Question Answering with YouTube Videos Using RAG in LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 In previous articles, I explained how to use natural language to interact with [PDF documents]( and [SQL databases](… '30% of Activities Performed by Humans Could Be Automated with AI' Community Center by Johannes C. **Alexander De Ridder, AI visionary and CTO of SmythOS, discusses the transformative power of specialized AI systems and the future of human-AI collaboration.** ![header-agi-talks-adr.jpg]( In the newest interview of our AGI Talks series, **Alexander De Ridder** … Re: This is me venting Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani > what was missing was a programming hub of news / forum / interviews I have always been a strong proponent of having editorial (news, tutorials, interviews, etc.) complement the user-generated forum discussions. In the past, well over 50% of our gross revenue from advertising went straight into paying for staff writers. IMHO we used to have … Re: Backlink Indexing issue Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Dani Make sure the backlinks are on pages that are not noindexed (they neither have a meta noindex tag nor a noindex http header), as well as the pages’ URLs not matching any rule on their website’s robots.txt file. Additionally, make sure that the page on your own website the backlink points to doesn’t match a rule on your site’s own robots.txt … Re: Determine if email address is used by scammer Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by Puterwiz82 Thank you. It seems based on the email on Friday, they got mad I reposted it to spam. The same supposed police department has contacted previously. I attached the recent emails. ![IMG_3185.jpeg]( Re: Eero plus vs NextDNS Hardware and Software by rproffitt Why either? kicks it around and I can't see why to use either. Re: What's the most unexpected hobby or interest you have outside of coding? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by toneewa With "Tennis Elbow", it’s the tendons that connect these muscles to the bones that are primarily affected by this condition. Tendons, which connect muscles to bones, are primarily composed of collagen, a protein that requires several key nutrients for its formation and function. Vitamin A: It can help enhance collagen development. … Re: Eero plus vs NextDNS Hardware and Software by rproffitt HTTPS and DNS? Why not use the Brave browser then? Too much to type about that here so read how to set up at Then again, why aren't you using a VPN and calling it a day? Re: This is me venting Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Reverend Jim Also, in non-computing over the years I have heard comments like "if only I hadn't stopped for coffee I would have missed that accident, or several other variations. The thing is you never know what would have happened if you had made different decisions. Certainly making a different decision may have resulted in things being better. Or they … Re: This is me venting Community Center Meta DaniWeb by jkon Dani , yes I also believe that you are responsible for the decline of DaniWeb .... BUUUT that was many years ago. We all foreseen the decline of "forums" back in early 2010's , there were many alternatives of what to do , and I strongly believe that you choose the wrong one. I will not repeat what you did or what you could be done … Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by david.tigner More problems. I incorporated the coding Biiim provided. Before any changes, after submission, would display the correct (yellow) screen. After code changed, not only will still not send email but screen turns blank white. URL provider, IONOS, told me that the Host is and the Username and password are for an email address associated … Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by Biiim In your code where you write `mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers);` if you want to get error messages or "do something if it fails" you need to alter it a bit to something like: if(mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers)){ //if successful do something }else{ //if error do something else } //or… Paris Olympics Chatbot- Get Ticket Information Using Chat-GPT and LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 I was searching for Paris Olympics ticket prices for tennis games recently. The official website directs you to a [PDF document]( containing ticket prices and venues for all the games. However, I found the PDF document to be very hard to navigate. To make things easier, I … Slaying Unicorns: How Europe Sabotages Its Own Economic Future Community Center by Johannes C. **With the decline of industry and post-colonial exploitation, Europe should aim to become a global leader in the tech and service industry. But as the EU increasingly complicates the process for startups to thrive, the economic outlook appears bleak.