157 Topics

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Member Avatar for ZoMbiESsSZ

HI Guys. I'm trying to make my own lite program that can highlight specified chosen words (Syntax highlighting in short). I have a working method using Regex, but it is TOO SLOW. Here is what is currently: My Regex Statements: [CODE] public Regex SettingsAndComments = new Regex("--settings|-|", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); public Regex …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Kligham

Hi, I was wondering how I can get the coordinates of a specific color from a window? Is it possible. I did some research, but I only found to get a color from coordinates, but I need it the other way around. Atm I have this, I don't know if …

Member Avatar for Diamonddrake
Member Avatar for Mekonom

hi all..I am new on C# .My problem is I have a 1 combo box, list box and button . When I choose value on combobox it search on database nd shows on listbox. and I used OwnerDravFixed method..It works and when i change combobox value it show that some …

Member Avatar for sathya8819

Hi, I have this following code for RGB to HSL conversion, but I do not know how to use it to display my image. Can someone help out [CODE]var_R = ( R / 255 ) //RGB from 0 to 255 var_G = ( G / 255 ) var_B = ( …

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Member Avatar for masterofpuppets

hi everyone, I am trying to design an assembler program with Python using Tkinter and so far it is going pretty good. I just have one question: Is there anyway to change the text color of just a selected text using a text area? What I mean is, you know …

Member Avatar for masterofpuppets
Member Avatar for llemes4011

Hello! I'm writing a fractal generation application. I have the fractal part down, but I can't seem to get the coloring right. What I want to do is, as the number gets closer to infinity, the pixel it relates to's color should get darker (Black relating to infinity, The other …

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for ddanbe

You can make any color you like by setting the r, g and b values of a Color structure. But .NET has a set of predefined colors that you can use by name, so that you can simply set the backgroundcolor of a form with Color.LawnGreen for instance. Ever wondered …


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