cPLUSPLUS Programming Software Development by SHE.RE give example of a C++ program that sorts list of integers. The list should have a size of power of two. Example: list size = 2, 4, 8, 16… Algorithm 1. Divide the array into two lists until a single element remains in any list While merging given two sorted lists pull out the smallest element from the heads. Re: cPLUSPLUS Programming Software Development by deceptikon We won't do your homework for you. What have you tried? Re: cPLUSPLUS Programming Software Development by SHE.RE give example of a C++ program that sorts list of integers. The list should have a size of power of two. Example: list size = 2, 4, 8, 16… Algorithm 1. Divide the array into two lists until a single element remains in any list While merging given two sorted lists pull out the smallest element from the heads. cPLUSPLUS Programming Software Development by SHE.RE give an example for a C++ program that sorts list of integers. The list should have a size of power of two. Example: list size = 2, 4, 8, 16… Algorithm 1. Divide the array into two lists until a single element remains in any list While merging given two sorted lists pull out the smallest element from the heads. Re: cPLUSPLUS Programming Software Development by deceptikon I can play that game too. We won't do your homework for you. What have you tried? Re: cPLUSPLUS Programming Software Development by ddanbe I normally (just as decepticon) don't give solutions to homework. I'll make an exception this time: ref class Resource { private: bool disposed; public: Resource() { disposed = false; } ~Resource() // IDisposable { Dispose(true); } protected: !Resource()… Re: cPLUSPLUS Programming Software Development by vani krishnan Hey, try something.. We'll help u make it right. Asking for the complete solution is not encouraged here.. Sorry! Defining structure for a scenarios Programming Software Development by t3bruce Cplusplus question I need assistance with defining structures: 1. Write the … Inheritance PreferredCustomer class Programming Software Development by bit9435 …'s the next part i had the trouble with... [code=cplusplus] // PreferredCustomer.h class PreferredCustomer { private: double total; double … this because there were so many distractions around me... [code=cplusplus] double PreferredCustomer::getpurchasesAmount() { total = t; return t; } … Need help with program segments Programming Software Development by NinjaLink …item of a queue leaving the queue unchanged[/B] [CODE=Cplusplus] if (!p.QueueIsEmpty() ) { p.deleteQueue(v); } … in a queue leaving the queue unchanged[/B] [CODE=Cplusplus] if (q.QueueIsEmpty()) { for (i = q.front…B]5. Reverse the elements in a queue[/B] [CODE=Cplusplus] while (!s.QueueIsEmpty()) { p.DeleteQueue(v); } p.AddQueue… User Input: Strings and Numbers [C++] Programming Software Development by John A …code, and this is how your entire program looks: [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream> #include <string>… number will be put into a string instead): [code=cplusplus]#include <iostream> #include <string>…[/inlinecode] to convert the string back into a number: [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream> #include <string> … Initializing a member of a class with another const/destructor! Programming Software Development by JoBe … true; while (gameLoop) { gameLoop = false; } return 0; }[/code] [code=cplusplus]#include "second.h" class first { public: first(); ~first…(); private: second *mySecond; };[/code] [code=cplusplus]#include "first.h" first::first() { mySecond = new second… Need help with.........inheritance.........i can resolve the errors Programming Software Development by kemboy … string getType(); void showDetails(); }; #endif [/code] [code=cplusplus] ///////implementation//////////////////// //appication.cpp #include<iostream> using std…<<Type<<endl; } [/code] [code=cplusplus] ///////////derive class////////// //application.h #ifndef APPLICATION_MAIN_H #define APPLICATION_MAIN_H … Problem of operator overloading in eclipse Programming Software Development by veeraiyan … main.cpp ************************************************************/ [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream>… m3; } [/code] [code=cplusplus] /************************************************************************************/ use.cpp ********************************************************************************/ #include"… Re: User Input: Strings and Numbers [C++] Programming Software Development by wyujack …code, and this is how your entire program looks: [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream> #include <string>… number will be put into a string instead): [code=cplusplus]#include <iostream> #include <string>…[/inlinecode] to convert the string back into a number: [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream> #include <string> … Re: User Input: Strings and Numbers [C++] Programming Software Development by Jasper_90 … and this is how your entire program looks: [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream> #include <string&…] to convert the string back into a number: [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream> #include <string>… your first example, it would work like this: [code=cplusplus] #include <iostream> #include <string>… Re: Initializing a member of a class with another const/destructor! Programming Software Development by vijayan121 …type, using value semantics would be simpler: [code=cplusplus]#include "second.h" class first { …one option is to disable copy and assignment. [code=cplusplus]#include "second.h" class first { public:…of transfer of ownership on copy or assignment [code=cplusplus]#include "second.h" class first { public… Re: Please Help Urgent !!! aNnna :(( Programming Software Development by VernonDozier … line { private: // code public: // code }; #endif [/code] [code=cplusplus] // Filename : line.cc #include "line.h" // code [/code… point { private: // code public: // code }; #endif [/code] [code=cplusplus] // Filename : point.cc #include "point.h" // code [/code… Re: Need help with program segments Programming Software Development by NinjaLink …: [B]Swap top 2 elements in a stack[/B] [CODE=Cplusplus] s.pop(v); s.pop(e); s.push(v); s…); [/CODE] [B]Duplicate top element in a stack[/B] [CODE=Cplusplus] s.pop(v); s.push(v); s.push(v); [/CODE… elements in the stack from top to bottom[/B] [CODE=Cplusplus] while (!s.isempty()) { s.pop(v); cout<<v… Re: So Lost writing this program... Programming Software Development by eDeloa … needs to be written correctly. The correct syntax is: [code=cplusplus] while (grade < THIS || grade > THAT) { // statements } [/code]… proper format for a for-loop is as follows: [code=cplusplus] For (initialization; test; update;) { // statements } // for example For (… pls help me convert this c++ to C# Programming Software Development by masterjiraya …0; }[/code] the quad.h [code=cplusplus] // Base Class Quadrilateral // // //*************************************************************… // Call Destructor };[/code] and the square.h [code=cplusplus] // //DERIVED CLASS SQUARE // //************************************************************* //Devived Class square.h… Link List with an embedded stack C++ Programming Software Development by JustLearning … some reason it is illuding me Ministack header provided [code=cplusplus] #ifndef MINISTACK_H #define MINISTACK_H const int MINI_STACK_SIZE = 5;…~MiniStack(); // Destructor }; #endif [/code] Big stack header [code=cplusplus] #ifndef BIGSTACK_H #define BIGSTACK_H #include "ministack.h" struct… loop 'j' in subroutine starterequive Programming Software Development by shamila08 … } [/code] and then the output as follows: [code=cplusplus] Enter the number of elements: 4 1234 1243 1342 1324…head. then i just wondering about this routine [code=cplusplus] void starterequiv(int *arr, int start, int SIZE)…// end outer loop } } [/code] with the loop 'j' [code=cplusplus] for (j = i+1 ; j < SIZE; j++) [/code… Passing an object to an object troubles Programming Software Development by OwenRoberts …cpp into an object. [code] owen@Aineko:~/programming/cplusplus/Complex$ g++ -c ComplexNum.cpp -o ComplexNum.o… owen@Aineko:~/programming/cplusplus/Complex$ [/code] Now, here is the output for….cpp into an object. [code] owen@Aineko:~/programming/cplusplus/Complex$ g++ -c ComplexCalc.cpp -o ComplexClac.o… Win32 - WM_PAINT and 'Button Windows' Programming Software Development by Icebone1000 …donne! ( NULL apaga tudo ) }break; [/code] [code=cplusplus] //THE BUTTON CREATION: HWND gsp_button1; gsp_button1 = CreateWindow( TEXT("…hInstance, NULL ); //instance module, value? [/code] [code=cplusplus] //THE WINDOW CLASS STRUCTURE RESGISTERED: WNDCLASSEX gsp_wc;//the window class… C++ operator== not working properly Programming Software Development by NinjaLink … !isEqual(otherStack); //!(*this == otherStack); } [/CODE] [B]main.cpp[/B] [CODE=Cplusplus] #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include…;PAUSE"); return 0; } [/CODE] [B]header file:[/B] [CODE=Cplusplus] #ifndef H_StackType #define H_StackType #include <iostream> #include <… WinSock - connecting to a webpage Programming Software Development by gsingh2011 …,IPPROTO_TCP); struct hostent *host; host = gethostbyname("www.cplusplus.com"); SOCKADDR_IN SockAddr; SockAddr.sin_port=htons(80); SockAddr.…Socket,"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: www.cplusplus.com\r\nConnection: close\r\n\r\n", …to code to connect to something like [url]www.cplusplus.com/forums?[/url] Would I change the Host in… fstream write() must use buffer? Programming Software Development by yoni0505 …/O tutorial - [URL="http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/files/"]http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/files/[/URL] and saw… write() function - [URL="http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/iostream/ostream/write/"]http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/iostream/ostream/write/[/URL… having problems with collision detections in program? Programming Software Development by dancks I originally asked this question at cplusplus.com but got no responses. In …believe to be) the relevant code snippet, the cplusplus.com link and also attached is the code in ….push_back(a); z++; } } } } } *n=z; return dead; } cplusplus link: http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/beginner/76662/ Re: template declaration Programming Software Development by vijayan121 …one in another). header file (abc_no_export.h): [code=cplusplus]#ifndef _ABC_NO_EXPORT_H #define _ABC_NO_EXPORT_H namespace my { template<… template function at the point of declaration: [code=cplusplus]#ifndef _ABC_NO_OUT_OF_LINE_MEMBER_TEMPLATE_FUNCTIONS_H #define _ABC_NO_OUT_OF_LINE_MEMBER_TEMPLATE_FUNCTIONS_H namespace my { template<…