2,070 Topics

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I'm looking for the best way to build a simple scheduler that will be able to render a visual calendar of the last 90 days and events that occurred during that span of time. We will need to store the contents of the calendar in a database. I'm thinking a …

Member Avatar for James_65
Member Avatar for chrisschristou

hello friends i'm using the boostrap menu for my website it was fine until i wanted to get menu element from database so u got the syntax error unexpected '<' in line 3 and the line 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, are shown red in my IDE i gues if …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Syed Azadar

I need to show excel type data for each of my website, means I want to show the sale on each date and if there is no sale on a particular day that date should be empty. Currently my data is showing like this ![XMpE2.png](/attachments/large/4/5770083e49ac1a4334d730c309c84293.png "align-center") This is what I …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Abhinav_6

Hi guys, I am reletively new to php and laravel, can somebody please help me understad how and what the code will be to parse the" part.xml" file using laravel framework, my aim is to parse the given xml file, display it on browser and at the same time store …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for nadiam

Hi guys. Im trying to delete a row from a table in DataGridView (**VB 2010**) and my database (**MS Access 2013**) but on "Delete" it shows that it doesnt get the ID of that data row, so it wouldnt actually know what data to "Delete" delete btn: Private Sub btn_dlt_Click(ByVal …

Member Avatar for nadiam
Member Avatar for nadiam

Hi, im using vb2010 with MS Access 2013. I have this form that displays ID values from database into a listbox And when an ID is clicked the details that correspond with that ID are displyed into textboxes. Screenshots : Forms : http://imgur.com/a/NrTTD Display details : http://imgur.com/a/twF7P The delete button …

Member Avatar for jhai_salvador
Member Avatar for TrueCoding

First of all-I will guarantee I will mark the thread as solved when you kind people have helped me to solve the problem. Ok well Ive got a project which is to make a Quizzing System for my school using a database. It is a multiple choice quiz (so only …

Member Avatar for Ailan
Member Avatar for Reo_1

hey guys i am trying to create a library management system which is supposed to be used to store/keep infp for the library and the library members( book title, author, name and picture for borrower and other stuffs). The app has 6 buttons, delete, save, add,previsous,next, and upload( for upload …

Member Avatar for Reo_1
Member Avatar for choeychoco

hi every one. i have a vb6 application and i am using xampp as my database. it works fine when i access my database locally using the following code: Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};Database=NAME_OF_MY_DATABASE;Server=localhost; Port=3306;Option=13; but how will access xampp database stored in a remote pc in a network? thankz.

Member Avatar for choeychoco
Member Avatar for Adnan_9

It is a software Development and it's need me a access ,c++ java, programming,database i need me and you

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Priya_14

I have database table created in sql server visual studio.I have one dashboard kind ,so whenever i want to change the value automatically balance amount should caluclate and display the changed value. Su Si Sa Sd Balance 10 12 13 14 ( Balance=Su+Si+Sa+Sd) 14 15 13 17 ( Balance=Su+Si+Sa+Sd) 17 …

Member Avatar for Priya_14
Member Avatar for Spyderbane

I am looking how to join two different tables from two different databases into one datagrid view. To make things more clear I am using two different connection strings to get the data.I perfer VB but if I need to use c# I can adapt.

Member Avatar for ryantroop
Member Avatar for Zagor_1

I edit [this][1] todo app and make a multiple topics version of it. Like todos for X, todos for Y, todos for Z... However i couldn't find a proper way to edit this part : app.param('task_id',function(req,res,next,taskId){ req.db.tasks.findById(taskId,function(error,task){ if(error) return next(error); if(!task) return next(new Error('Task is not found')); //if there's data, …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Bronwyn_1

My client is wanting a 'simple' stock update system in MS Access. I have a form and subform (which is a packing slip) where the user will select the style of shoe eg ASHE_Choc and then enter the number of stock wanted for each size eg 5 for size 6_40. …

Member Avatar for Bronwyn_1
Member Avatar for AntonyRayan

Hi, I am new to this concept. How to export data from database in EXCEL for various standards with "dynamic headings" .

