184 Topics

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Member Avatar for channsoung

I am having a problem in counting the user that visit to a website of mind using php. I want to count those user by day, week, month, in total and store them in MYSQL database. I have been searching through lots of site and still cannot figure it out …

Member Avatar for tomato.pgn
Member Avatar for Muhammad Anas

I am trying to create a program that, after inputing a text file, can: 1) Count number of lines in the text file. 2) Count number of words in the file. 3) Count number of characters in the file [B][U]including[/U][/B] white spaces. 4) Count number of characters in the file …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for SEOKRU

Hi, I've got a page that I would like to count how many times a each button or hyper-link was clicked, Basically it's what "google in-page analytics" dos'nt succeed to do in my site. 1. Is there a script that does it? 2. What is the best way to store …

Member Avatar for benjaminFowl87
Member Avatar for codeyy

Hi! I am supposed to only use the "procedural fragment of C++", i.e. no object-oriented programming (like cin, cout etc). Vectors are not allowed either. So, one of my goals is to count the number of lines in a text file (let's call it train1.in) which contains data like: [ICODE] …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for alex1050

[CODE]#include <stdio.h> cant figure it out, im trying to count all digits please help with this bugs int main() { int iochar, numdigits=0, numlower=0, numupper=0, numwhites=0; printf("Please enter a phrase:\n\n"); while((iochar=getchar())!=EOF) { if ((iochar='\o ')||(iochar='\t')||(iochar='\n')) { numwhites++; putchar(iochar); } else if((iochar>='0')&&(iochar<='9')) { numdigits++; putchar(iochar); } else if(('a'<=iochar)&&(iochar<='z')) { numlower++; putchar(iochar-32); …

Member Avatar for alex1050
Member Avatar for ukfreak

Hi i have been trying to get the results for the code below and i can't seem toget myself around it. I need to get the results according to the myKad and Student Name on How many times the student has answered Excellent, Satisfaction and Poor for each question, each …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for salty11

this code is meant to input words from file, and output to file the amount of letters in them and how many words there are [CODE]#include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<fstream> #include<cmath> #include<conio.h> #define in_file "data.txt"//input file name #define out_file "result.txt"//output file name using namespace std; void inputwords(int&, int&); void outputwords(int, int); ifstream …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Vega_Knight

Hi masters,, how can i count how many words in sentences using pascal? thanks before and best regards.

Member Avatar for Vega_Knight
Member Avatar for dizzyboy

Im a beginner in C,Can anyone help me? :?: I have problems when I encounter double or multiple spaces between words. [CODE] #include <stdio.h> FILE *fpr; int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { if ((fpr = fopen(argv[1],"r")) == 0) { printf ("\nFile %s Don't Exist!\n", argv[1]); } fprintf (fpr,"%d",count()); return(0); } count() …

Member Avatar for dizzyboy
Member Avatar for az_ez

I've been trying the last few days to get this code to work but it still wont return the exact numbers. Its always atleast like 10 characters off and it probably is a trivial answer but I cant find the solution. I've initialized the charCount to 0 but still it …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for cheers07

HELP!! can someone please help me, because i need to create a game in which i have to count how many times i've pressed enter in a matter of 1 minute.

Member Avatar for cheers07
Member Avatar for Alice1990

This is a file named InBoundData.txt [TEX] 1 B777 850 Paris KL 9395 11.40 am 6 2100 2 B747 900 Lon KL 10000 12.30 pm 7 2100 3 A380 900 LA KL 16800 10.30 am 15 2750 4 A340 850 CapeTOWN kL 9580 12.10 pm 6 3000 5 A330 800 …

Member Avatar for Alice1990
Member Avatar for holmiboii

Hallo daniweb!, Im new here *hehe* anyway I've been working on our companys website for a while now but I just cant get it to work... the error is @ the 26:th line. btw we're using: Cirtex hosting the defination "myusername" and "mypassword" is in the prev. .php file (main_login.php) …

