Chomp removing all characters in the line Programming Software Development by voidyman … @lines=<FIN>; close(FIN); foreach(@lines){ $msg=$_; chomp($msg); $msg=$msg.",".$datetime.",12/31/9999… $msg."\n"; } close(FOUT); If i remove the chomp though, it gives me the line of <FIN>… Re: Chomp removing all characters in the line Programming Software Development by 2teez … "can't open file: $!"; while (<$fh_in>) { chomp; $msg .= $_ . "," . $datetime . ",12/31/9999,AUTO… How to chomp and split properly a file Programming Software Development by notuserfriendly … so forth. Here is my implementation . i have not used chomp yet [CODE] #!/usr/bin/perl open (nastyfile , "file.txt… Re: How to chomp and split properly a file Programming Software Development by 7stud …, @col2, @col3); while (<$INFILE>) { next if /^\s*$/ or /^\./; chomp; my @pieces = split /\s+/; push (@col1, shift @pieces) if @pieces… Noobish Programming Software Development by scuba183 …); $temp=uc(param('last')); $last=chomp ($temp); $temp=param('area'); $areacode=chomp($temp); $temp=param('firstnum'); $first3=chomp($temp); $temp=param('secondnum'); $last4… Failing to add header and trailer to huge file using script! Programming Software Development by Sanjanapm … cut -d '=' -f 2`; chomp($OutputFile_CH_Filename); chomp($psv_file); # Here a zero byte file…3)}\' $SRC_DIR/$psv_file | head -1`; chomp($start_date); chomp($end_date); print "Start Date : … $TGT_DIR."/"."$OutputFile_CH_Filename"; chomp($Detail_File); #----------------- Create the Header Record … Re: Noobish Programming Software Development by scuba183 … problem in the [code=perl] $temp=uc(param('class')); $class=chomp ($temp); [/code] part, and not regarding the param('x'); call… script so that it doesn't convert to uppercase or chomp, and now it's working EDIT: Well now I feel… really stupid. $first=chomp($temp); would return the number of spaces removed, not the… Re: Noobish Programming Software Development by KevinADC bad, I also missed that. You should not assign a return value from the chomp function, it should just be: $var = "some value\n"; chomp($var); Note: chomp() only removes the input record seperator from the end of a line or string, which is generally a newline, it does not remove spaces. Perl/CGI (Reading Data) Part II Programming Computer Science by Comatose …little. Let's do that: [CODE] if (param()) { chomp($fname = param('fname')); chomp($lname = param('lname')); &start_page; } else { &…usr/bin/perl use CGI qw(:standard); if (param()) { chomp($fname = param('fname')); chomp($lname = param('lname')); &start_page; } else { &… Can't seem to find the problem... Programming Software Development by w0h0m … { print "\nEnter your login name: "; chomp($id = <STDIN>); print "\nEnter your… password: "; chomp($pass = <STDIN>); login($id, $pass); … msgInfo() { print "\nEnter message subject: "; chomp($subj = <STDIN>); print "\nEnter your … Dynamic program in perl Programming Software Development by shensteffi …; { for($j=0;$j<=$c;$j++) { chomp $a[$i][$j]; print"\t$a[$i][$j]&…1;$i<=$r;$i++) { $j=0; { chomp $a[$i][$j]; print"\t$a[$i][$j]"…i++) { for($j=0;$j<$v;$j++) { chomp($b[$i][$j]); } print"\n"; } … perl script help re: scope/structure for noob Programming Software Development by scotchfx … } else { print "\nunmatched line: $line \n"; chomp($line); #remove empty newlines in input file } } Scheduling loop (script… } else { print "\nunmatched line: $line \n"; chomp($line); #remove empty newlines in input file } } print "\… How to send Attachments using perl script Programming Software Development by sri2244 … (e.g "; chomp($ipadr=<STDIN>); print "\nEnter From …E-Mail Id : "; chomp($from=<STDIN>); print "\nEnter To E…-Mail Id : "; chomp($to=<STDIN>); print "\nEnter the Number…(e.g.100) : "; chomp($n=<STDIN>); for ($k=1;$k<… perl regular expression - search and extraction Programming Software Development by perly …quot;; while (my $line = <Dbase>){ chomp $line; my ($key, $value) = split(/s+:s+/,… $line, 2); chomp $key; chomp $value; $key =~ /([^s]+)/; $key = $1; $value =~ /(^s+)(.+)(… \n"; $input = <STDIN>; chomp $input; while (defined<$line>){ foreach $k… Re: perl regular expression - search and extraction Programming Software Development by perly …$!"; while (my $line = <Dbase>){ chomp $line; #$line =~ m/^\s*(\S+)\s*:\s*(.*)\s…reaction name for searching:"; $input=<>; chomp($input); if(exists $hash{$input}) { print DATA…reaction name for searching:"; $input=<>; chomp($input); if(exists $hash{$input}) { print DATA… Need help reading lists of Files and pasting columns of common files Programming Software Development by newbie21 …n"; while (<DATA1>){ if ($. > 0){ chomp; $ID1 = substr($line1, 1, 7); open (FILE, "$…n"; while (<DATA1>){ if ($. > 0){ chomp; $ID1 = substr($line2, 1, 7); open (FILE, "…$c=$FId[3] ; } while (<DAT>){ if ($.