Member Avatar for broj1
Member Avatar for rheiniel

Hi guys you might know this about qr code im just a newbie here, my problem is that i can't produce simple qrcode that will fetch the data through the database , i wanted to create a single row of database and display it as a qrcode, can you help …

Member Avatar for rheiniel
Member Avatar for can-mohan

Hi All, in sqlite SMALLINT datatype is used to store 2 bytes integer but i didn't see any Unsigned SMALLINT type to support the range(0-65535). Can anybody let me know how to achieve the same.

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Stefce

Hello i have a question about the security of my website, does my website can get hacked somehow if im updating it directly from my database? (ex. images, posts, links...). I have few pages on my website which have PHP code to read info from the database and i do …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Sushmitha_1

Hello, I am trying to save the date field into mysql table. The date field in my jsp form is in format MM/DD/YYY and in database as YYYY/MM/DD. How can I retrieve the date from form and insert into the table with YYYY/MM/DD format ?

Member Avatar for Steven_10
Member Avatar for anand01

hi all , Am doing event management project. In jsp page am using javascript date picker. Then i passed that to servlet page by the following code. DateFormat formatter ; formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy"); Date date=formatter.parse(request.getParameter("date")); now I want to insert date in mysql database , How can I achieve …

Member Avatar for Sushmitha_1
Member Avatar for CreatorZeus

My Error info isnt being clear enough for me to understand the problemIs there anything worng here so i can continue on lookng for the probelm: $sql = "INSERT INTO boards ( title, genre, creator, tagline, intro, remessage, visability, recruitment, reqsheet, reqdice, reqgroup, ppweek) VALUES ( $title, $genre, $creator, ". …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for spluskhan

Hello, I have two tables in mysql using php> 1) Consumers 2) Monthly Billing In Consumers that table contains about 100s of Consumers , and it increase monthly. 2) Monthly Billing for Billing. What i want to do ? Is there are any way that i can generate monthly billing …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Faisal_13

Dear Developers, This is the part of my blog.While adding new post to my blog the category option not updating to database add_post.php <h2>Add Post</h2> <?php //if form has been submitted process it if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ $_POST = array_map( 'stripslashes', $_POST ); //collect form data extract($_POST); //very basic validation if($postTitle ==''){ $error[] …

Member Avatar for Faisal_13
Member Avatar for Eddy_1

Hi. I have tried to save the Json data retrieved below in vain. When I connect the database and try to insert the post data, the script no longer retrieves or decodes the data. When I leave it, the API tells me the data was reconciled or decoded. How can …

Member Avatar for Mani_7

How can I convert (move) individual HTML webpages in bulk into mysql forum? What I have is just the 1000s of html pages which consist of question and answers. Now how can I move then into into mysql forum. This is how my question/answer html pages looks like this:- drive.google.com/file/d/0B4RFn3PmjNy9YTNkbE5mejBfV1U/view?usp=sharing …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for jazzyb

I am creating one application visual basic and sqlce I have two forms name Form1 and Form2. I used Form1 to add data to database using OLeDb command and used Form2 to show data in datagridview by using dataset I used following code: FFORM1 CODE is as following [code] Private …

Member Avatar for spandan_1
Member Avatar for Faisal_13

Dear all I am a beginner in web development. Please help to resolve the below problem. Right now I am creating a Workers Directory with sql database. This is including worker name, Location, Work and mobile numbers. > When customer select the specific job we need to filter particular job …

Member Avatar for Faisal_13
Member Avatar for Faisal_13

Dear devolepers, I have problem with my sql database, I want acces my sql database in my <LI> list plaese help to resolve this problem Here is my html sql database : my_db table : info_list Table columns : id,name,job,town,mobile1,mobile2,phone,adress i want to display town list in this <li> list …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Gurjit_2

Hello. I am new to PHP/MYSQL. My array looks like this: Array ( [1] => item1 [2] => 1tem2 [3] => item3 [4] => item4 [5] => item5 [6] => item6 ) Array ( [7] => item1 [8] => item2 ) Array ( [9] => item1 [10] => 1tem2 [11] …

Member Avatar for Gurjit_2
Member Avatar for Faisal_13

Dear developers How to show contact details while clicking the particular name from <li> list Contact_list.php <?php $con=mysqli_connect("localhost","user","pass","nilambu1_mydb"); // Check connection if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } $result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM n_info "); while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<li><a href='contact.php' data-transition='slidedown'> <img …

Member Avatar for Faisal_13

The End.