** If you've missed recent AI news, **[Claude Opus now outperforms GPT-4 in most areas](https://… Using Natural Language to Query SQL Databases with Python LangChain Module Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 The advent of large language models (LLM) has replaced complex scripts with natural language for automating various tasks. You can now use LLM to interact with your databases using natural language, which makes life easier for people who do not have sufficient SQL knowledge. In this article, you will learn how to retrieve information from SQL … Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by Biiim Hi David, > More problems. I incorporated the coding Biiim provided. Before any changes, after submission, would display the correct (yellow) screen. After code changed, not only will still not send email but screen turns blank white. URL provider, IONOS, told me that the Host is and the Username and password are for an email… Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by Dani I wonder if the problem is that your php mail() function is configured to use SMTP in your php.ini file. A lot of SMTP servers switched over the past year or so to using XOAuth2 for authentication. A username + password in your config settings will no longer suffice to establish a connection. You can see me complaining about it [here](https://www.… AirTM API: How to Build a Form? Programming Web Development by FarrisFahad Hello, I am somewhat new to APIs. I have integrated PayPal payments successfully. With PayPal, I can send the user to the payment page using an HTML form. Here is an example ... <!-- PAYPAL --> <form action="" method="POST" name="_cart"> <input… Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by Biiim You don't need composer or access to the php.exe. just locate the PHPmailer Directory into your web root, to keep it simple and the require links should point to where it is located. mine is `require 'includes/PHPMailer/src/PHPMailer.php';` cause I put it in a folder called includes, this should be relative to the file that is using it.… Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by Dani To clarify, I am suggesting: [...] //make your email body to send here $survey = " General Inquiries" . "\r\n" . "\r\n" . "Name: " . $_POST['Name'] . "\r\n" . "E-mail Address: " . $_POST['Email'] . "\r\n&… Paris Olympics Ticket Information Chatbot with Memory Using LangChain Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 In my previous article, I explained how I developed a simple chatbot using LangChain and Chat-GPT that can answer queries related to Paris Olympics ticket prices. However, one major drawback with that chatbot is that it can only generate a single response based on user queries. It can not answer follow-up questions. In short, the chatbot has no … VB2010- why i get a different vertical size\color on RayCasting? Programming Software Development by cambalinho these is the VB6 function for RayCasting: Private Sub DrawRays() Dim StepX As Double Dim StepY As Double Dim VertX As Double Dim VertY As Double Dim HorizX As Double Dim HorizY As Double Dim MapX As Long Dim MapY As Long… Re: AirTM API: How to Build a Form? Programming Web Development by pritaeas You can choose PHP in the dropdown above the sample code. That way you can see what your PHP should contain. 'Prepare for the Earliest Possible AGI Deployment Scenario' Community Center by Johannes C. **Despite the uncertain timeline for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) becoming a reality, we need to assure responsible and ethical development today – says Jen Rosiere Reynolds.** ![header-agi-talks1.png]( As part of our new **AGI Talks**, experts from … Re: And so the cookie crumbles... Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani > My decision were based on the "arrogance" of some moderators, it seemed that the entire site moved away from being a community service to a "I am the boss, do as I say" environment. AndreRet, based on your [latest post](… How can I upload a tar.bz2 file to openstack swift object storage container Programming Software Development by Hanginium65 I wrote a Python script that included the python-swiftclient module to connect to the OpenStack Object Storage and upload some files to the OpenStack Object Storage container It works great if I upload a file that ends with the extension .gz however, I’m getting an error regarding the ‘TarFile’ object having no attribute ‘read’ after running my … Lots of new members but no one posts Community Center Meta DaniWeb by Dani As [you can see here](, we get lots of new members signing up every day, but nearly no one posts. This has been true for decades and decades now. Anyone care to hypothesize why all these people sign up if not to contribute? #Lurker How Build video-player in html And css ? Programming by Kirubel_2 <head><title>navigation</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/nav.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/tutorial.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/vedio.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="… Display product filter on all products category Programming Web Development by ianhaneybs I have a opencart 2.3 store and I have downloaded a extension that shows all products on one page, it creates a category called All and displays all products in that category. It's working all ok but I would like to have the product filter displayed in the left column so it's the same as the other categories. For example the category here … Mariadb10.11.6 Glarea single failed node startup stuck failure Programming Databases by mx_983 Basic background information Mariadb Ver 15.1 District 10.11.6 MariaDB Glarea cluster, one with three nodes: Node1: Node2: Node3: Among them, Node1 node was restarted after a power outage of 1 hour, and after executing the system ctl start mariadb, it was stuck for a long time (running for 6 hours) …