Re: Slaying Unicorns: How Europe Sabotages Its Own Economic Future Community Center by Dani I'm happy to live in Silicon Valley :) Re: 'AI Is Expected to Transform the Role of Controllers & Analysts ' Community Center by Dani Which of the two actually answered the questions? Re: How Build Html form ? Programming Web Development by Dani I'm not exactly understanding your question. I see you have an HTML form here in this HTML code. What is not working about it? You need to specify the action="#" to be a URL that will process the form. 'AI Is Expected to Transform the Role of Controllers & Analysts ' Community Center by Johannes C. **AI will automize many routine tasks in accounting and the role of financial controllers and analysts will change, but not be replaced – say Manoj Kumar Vandanapu and Sandeep Kumar.** ![agi-talks-02.jpg]( In the latest AGI Talks, two renowned finance experts share … Re: Is graphic design useful for UI UX? Digital Media UI / UX Design by Dani I would argue that data analytics is more important. Alteryx Upgrade - No workflow data in Gallery Hardware and Software by saichinnu1852 We are working on upgrading our Alteryx application as well as the MongoDB version. We have created a non-production environment to test the upgrade. Since the non-production environment is new, and Alteryx and MongoDB have just been installed to it, it has no existing data yet. We tried to migrate our prod MongoDB data into the non-prod … Mariadb10.11.6 Glarea single failed node startup stuck failure Programming Databases by mx_983 Basic background information Mariadb Ver 15.1 District 10.11.6 MariaDB Glarea cluster, one with three nodes: Node1: Node2: Node3: Among them, Node1 node was restarted after a power outage of 1 hour, and after executing the system ctl start mariadb, it was stuck for a long time (running for 6 hours) … '30% of Activities Performed by Humans Could Be Automated with AI' Community Center by Johannes C. **Alexander De Ridder, AI visionary and CTO of SmythOS, discusses the transformative power of specialized AI systems and the future of human-AI collaboration.** ![header-agi-talks-adr.jpg]( In the newest interview of our AGI Talks series, **Alexander De Ridder** … How Build Html form ? Programming Web Development by Kirubel_2 <!DOCTYPE html> <html style="font-size: 16px;" lang="en"><head> <title>Comment</title> <script src="js/jquery.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="sign.css"> </head> <body … 'Prepare for the Earliest Possible AGI Deployment Scenario' Community Center by Johannes C. **Despite the uncertain timeline for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) becoming a reality, we need to assure responsible and ethical development today – says Jen Rosiere Reynolds.** ![header-agi-talks1.png]( As part of our new **AGI Talks**, experts from … Re: How to query database using variable and get all results not just one row Programming Web Development by Mikekelvin To ensure that you're retrieving all records associated with the current user, you need to make sure that your query accurately filters the data based on the user's identifier (variable_name). Here's how you can modify your query to achieve this: // Assuming $currentUser holds the identifier of the current user // Query database to retrieve … How to Optimize RecyclerView performance by implementing the ViewHolder Programming Mobile Development by Mikekelvin When working with RecyclerView, always utilize the ViewHolder pattern to improve performance by minimizing the number of findViewById() calls. public class MyAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter<MyAdapter.ViewHolder> { public static class ViewHolder extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder { TextView textView… pass data to another asp page Programming Software Development by Fergus_1 ok so i have a page with a gridview on it and it displays rows from sql table. i have also a link assigned to each row: <asp:GridView ID="GridViewMatters" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" OnRowDataBound="GridViewMatters_RowDataBound"> <Columns> <asp:… Re: Improve HAVING BY performance Programming Databases by Biiim > I don't have experience with MariaDB, but in MySQL, something like that will work as long as I do SELECT sum(points) AS total FROM ... HAVING total > 10. Is that what you were getting at? Kind of, MariaDB is a fork of MySQL from around 2009 or something like that, MySQL 5.* and the creator continued developing MariaDB and Oracle took … Re: Improve HAVING BY performance Programming Databases by Dani > I know that in my experience, OR's are very bad for speed you can get away with a few but they can get very bad when they stop the whole query making use of one of the main indexes, you can actually speed it up by moving the or's into the HAVING usually. Thank you for that tip! I never thought of that, but it totally makes sense!! > … Re: Improve HAVING BY performance Programming Databases by Dani I think you might be missing my point. If you’re fetching different data, there’s no way of saying whether where or having is faster. You would need to write queries that use each, but retrieve the same data, to see which is faster for a use case. Even then, it totally depends on the data in the database itself. The same