ClearInterval() does not work immediately Programming Web Development by Sagarika_1 … this auto-toggle on click of any particular tab. The clearInterval() is getting called only after a cycle, and not immdetiately…;, function (event) { console.log("After clear interval" + stopVar); clearInterval(stopVar); }); clearInterval() : iframe & window communication problem Programming Web Development by gskoli … .... can i write some code in bidsupdate.cgi file to clearInterval But how .... waiting for reply thanks in advance Customized calendar control challenge Programming Web Development by jamello …;\"' onclick='javascript:decMonth()' onmouseout='clearInterval(intervalID1);swapImage(\"changeLeft\",\"… yearConstructed = true } } function popDownYear() { clearInterval(intervalID1) clearTimeout(timeoutID1) clearInterval(intervalID2) clearTimeout(timeoutID2) crossYearObj.visibility= "hidden… Re: Customized calendar control challenge Programming Web Development by jamello …;\"' onclick='javascript:decMonth()' onmouseout='clearInterval(intervalID1);swapImage(\"changeLeft\",\"… yearConstructed = true } } function popDownYear() { clearInterval(intervalID1) clearTimeout(timeoutID1) clearInterval(intervalID2) clearTimeout(timeoutID2) crossYearObj.visibility= "hidden… java script browser issue Programming Web Development by raviaaaa … + "</table>" yearConstructed = true } } function popDownYear() { clearInterval(intervalID1) clearTimeout(timeoutID1) clearInterval(intervalID2) clearTimeout(timeoutID2) crossYearObj.visibility= "hidden"… Accessing Bookmarklet Variables Programming Web Development by tjsail33 …else { // alert(str); } }; if (typeof w.clearInterval === 'undefined') { w.clearInterval = function() {}; } log('Loading AutoBop..'); if (typeof w…('AutoBop Cancelled!'); return false; } if (typeof w.clearInterval === 'undefined') { w.clearInterval = function() {}; } log('Loading AutoBop..'); if (… Enlarge image on mouseover Programming Web Development by User908 …event; if(evt.type=='mouseout') { clearInterval(TimerTo); stepsInc = 0; } …defImgSizeMT + "px"; } else { clearInterval(TimerTo); stepsInc = 0; } } } }… Help Postioning Sidebar on screen. OPEN ME! Programming Web Development by Confused@JS …body.scrollTop,((awmBef5)?0:document.documentElement.scrollTop));clearInterval(awmdsid);if ({var tmpEl… (csy!=awmlssy) awmlssy+=sny*sy;}else {clearInterval(awmdsid);}} function awmd(){var csx=Math.max(document….scrollTop));if (csx!=awmlsx || csy!=awmlsy){clearInterval(awmdsid);awmdsid=setInterval("awmDriftSmooth()",75);for… Conflicting Jquery Navigation/Image Gallery Programming Web Development by sassygray5 …+'px'} }, cl:function(e){e=typeof e=='object'?e:$(e); clearInterval(} } }(); TINY.height=function(){ return{ set:function(e,h…-parseInt(ho); var hd=oh-ho>h?-1:1; clearInterval(;{…,hd,s){ var oh=e.offsetHeight-ho; if(oh==h){clearInterval(}else{if(oh!=h){… Dynamic Resize DIV Digital Media UI / UX Design by dcarrillo18 … = pos + 'px'; } else if(pos >= finalPosition){ clearInterval(myTimer); } else { clearInterval(myTimer); alert('error increase'); } } function decreaseBorder(){ pos--; if(….height = pos + 'px'; } else if(pos <= finalPosition){ clearInterval(myTimer); } else { clearInterval(myTimer); alert('error increase'); } } Having issues with slide show Programming Web Development by dan3423 …going? if(pause) // Button say pause? { clearInterval(showing); pause=false; document.getElementById("pause").…interval_change) return; // Too slow already? interval-=interval_change; clearInterval(showing); if (pause==false) return; // Pausing?… jQuery gallery direction problem Programming Web Development by cgull ….scrollLeft(left); }, 10 ); $(this).css('opacity', 1); }, function() { has_scrolled = 0; clearInterval(thumbs_scroll_interval); $(this).css('opacity', 0.6); } ); }, _afterShow: function() { this.gallery_info… JS array to postgres Programming Web Development by FreePuppy … { document.getElementById('my_video').playbackRate = multiplier; } else { clearInterval(loop); //alert("playAt(" + cut[(document.getElementById('… { document.getElementById('my_video').playbackRate = multiplier; } else { clearInterval(loop); //alert("playAt(" + cut[(document.getElementById('… how to change options of this jquery slider Programming Web Development by Latrell_vie ….config.autoSlide) { activateInterval(); } return true; }; // Activate interval var activateInterval = function() { clearInterval(pgwSlider.intervalEvent); if (pgwSlider.slideCount > 1 && pgwSlider… Re: Dynamic Resize DIV Digital Media UI / UX Design by MattEvans … lose the ability to stop it with clearInterval(). You could avoid that by always calling clearInterval(myTimer) before creating a new interval. Need help with js mouseover Digital Media UI / UX Design by connor4312 …) { if (act) { if (objActive.nodeName == 'A') { = clrOrg; clearInterval(TimerID); act = 0; } } } function ChangeColor() { = makeColor(); } //============================================================================= // makeColor… dropdown menu Programming Web Development by attism … = document.getElementById(id + '-ddheader'); var c = document.getElementById(id + '-ddcontent'); clearInterval(c.timer); if(d == 1){ clearTimeout(h.timer); if(c… + '-ddheader'); var c = document.getElementById(id + '-ddcontent'); clearTimeout(h.timer); clearInterval(c.timer); if(c.offsetHeight < c.maxh){ c.timer… tooltips help Programming Web Development by public-image ….opacity = alpha * .01; = 'alpha(opacity=' + alpha + ')'; }else{ clearInterval(tt.timer); if(d == -1){ = 'none'} } }, hide…:function(){ clearInterval(tt.timer); tt.timer = setInterval(function(){tooltip.fade(-1)},timer… Re: tooltips help Programming Web Development by aquilax ….opacity = alpha * .01; = 'alpha(opacity=' + alpha + ')'; }else{ clearInterval(tt.timer); if(d == -1){ = 'none'} } }, hide…:function(){ clearInterval(tt.timer); tt.timer = setInterval(function(){tooltip.fade(-1)},timer… Re: tooltips help Programming Web Development by aquilax ….opacity = alpha * .01; = 'alpha(opacity=' + alpha + ')'; }else{ clearInterval(tt.timer); if(d == -1){ = 'none'} } }, hide…:function(){ clearInterval(tt.timer); tt.timer = setInterval(function(){tooltip.fade(-1)},timer… lavalamp menu issue Programming Web Development by geneh23 ….readyState=="loaded"||document.readyState=="complete"){clearInterval(jQuery.safariTimer);jQuery.safariTimer=null;jQuery.ready()}},10);jQuery…==4||a=="timeout")){f=true;if(i){clearInterval(i);i=null}var b;try{b=jQuery.httpSuccess…(!a[i]())a.splice(i--,1);if(!a.length)clearInterval(d)},13)}};{if(!e.orig)e… JavaScript animations Programming Web Development by laura301019 …()", 10*1000); started=true; } function endGame() { window.clearInterval(animation); window.clearInterval(startTimer); window.clearInterval(stopTimer); updateTimer(); started=false; } function moveBall() { xpos=xpos… If i submit two forms the two bars should move simultaneously Programming Web Development by cholleti.varaprasad … maxprogress = temp; if(actualprogress >= maxprogress) { clearInterval(itv); return; } var progressnum = document.getElementById("… progressnum.innerHTML = actualprogress; if(actualprogress == maxprogress) clearInterval(itv); } </script> </head&… Re: Dynamic Resize DIV Digital Media UI / UX Design by MattEvans ….getElementById('contentBorder'); pos = cnt.clientHeight; myVar = cnt.clientHeight; finalPosition = finalSize; clearInterval(myTimer); resize_element(finalPosition); } [/code] If you saw the edit; ignore… Javascript is not working on Firefox Programming Web Development by fifufifu … *= -1; if(parseInt( <= sw_w*n) { clearInterval(sw_interval); sw_interval = null; sw_x = 10; return; } } else { …if(parseInt( >= sw_w*n) { clearInterval(sw_interval); sw_interval = null; sw_x = 10; return; } } for(var… ScrollWidget is not working on Firefox, can someone help Programming Web Development by fifufifu …*= -1; if(parseInt( <= sw_w*n) { clearInterval(sw_interval); sw_interval = null; sw_x = 10; return; } } else { …if(parseInt( >= sw_w*n) { clearInterval(sw_interval); sw_interval = null; sw_x = 10; return; } } for(var… Help with scrolling image website, inconpatible with Firefox Programming Web Development by JPMountford … scrollDataLength * 100) + "%)"; if(loadedCount==scrollDataLength) { clearInterval(loadedID); finishedLoading(); } } function finishedLoading() { window.status = "… + delta + ");",20); } function stopScroll() { clearInterval(intervalID); intervalID = 0; } function moveStrip(delta) { if(!… php form mail inside the flash Programming Web Development by mhangman ….text = contact_subject.text = contact_message.text = message_status.text = ""; clearInterval(interval_id); gotoAndStop("stop"); }[/CODE] and send frame [CODE… gotoAndStop("stop");; } if( i >= 20 ) clearInterval(interval_id); i++; } var interval_id = setInterval(check_status, 400);[/CODE] Javascript Chat Programming Web Development by stephenalistoun …"); } } return xmlHttp; } function init() { loadURL("checkUpdate.php"); clearInterval(mTimer); mTimer = setTimeout("init()",1000); } function loadURL(url….send(null); document.getElementById("chatText").value = ""; clearInterval(mTimer); init(); } } </script>[/code] Thanks Stephen Re: Javascript Chat Programming Web Development by stephenalistoun …"); } } return xmlHttp; } function init() { loadURL("checkUpdate.php"); clearInterval(mTimer); mTimer = setTimeout("init()",1000); } function loadURL(url….send(null); document.getElementById("chatText").value = ""; clearInterval(mTimer); init(); } } </script> [/code] [code=php]<?php…