DataContext problem - inserting existing data Programming Software Development by ohyeah I have a problem with DataContext - it inserts existing data in my database, even without calling … overriding datacontext for view Programming Software Development by oldSoftDev …guys, I am setting my viewmodel as datacontext in my xaml but I override it …a property in my VM can I override my datacontext back to my VM? If so how? I… have a stackpanel that has datacontext overriden as my grid and within that stackpanel I… need to change the datacontext for a button. Any help will be appreciated… WPF, DataContext, Databindings, Etc Programming Software Development by toadzky … would like it to do it with just databindings and datacontext so I don't have to write a bunch of… PLEASE tell me) that look like this: [CODE] <StackPanel DataContext="{Binding Source=datagrid....}"> <TextBox Text="… Link to Sql - Problems on Updating Database Programming Web Development by josi.martarelli … within the namespace AlpaCommon, like following: ***My partial datacontext******************* [code]// partial datacontext class namespace AlpaCommon { public partial class AlpaDataContext : System… I'll need in the whole app************* [code]//global DataContext instance namespace AlpaCommon { public static class Globals { public … If else problem Programming Web Development by haymen.roth.3 …{ IEnumerable<GetEmpRec_DateResult> EmpRec_DateFrom = DataContext.GetEmpRec_Date(DateFrom, null).ToList(); ViewBag.Dates =…{ IEnumerable<GetEmpRec_DateResult> EmpRec_ByDate = DataContext.GetEmpRec_Date(DateFrom, DateTo).ToList(); ViewBag.Dates =… Passing data from one action to another Programming Web Development by haymen.roth.3 … IEnumerable<GetAtdRecord_SpResult> EmployeeAtd_2 = DataContext.GetAtdRecord_Sp(0).ToList(); return View(EmployeeAtd_2);… IEnumerable<GetAtdRecord_SpResult> EmployeeAtd_2 = DataContext.GetAtdRecord_Sp(EmplID).ToList(); return View(EmployeeAtd_2… Re: Link to Sql - Problems on Updating Database Programming Web Development by rafaelbelliard DO NOT use a global DataContext. LINQ will break that way. You need to specify one almost for each LINQ atomic operation. [url][/url] Linq to SQL Connection String Programming Software Development by syd919 … = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DataConnect"]; string connection = settings.ConnectionString; DataContext dataContext = new DataContext(connection);[/CODE] and code in web.config file: [CODE] <… Linq to SQL Connection String Programming Web Development by syd919 … = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DataConnect"]; string connection = settings.ConnectionString; DataContext dataContext = new DataContext(connection);[/CODE] and code in web.config file: [CODE] <… Re: Linq to SQL Connection String Programming Software Development by DavidKroukamp … = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DataConnect"]; string connection = settings.ConnectionString; DataContext dataContext = new DataContext(connection);[/CODE] and code in web.config file: [CODE] <… Getting a concrete event from WP7 calendar Programming Software Development by U133121337 ….Exception) { } } private void button2_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if ((AppointmentResultsDataLINQ.DataContext).Equals("Meeting")) { mediaElement1.Source = new Uri("http… WPF-DataGrid and SubDataGrid using MVVM Programming Software Development by KushMishra …CustomerManagementModuleVM></km:CustomerManagementModuleVM> </UserControl.DataContext> <UserControl.Resources> <…> <Button Command="{Binding Path=DataContext.DelegateCommandEdit, RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type … GridView rowcommand/rowedit Programming Software Development by Kratoswoo protected void GridView1_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { DataContext db = new DataContext(); using (var SI = new DataContext()) { var search = (from l in SI.**** orderby l… No overload takes 0 parameters Programming Web Development by haymen.roth.3 …;Precise Technology Consultants"; var DataContext = new EmployeeAtdDataContext(); //var EmployeeAtd = DataContext.GetAttendance_Sp(); IEnumerable<GetAtdRecord_SpResult> EmployeeAtd = DataContext.GetAtdRecord_Sp(22).ToList(); return View… LinqToSql + Sql Server Express Backup/Restore + SMO Programming Software Development by vbnetskywalker … the Backup went normal by executing the TSQL on the DataContext, but the Restore: I tried many ways, but failed...... we… failed accomplishing by executing "User Master" on the DataContext either , ........ I really don't want to use the SqlBulkCopy… How to peform a query in a mdf database? Programming Software Development by doomfrawen …SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(comm); da.Fill(dt); //lstData.DataContext = dt.DefaultView; Query = comm.ExecuteScalar() as string; //Query… = (string)comm.ExecuteScalar(); lstData.DataContext = Query; [/CODE] The main query works if i … Batch Update Programming Web Development by ssreevidya.m …") as CheckBox).Checked) { istudentId[j] = ObjStudent.Student_Id; j++; } } DataContext ctx = new DataContext(); ctx.ExecuteCommand("update SCH_Student_Promotion_Master set Class_Id='" + DdlClassTo… Transaction with Multiple database Programming Web Development by ssreevidya.m … like: [CODE] using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { try { DataContext ObjSchool = new DataContext(); MEMLiB ObjMemberships = new MEMLiB(); ObjSchool.SCH_Students.InsertOnSubmit(ObjSCH_Student); ObjSchool… Reset the scrollbar postion in WPF datagrid Programming Software Development by Sravanthi Ch Hi, Is there any alternative way to reset the scrollbar postion when datacontext chaged with out using the datagrid datacontext changed event..? Thanks in advance for help. Sravanthi Chepooru Linq to SQL Programming Software Development by syd919 … = new Settings(); // DataClasses1DataContext db = new DataClasses1DataContext("NucleusConnectionString"); DataContext db2 = new DataContext(db3.DBConnect); Table<Travel_MealDetails> meals = db2.GetTable… [WPF] XML binding Programming Software Development by Jayme65 …;> <Grid Name="Grid1"> <Grid.DataContext> <XmlDataProvider x:Name="SystemData" Source="…\Systems2.xml" XPath="Emulators" /> </Grid.DataContext> <Grid.Resources> <DataTemplate x:Key="… update in LINQ to SQL is not working for C#.Net? Programming Software Development by jineesh … to change any settings of my database? or for the datacontext? My code is as follows: here dc is the… datacontext, getinteger() is an extension method, ucItem is a custom control, … Re: Getting a concrete event from WP7 calendar Programming Software Development by tinstaafl Put a break on line 57, and run your code again. When the program breaks, check the value of `AppointmentResultsDataLINQ.DataContext`. The way your code is set up if the string has an extra space or punctuation on the end it'll never read true always false. MVC Model not posting Programming Web Development by divin757 … = Constants.ErrorMessages.UserPassword_PassBlank; return View(new AuthViewModel()); } var dataContext = new UserdbDataContext(); int code = dataContext.AuthenticateAdmin(user.Id, password.GetHashCode()); //check if password… drop down showing each value several times Programming Web Development by haymen.roth.3 …working. I'm USING MVC 3, Linq to SQL. EmployeeAtdDataContext DataContext = new EmployeeAtdDataContext(); public ActionResult ddl() { var names =… (from n in DataContext.EmployeeAtds select n).Distinct(); ViewData["EmplID"] = … nature of Select query in linq to sql and mvc Programming Web Development by haymen.roth.3 … ? QUERY THAT DIDN'T WORK `var names = (from n in DataContext.EmployeeAtds select n).Distinct();` QUERY THAT WORKED of which i… don't know how ? `var names = (from n in DataContext.EmployeeAtds select new {n.EmplID, n.EmplName}).Distinct();` why 2nd… field not working in Programming Web Development by HunainHafeez … BSalaryPerHour = 0; IEnumerable<getmonthlyreportresult> PaySlip = DataContext.GetMonthlyReport(emplID, month, ref basicSalary, ref BSalaryPerHour).ToList();…= Request.QueryString["Month"]; //String NetSalary = DataContext.GetMonthlyReport(emplID, month).First() ViewBag.Salary = basicSalary;… WPF - Assigning a common style to all "Window" and "Grid" elements Programming by KushMishra …="Welcome User"> <Window.DataContext> <viewModel:StartPage_VM /> </Window.DataContext> <Grid HorizontalAlignment="Center… How to use middle war to get next request core 2 ? Programming Web Development by ahmed_101 … cannot do it . Code: public async Task InvokeAsync(HttpContext context, DataContext dataContext) { var validKey = false; if (!validKey) { context.Response.StatusCode = (int… Blazor (C#). Problem with registration form. Programming Web Development by Catharina …private readonly AppDbContext _dataContext; public Users(AppDbContext dataContext) { _dataContext = dataContext; } //public void Save() //{ // _dataContext.SaveChanges(); //} //public async…