query can be fast for some … Re: Improve HAVING BY performance Programming Databases by Biiim I realise this has been marked as solved, but I wanted to make it known that the HAVING clause runs on the returned result set of your query, which as you say has no indexes on it as it is just a temporarily created result set - but has the benefit of allowing you do do some simple post-processing on the result set. (This is for MariaDB at least)… Re: ASUS Laptops - my experience Hardware and Software by toneewa I wouldn't worry about not having any ASUS utilities. You can always download them later, [here]( I consider them all bloatware. Having the partition as an MBR and then installing a Windows image as GPT, is like going to replace your spare tire and finding out it has a different lug nut bolt pattern… Re: Improve HAVING BY performance Programming Databases by toneewa Correct. It wasn't about displaying the results, but to measure the different clauses. I'm not impressed by only 95 INSERTs/sec, and a maximum write speed of 175 KB/s for importing data. Increasing to 50K shows WHERE to be faster. 50K: WHERE Query execution time: 0.0599129 seconds HAVING Query execution time: 0.0621748 … Re: Improve HAVING BY performance Programming Databases by Biiim > INSERT INTO electronics.products(ProductID, ProductName, Price) VALUES ('1','capacitors', 2.50), ('2','resistors', 4.50), ('3','rectifiers', 7.50), ('4','diodes', 10.00), ('5','ICs', 25.00), ... ('50000','...', ...); I don't see any mention of an index on it & your benchmark indicates you don't have one: ALTER TABLE `… Re: DaniWeb Auto Answer A.I. feature Community Center Meta DaniWeb by toneewa It indeed seems to be working. The interface is all done in the browser, on your localhost,, and I stripped it down to just the message box. Just have to gather more data, and it seems good. Took ~50 minutes to get installed. The dataset can be a simple text file with a space between each topic thread. Re: Online subission forms not sending emails of submitted info Programming Web Development by Biiim Hi David, > More problems. I incorporated the coding Biiim provided. Before any changes, after submission, would display the correct (yellow) screen. After code changed, not only will still not send email but screen turns blank white. URL provider, IONOS, told me that the Host is and the Username and password are for an email… Re: Mariadb10.11.6 Glarea single failed node startup stuck failure Programming Databases by rproffitt From where they call it out as a bug waiting for a fix. Re: Mariadb10.11.6 Glarea single failed node startup stuck failure Programming Databases by rproffitt The problem is still unresolved. Until the bug is fixed. Be sure to tell all that you don't accept this as a bug and want a fix now. Re: Mariadb10.11.6 Glarea single failed node startup stuck failure Programming Databases by rproffitt I wonder if the last other stable releases show this issue? "Stable release: 11.3.2 / 16 February 2024; 46 days ago" or the most recent release of MariaDB 10.11: MariaDB 10.11.7 Stable (GA) That is, many fixes don't get released for out of date versions. The new version is how many fixes are issued. Re: Mariadb10.11.6 Glarea single failed node startup stuck failure Programming Databases by toneewa I wonder how these IP addresses are issued. Static, dynamic, or is DHCP on? It reminds me of the time a network printer that stopped working, after the power went out. Other devices connected to the network after it's setup. Then, after rebooting, it got a different IP, but the host still thought it was on the old one. I've seen the same thing when… Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by KomalBhatt You know, there are few things more frustrating than getting interested in a TV show only to find it falling short of expectations. From the overly predictable plotlines to the underdeveloped characters, there's a huge list. But what really get irritated by is when the dialogue feels forced, like the writers are trying too hard to be clever or … Re: How to query database using variable and get all results not just one row Programming Web Development by Biiim logically, it would be because `WHERE variable_name = :variable_name` matches 1 row in your table maybe try a `var_dump(str_replace(':variable_name',"'some_value'",$sql));var_dump($records);`? run the sql on whichever way you use to access your DB directly I don't use PDO so i'm not too familiar on how it returns results, either … Re: How to query database using variable and get all results not just one row Programming Web Development by Chris_103 To retrieve all records associated with the current user, you can use the fetchAll() method instead of fetch(). Here's how you can modify your code: ```php // Query database to retrieve records associated with the user $sql = "SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE variable_name = :variable_name"; $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql); $stmt->… Extract Tabular Data from PDF Images using Hugging Face Table Transformer Programming Computer Science by usmanmalik57 In a previous article, I explained [how to extract tabular data from PDF image documents using Multimodal Google Gemini Pro]( However, there are a couple of disadvantages with Google Gemini Pro. …