158 Topics

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Member Avatar for dmurder
Member Avatar for Dr.Cooper

So I have problem with a code I am writing, when I write a string to a text document, I get the following error; "Conversion from string "1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55" to type 'Integer' is not valid." Please help; code below. Thanks in advance! …

Member Avatar for ANXIOUS117
Member Avatar for jengah27

I'm a little new to c++. I have written a code for a base conversion program. It handles base conversion between bases 2-36 and stops when the user enters "0". I have written the program, however I still need to make it convert whole numbers instead of just integers. Ex: …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for techieinvents

Hi Dear Danimates, I have developed one tool with the help of Swing components. Is there any possibility to convert that application into JSP.. Bcz i need that application to be in the form of Struts. So help me.....

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Morbane

I have a basic knowledge of C++ but mostly in a limited fashion. I am building an API and I need to send the resulting string to a text box in a Modal Dialog. I will not need to manipulate the string beyond sending it to the text box. The …

Member Avatar for Morbane
Member Avatar for madawa123

Hi guys, I hv the two coordinates of the map. Top left : 37 44 55.49S 144 52 30.73E bottom right: 37 47 54.43S 144 57 59.54E my map is a rectangle with 500width 800height. I want to get the mouse pointer in terms of lat long in degrees and …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Reliable

Hello Everyone, I am having the hardest time converting an FLV file. I've been using AVS video converter and even downloaded a couple of freeware programs, but nothing wants to render the video AND the audio. The FLV plays just fine and when I convert--no matter what format I convert …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for Exercitus

Hello, I have a program assignment that is supposed to that converts decimal numbers to binary, hexadecimal, and BCD. I am having an issue with keep the leading zeros on the binary. I have used a recursive function to output a binary conversion. [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for Smithy566

Hi all, I'm trying to create a method in [B]managed c++[/B] which will convert an int to a string representation of binary. I have done this in C# before, but I can't work out how to do it in Managed C++ Below is the code from my C# effort that …

Member Avatar for Milton Neal
Member Avatar for dorien

Hi, I found a number of post talking about this in C, but could not solve it in C++. I have 4 hex characters to represent a length. These need to be stored like this, in the case where length=16 ([URL="http://www.easycalculation.com/decimal-converter.php"]this online converter[/URL] told me that 16 converts to A …

Member Avatar for dorien
Member Avatar for guru_iyer

I've been trying to display the equivalent decimal number of the input binary number. I tried the below piece of code but am not achieving the result. I don't seem to understand why? Please Help!! [CODE] #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> int a=0; int main() { char bin[8]; int i=0,len=0,r=0,w; printf("Enter a …

Member Avatar for volvo877
Member Avatar for EverWebby

I am trying to convert my CMS to SQLite for easy and quicker deploy-ability. Performance wise, I heard that SQLite might be the way to go. At any rate, I am having the hardest time with trying to convert my mysql database to a SQLite database. Having reviewed and downloaded …

Member Avatar for phpstan
Member Avatar for Sunshineserene

Hi, I have a problem with my codes now. I've actually extracted the column of information that I need from a text file. However, now I need to convert the output of the file to something that I specify, but I don't know how to do it. It is actually …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for pawan_sharma777

5. Write a program to automatically generate the telephone numbers. The requirements are as follows: Declare a character array to hold a 7-digit telephone number •Accept the telephone number as a string. The first four digits is the department code and the last three digits is the telephone number. (Example: …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for Patplays852

Below is a Base Conversion Class that will take in any number (up to around 2.4 billion digits (limited by string.substring's integer property)), It will convert from any base to any base (from 2-36 inclusive) It does have some simple error handling such as if you enter a number that …

Member Avatar for jefferlyn92
Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for flyblackbox

Is it possible to connect Paypal and Google Analytics? I want to know what website is leading to sales of my product. For each sale, I want to know what external website the buyer was directed from. (Example: If all of my sales come from Facebook, I can concentrate more …