Member Avatar for holmiboii
Member Avatar for SEOCoder

Hi all, This is my first post on this forum, I hope someone here can help because the last few forums were at a loss... Any ways, I have this MYSQL command: [CODE]SELECT DISTINCT schedule_date, schedule_time, schedule_team_1, schedule_team_2, event_name, type_name, gen_duration, COUNT(DISTINCT((SELECT id FROM link_schedules WHERE schedule_id = schedules.schedule_id UNION …

Member Avatar for SEOCoder
Member Avatar for DarkLightning7

I cant seem to find the problem with this program I am building as a learning exercise. I am getting errors referenced to extremely simple pieces of code. In the output the first thing that should be printed is the random double number that the program selects then it should …

Member Avatar for DarkLightning7
Member Avatar for CharliePrynn

I have this code. I need to loop through it, until button 2 is pressed. I also want to count how many times its looped and show how many times in a label. [code]Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load WebBrowser1.Navigate("www.WEBSITEHERE.COM") End …

Member Avatar for Unhnd_Exception
Member Avatar for mcmc1212

My text file is delimited (2 fields (text & numeric)). I'm trying to get the output into columnar format and include a count of the # of records following the columnar format. My text file is separated by commas. So far I can only read the text file. Here is …

Member Avatar for Mitja Bonca
Member Avatar for arthurav

I have some text in a block with a certain width. I can count the number of lines in the text with substr($text,"<br />" but this is not the same with the number of line of the formatted text at that width. Is there a way to calculate that? Thank …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for henryford

I need help counting the number of attempts to guess the right number. I can't seem to get the total number. I get an output like this 0+1+1+1+1+1 and so on. [CODE] secretNumber=$(( ((`date +%S`) % 59) +1 )) guess=-1 count=0 while [ "$guess" != "$secretNumber" ]; do count=$count+1 echo …

Member Avatar for shibblez
Member Avatar for tdba.316

Hi~ I've been stuck with this exercise for quite a few days. It's in a book I'm currently self-studying, C++ primer plus. The exercise requires using C syntax, while the exercise which follows this one requires using string objects instead, so i guess this is the appropriate forum^^. It is …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Shankye
Member Avatar for wazaa

I have just started using python and am trying to write a program that generates 200 random numbers in the range (1,50),then counts the number of occurrences of each number and prints the frequency of occurrence. I have created the part of the code which generates the random numbers. I …

Member Avatar for wazaa
Member Avatar for Sorcher

How can i count files in a folder but only the files starting with 15_ before the file name?

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Armistice

Hi. Another newbie here looking for some insight. I have a menu drivin program with 5 functions. got first 3 down and the 4th wants me to read a plain text fil and output the length of the longest line. I know as far as getline(infile,str). where str is just …

Member Avatar for Armistice
Member Avatar for scobie

Hi Folks, I'm a noob but I'm slowly getting addicted to python. I've been hitting a wall for about 4 hours trying various things to no avail. It looks to me like it should work and runs without error but.... I expect the blockcount counter to be high (but it's …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for stud02

I have a working c file which count lines from a text file. Is there a function that filters out lines with comments(lines started with //)? So when I load in a text file with a c code, it only has to count the lines without comment.

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for chintan_1671

Hi i have a code which counts no of lines in a code. I want something like it reads a file and counts all lines in a code. Ex: ls cd date ls ls cd cd ls cd ls I want to print output like: ls cd # 2 date …

Member Avatar for chintan_1671
Member Avatar for reeves14

Need help counting the # of days between two dates (ex: 1/2/10 and 1/24/10) Better yet, the # of hours would be a great alternative.

Member Avatar for iceandrews
Member Avatar for ahmedeqbal

Hello Friends, I need your help...! i want to create one function...! if string has total Character's [B]'160'[/B] or 'Less' then 160 ? I'll get just '[B]1[/B]' in result...! if string Character limit [B]'double'[/B] (160+160) = [B]320[/B]? But not [B]Less[/B] then 160? I'll get [B]'2'[/B] in result...! same triple limit …

Member Avatar for ahmedeqbal
Member Avatar for Ptap03

Hello, I'm new to this thread but have referenced to it before many times. I have finally joined thanks to all the great responses I have read in the past. Okay, I recieved an assignment which is as follow... "Declare a dynamic array of Person to store the information of …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier

The End.