> 0){ chomp; @FId = split(' ', $_, -1); $d=$FId[1]; $e… update a master file with new data from an update file Programming by johntm …; my %seenmstr; my $Header_mstr = shift (@csvmaster); foreach (@csvmaster){ chomp (@csvmaster); $_ = uc $_ ; $_ =~ s/,//g; … my %seenupdte; my $Header_updte = shift (@csvupdate); foreach (@csvupdate){ chomp(@csvupdate); $_ = uc $_ ; $_ =~ s/,//g; #… Re: have some problems with pattern match hope you can help!! Programming Software Development by MojoS …while (defined (my $line = <IN>)) { chomp ($line); if ($line =~ m/^#/) { chomp ($line); #save the unimportant interval for later on… $dna = ''; } $headline = $line; }else { # Read the DNA chomp $line; $dna .= $line; }while ($buffer =~ /$fragment/gi){ print $headline… have some problems with pattern match hope you can help!! Programming Software Development by MojoS … my $comment =''; while (defined (my $line = <IN>)) { chomp ($line); if ($line =~ m/^#/) { if ($comment ne ''){ my ($character, …$dna = '';+ } $headline = $line; } else { # Read the DNA chomp $line; $dna .= $line; } } ######################### Thanks alot for your time, i… plz explain me wht does this script means.It is a perl script. Programming Software Development by damanjit …], $feeAmount[$currentFeeLine] ) = split( /,/, $line ); chomp $feeAmount[$currentFeeLine]; if ( $feeAmount[$currentFeeLine] eq "&…, $dummy, $co_costHighAmount, $co_costAmount ) = split( /,/, $line ); chomp $co_costAmount; if ( $co_costHighAmount eq "" ) { $co_costHighAmount … Question on Creating Hashes Programming Software Development by godevars … OUT file: $!\n"; while (<LIST>) { chomp; my @alpha = split(//,$_); my @alpha = sort @…_\n"; $i++; } while (<LIST2>) { chomp; s/\s+//g; print OUTPUT3 "$_\n"; } …while (<LIST3>) { chomp; s/\s+/,/g; s/\n/,/g; s/:/,/g; print… where would i find this information? Programming Software Development by 115cruiser … to screen, 2 to print to a file: '; chomp($outputOpt = <STDIN>); #chomp removes newline from input string print 'Search for…: '; chomp(my $searchPattern = <STDIN>); tie @lines, 'Tie::File', $inputFile, … Re: Reading from a file Programming Software Development by Comatose …file."); foreach $line (<LOGFILE>) { chomp($line); if($line eq "Raghu") { print… die ("couldn't read: $!\n"); # Error Checking chomp($var); print "$var\n"; } } close(LOGFILE); … die ("couldn't read: $!\n"); # Error Checking chomp($var); print "$var\n"; } } close(LOGFILE);… Another Perl Out Of Memory Post :( Programming Software Development by mattdaddym …>) { $line = $_; ($nodeid,$ext,$file) = split(/\t/, $line); chomp $nodeid; chomp $ext; chomp $file; ##### make sure we have a nodeID#### if( $nodeid… Re: perl regular expression - search and extraction Programming Software Development by perly …'t open $database $!"; while (my $line = <Dbase>){ chomp $line; $line =~ m/^\s*(\S+)\s*:\s*(.*)\s*\./; #$reacts{$1… "Enter reaction name for searching:"; $input=<>; chomp($input); if(exists $hash{$input}) { print DATA "$input,$hash… Re: perl regular expression - search and extraction Programming Software Development by Murtan …'t open $database $!"; while (my $line = <Dbase>){ chomp $line; $line =~ m/^\s*(\S+)\s*:\s*(.*)\s*\./; #$reacts{$1… "Enter reaction name for searching:"; $input=<>; chomp($input); if(exists $hash{$input}) { print DATA "$input,$hash… Re: perl regular expression - search and extraction Programming Software Development by perly …'t open $database $!"; while (my $line = <Dbase>){ chomp $line; $line =~ m/^\s*(\S+)\s*:\s*(.*)\s*\./; #$reacts{$1… "Enter reaction name for searching:"; $input=<>; chomp($input); if(exists $hash{$input}) { print DATA "$input,$hash… Unexpected output Programming Software Development by KAY111 …(FF,">vec2.txt"); while (<FILE>) { chomp($_); @arr=split("",$_); $len=@arr; for ($i…;&($arr[$i+2]==">")) { $line=""; chomp($line); $i=$i+4; do { $line=$line.$arr[$i…++]; chomp($line); } while (!(($arr[$i]=="<")&&($arr[$… Parsing & Calculating Programming Software Development by whoadiz …); print "Enter output file name \n"; chomp ($output = <STDIN>); chomp ($input = "in.txt"); open (IN, $input…); open (OUT, >"$output"); while (<IN>){ chomp; ($ID, $A, $B) = split ("\t"); #push @_, ($DIF… Perl write in a text file if no duplicate Programming Software Development by ghosh22 …"; $input=<STDIN>; $input1=<STDIN>; chomp $input; chomp $input1; open FILE, "C:/Software/new1.txt" or… die $!; while (<FILE>) { chomp; ($user)=split("\s"); if ($input=~/$user/) { print "…