9 Topics

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Member Avatar for lps

Good day, I having a problem where creating my setting table as condition below column User_id setting effective_date effective_end_date Row 1: 1 ABC 2017-03-01 2018-02-28 Row 2: 1 DEF 2018-03-01 2019-03-01 I wish to add a constraint to block if same user add in a setting with the effective_date or …

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Member Avatar for abhijit_2

Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails .this error occured then what can i do.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

Dear All ! I have a table member_email. i have 4 columns in it. Id Email CellNumber Carrier I want to create constraint who check following conditions, 1-Email can be null if Cellnumber is given , and Cellnumber can be null if email is given. 2-both email and cell number …

Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam
Member Avatar for Chesico

I'm using the statement insert into Oscar.MenuItem (idMenuItem, name, description, price, idCategory, code, sortIndex) select * from menItem; The result is: Error: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`Oscar`.`MenuItem`, CONSTRAINT `fk_MenuItem_Category1` FOREIGN KEY (`idCategory`) REFERENCES `Category` (`idCategory`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for agr8lemon

I'm a bit of a SQL newbie so I'm wondering if you can help me. I've looked on Google it for some time, but maybe I'm not using the proper terms. Here is my question: I have TableA that has the following columns: ID(PK), location, departA, departB. I would like …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for Dino000

I want my combo box's value to be .Items[i]. Item is of type DataRowView. My combo boxes are binded by database. Value member of cmbx is IDplayer in database. Selected value is playersBindingSource - IDplayer. This is the error: Column 'IDplayer' is constrained to be unique. Value '2' is already …

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for aabi

HI GUYS .. im trying to make foreign key relation between whishlist_tbl(foreign) table and account_tbl(primary key) table both are integer data container ## scenario ## i have user deatail table that is account_tbl and whish list table i.e wishlist_tbl i want that when user make a wish book then he …

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Member Avatar for iamthesgt

This is homework. I have to create two tables with certain constraints. However, I keep getting syntax errors, and I really have no clue exactly how to format it because there are so many different 'templates' out there. Here is what I have so far. [CODE] create table Departments (Department_ID …

Member Avatar for dan420
Member Avatar for lafigueroa

I would like to know if I drop a constaint on a column whether Oracle will automatically change other constraints that involve that column? The reason I ask is because for two days in a row when I dropped constaints on a column that related constraint had the very same …

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The End.