDetailsResult) { TreeNode childNode = new TreeNode(); childNode.Value = ""; childNode.Text = "Semester…//sem.SemistarId.ToString(); root.ChildNodes.Add(childNode); StudentManagement.StudentManagementSoap studentService = new StudentManagement.… Re: Last Shot at FTPWebrequest Programming Software Development by cVz … of type 'System.Net.WebException' occurred in System.dll Start Childnode :public_html/es Child Root : [url]… Re: Last Shot at FTPWebrequest Programming Software Development by LizR But [quote]Start Childnode :public_html/es Child Root : [url]… C# XML problem Programming Software Development by abcdabid … - 1; i++) { XmlNode childNode = parentNode.ChildNodes[i]; if (childNode.Name == "Username" && childNode.InnerXml == textBox1.Text.Trim()) { childNode.ParentNode.RemoveAll(); xmlDoc… Missing return statement error, why? Programming Software Development by BioJavaPhobic …== selectedNodes[0]) { node = network.getEdgeTargetIndex(kids[c]); } ChildNode[c] = node; } Vector<Integer> cnodes = new…(int c = 0; c < ChildNode.length; c++) { int node = ChildNode[c]; if (!cnodes.contains(node)) {… Re: Missing return statement error, why? Programming Software Development by BioJavaPhobic …== selectedNodes[0]) { node = network.getEdgeTargetIndex(kids[c]); } ChildNode[c] = node; } Vector<Integer> cnodes = new…(int c = 0; c < ChildNode.length; c++) { int node = ChildNode[c]; if (!cnodes.contains(node)) {… Re: Missing return statement error, why? Programming Software Development by mKorbel …(node == selectedNodes[0]) { node = network.getEdgeTargetIndex(kids[c]); } ChildNode[c] = node; } Vector<Integer> cnodes = new Vector&…for (int c = 0; c < ChildNode.length; c++) { int node = ChildNode[c]; if (!cnodes.contains(node)) { cnodes.add… Trying to populate a treeview Programming Software Development by itmasterw …If TreeView1.Nodes.Add(parentnode) End If Dim childnode As New TreeNode(dr("SubComapnyName")) …quot;) = "Canada" Then childnode.ForeColor = Color.Red Else childnode.ForeColor = Color.Black End If parentnode.… Re: Trying to populate a treeview Programming Software Development by itmasterw …TreeView1.Nodes.Add(parentnode) End If Dim childnode As New TreeNode(dr("SubComapnyName"))…;) = "Canada" Then childnode.ForeColor = Color.Red Else childnode.ForeColor = Color.Black End If parentnode… Problem in Validating txtfield Programming Web Development by ksmadhuri ….length; j++) { 73. var childNode = childNodes.item(j); 74. if (childNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) { 75. //alert(childNode.nodeValue); 76. if ( childNode.nodeValue == id) { 77… AJAX Problem Programming Web Development by phouse512 …quot;); text.setAttribute('class', 'comment_text'); text.nodeValue = results[i].childNode[3].nodeValue; time = document.createElement("p"); time.setAttribute…id", "comment_time"); time.nodeValue = results[i].childNode[4].nodeValue; div.appendChild(user); div.appendChild(text); div.… Trying to use List.Exists in C# Programming Software Development by VernonDozier …<Node> public void AddChild(Node childNode) { if(!this.children.Exists(childNode)) this.children.Add(childNode); } [/code] Line 3 gives me an… FTP Server Directory Treeview Programming Software Development by cVz …; + S.Substring(55) + "/"); TreeNode ChildNode = new TreeNode(); ChildNode.Text = S2.Substring(55); ParentNode.Nodes.Add(ChildNode); FTPLIB.ChangeDir("."); } } } } } [/CODE… Treeview Dynamic Display in ASP.NET Programming Web Development by vuyiswamb …["ID"]); TreeNode ParentNode = new TreeNode(); TreeNode ChildNode = new TreeNode(); ParentNode = (TreeNode)CurrNodes[Parent]; ChildNode = (TreeNode)CurrNodes[Child]; ParentNode.ChildNodes.Add… xml and cdata Programming Web Development by elkinsdu ….SelectSingleNode(@"RESPONSE/LOAN_DATA"); XmlNode childNode = node.ChildNodes[0]; if (childNode is XmlCDataSection) { XmlCDataSection cdataSection = childNode as XmlCDataSection; cData = cdataSection.Value; } [/code… Re: Problem in Validating txtfield Programming Web Development by fxm …' unique within the document? Exactly what characters are in the childNode.nodeValue that you think should match the id? Note: using… standpoint, using variable names that look like reserved words [childNodes,childNode] - even where it works - does not make your code any… xml and cdata Programming Web Development by KKKKKRTtTT ….SelectSingleNode(@"RESPONSE/LOAN_DATA"); XmlNode childNode = node.ChildNodes[0]; if (childNode is XmlCDataSection) { XmlCDataSection cdataSection = childNode as XmlCDataSection; cData = cdataSection.Value; } >… Re: Trying to use List.Exists in C# Programming Software Development by VernonDozier O.K., thanks. That clears some stuff up. I'll give it a shot. I'm actually wondering now, though, whether [ICODE]Contains[/ICODE] would be better than [ICODE]Exists[/ICODE] for my particular situation? [code] if ( !this.children.Contains (childNode) ) this.children.Add(childNode); [/code] Re: Trying to use List.Exists in C# Programming Software Development by selvaganapathy …] Usage [ICODE]if ( !this.children.Exists (MyPredicate) ) this.children.Add(childNode); [/ICODE] new to xslt Programming Software Development by nnobakht …;optionalNode></optionalNode> </parentNode> [/code] The childnode labled ChildNode1 is repeated several times (the values are identical… else must stay the same and the position of the childnode needs to be the first position it is found in… Selecting Nodes from Treeview Programming Software Development by bharanidharanit Hello sir, I am having treeview control and webbrowser control. I Having three nodes in treeview. Node0 -> ParentNode Node1 -> ChildNode Node2 -> ChildNode So when i click Node1, i want some webpage to be displayed in webbrowser control and similarly with node2. Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Programming Software Development by cVz …{ foreach (string filename2 in Child_Name) { TreeNode ChildNode = new TreeNode(filename2); ParentNode.Nodes.Add(ChildNode); } } } } }[/code] i get an error stating… Re: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Programming Software Development by cVz … (string filename2 in Child_Name) { TreeNode ChildNode = new TreeNode(filename2); ParentNode.Nodes.Add(ChildNode); } } treeView1.Nodes.Add(ParentNode); } } } [/code… Re: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Programming Software Development by cVz Look i know the problemo is this string[] Child_Name = GetChildFileList(); if (Child_Name != null) { foreach (string filename2 in Child_Name) { TreeNode ChildNode = new TreeNode(filename2); ParentNode.Nodes.Add(ChildNode); } } but i cant really bypass that one or can I ??? 2008 and XML problems Programming Software Development by TheMightySpud … to cycle through each element and extract each of the childnode values into it's own textbox so the user can… create a text box and a label for each 'control' childnode title (label) and value (textbox), the user will be able…