Member Avatar for flyblackbox
Member Avatar for Griff0527

Another new coder here, and yes, I am a student. I am NOT asking for a solution, but I am asking for guidance to point me in the right direction. I am supposed to write a code that receives input from the terminal as to the temperature in Fahrenheit and …

Member Avatar for Griff0527
Member Avatar for sri_sreeraj

Hi, I am a dot net beginner. I have learned programming in c# for website developing. Now I would like to learn vb.net . So I am trying to convert one of my previous work from c# to vb. But now I am facing a problem while converting to vb. …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for cyon

Given s.ss or seconds accurate to the hundredth place, what is the most effective way to convert it to the string mm:ss.s? Here is my current attempt: [CODE]import time def convert(t): print time.strftime("%M:%S",time.gmtime(round(t,1)))+str((".%01d" % (((round(t,1))-int(round(t,1)))*10))) t = float(raw_input('Enter time in s.ss: ')) convert(t)[/CODE] However, the results don't seem quite right: …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for riccardo-m

Hi, I have a circuit that charges a capacitor and discharges it. The length of the discharge pulse is supposed to be determined by the ADC value from a POT. The pot is wired as a voltage divider and I have tested that the voltage to the pic pin varies …

Member Avatar for riccardo-m
Member Avatar for GPPK

Hi Guys, I'm really interested in C++ and am currently making a basic Text based poker game. on a sideline to this does anyone know any simple encryption code or where to start when doing this? For instance taking a text file (.txt or even .doc?) and creating your own …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for spikeru

I am a very new beginner so please excuse my ignorance. I literally started learning c++ 3 days ago. I am attempting to read a file and split each line into 2 arrays. The first half the line is just text and i would like to store it for re-output …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for nathanurag

[CODE=c] #include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> main() { int i=0,j,c,s[100]; double t=0; while((c=getchar())!='\n') { s[i]=c; ++i; } for(j=i;j>0;--j) { t=t+(s[i-1]*(pow(16,(4-((double)i))))); --i; } printf("%d",(int)t); return 0; } [/CODE] HI, i need to write a program that converts an hexadecimal number into integer form (for convenience i'm only considering hexadecimal no. without alphabets from a …

Member Avatar for adnan.siddique
Member Avatar for Firewolf

Hi, I have 13 OpenOffice Impress files (ODP) with a total of about 300 slides containing text and pictures. I need to convert these into 1 OpenOffice Writer file (ODT). I have been trying and searching for some time now, but I didn't found a good solution yet... besides manually …

Member Avatar for vegaseat

Convert a decimal (denary) integer to a binary string. An exercise in do ... while and while loops.

Member Avatar for arun26
Member Avatar for jagan605

i recently started typing the code for the program to convert a binary number to its decimal form and i got stuck when my compiler reported this error. this is what i have typed till now. [CODE]#include<iostream> using namespace std; #include<math.h> main() { int n,s=0,k=0,a,b,c; cout<<"\n\n\tPROGRAM TO CONVERT BINARY TO …

Member Avatar for jagan605
Member Avatar for xxunknown321

I need help with writing a program for converting int numbers to words. For example, the number 713 would be translated into the string "seven hundred thirteen", and 8203 would be translated into "eight thousand two hundred three". The class should have a single integer member variable: - int number; …

Member Avatar for pulizziva
Member Avatar for dagohbah

I'm having horrible trouble trying to get this converter to work. If more code is needed, please feel free to let me know. The function I'm having trouble with getting the numbers to convert right is OctalIntoDecimal. The number it is trying to convert is a 9 in decimal...which should …

Member Avatar for William Hemsworth

Here's a function that manually converts an integer to any base between 2 and 36, the parameter list is: [CODE]void toBase( int value, // Integer value to convert char *target, // Pointer to a large enough buffer int base, // Base (from 2 to 36) int fixedDigitCount // The minimum …

Member Avatar for William Hemsworth

The End.