Re: C++ scope issue Programming Software Development by jonsca Datafile, etc. in `main()` bear no relation to the names you … Re: creating file with a specific name Programming Software Development by Narue >, ios::out | ios::app); [code], ios::out | ios::app); [/code] The open member function takes a C-style string. datafile copying Programming Software Development by jeevsmyd … files in c++ :( this program is supposed to copy a datafile into another.. but its is not working ... many many errors… fatser way to read text from datafile Programming Software Development by scholar …, again i need ur help.. I hve a text datafile which consists of one word per line like this... program… using the following code to read the words from the datafile.. fstream f1;"file.txt",ios::…ios::out); f1.getline(variable,10,'\n'); f1.close(); The datafile consists of more than 75000 words and it takes much… How to identify Unused Datafile Programming Databases by ரூபன் இம்மானுவேல் I am trying to drop some data files to free up disk space. In order to do that we first need to know how to identify the data file that has 0 extents allocated. I am stuck at the arriving at the query that will show me the datafile that has no extents allocated. Any help is greatly appreciated. Create a simple menu that allows user to do search query for data from txt Programming Software Development by James_55 DATAFILE,daysReported); getline(DATAFILE,year2); getline(DATAFILE,avgMinTmp2); getline(DATAFILE,avgMaxTmp); getline(DATAFILE,totalRainfall2); getline(DATAFILE,reportedWeather2); getline(DATAFILE,daysReported2); getline(DATAFILE,year3); getline(DATAFILE,avgMinTmp3); getline(DATAFILE Re: Create a simple menu that allows user to do search query for data from txt Programming Software Development by David W …;< "\n"; */ /* getline(DATAFILE,year); getline(DATAFILE,avgMinTmp); getline(DATAFILE,avgMaxTmp); getline(DATAFILE,totalRainfall); getline(DATAFILE,reportedWeather); getline(DATAFILE,daysReported); */ seems to implicate a… Trouble traversing Btree Programming Software Development by UberJoker …]; } } else if (Mode == 'w') {, ios::in | ios::out | ios:: … CurrentNode.Branch[2] = Root; DataFile.seekp(0, ios::beg); DataFile.write(reinterpret_cast <char *>… C++ Programimg: Pointer+List Programming Software Development by Christ1m … that saves database info to file { ofstream dataFile;"output.txt", ios::out | ios… cdStruct; getline(dataFile, newStruct->title); getline(dataFile, newStruct->artist); dataFile >> newStruct->numberOfSongs; dataFile >>… Search Student Info Fstream Programming by Vange …;s.gender; dataFile>>; dataFile>>; dataFile>>s.course; dataFile>>s.gname; dataFile>>… Help with an array of classes Programming Software Development by atticusr5 …fname; while(!Datafile.eof()) { N=0; Datafile>>TempStudent::lname; Datafile>>TempStudent::t1; Datafile>>TempStudent::t2; Datafile>>…;TempStudent::t3; Datafile>>TempStudent::t4; Datafile>>TempStudent::assigngrade; Datafile>>… Re: Help with an array of classes Programming Software Development by atticusr5 …Name_t NewName, Grade_t NewGrade); void Read(Datafile_t &Datafile); void Print(Outfile_t &Outfile); //set void …(x); CSCI208Class[N]=TempStudent; N=N+1; Datafile>>TempStudent[N].set_fname(first); }//end while… Re: Help with an array of classes Programming Software Development by SasseMan …( examgrade ); } void Read(Datafile_t &Datafile); void Print(Outfile_t &Outfile); //set …]; N=N+1; Name_t first; Datafile >> first; TempStudent[N].… Help with getting classes to work Programming Software Development by atticusr5 …); student.get_assigngrade( assigngrade ); student.get_examgrade( examgrade ); } void Read(Datafile_t &Datafile); void Print(Outfile_t &Outfile); //set void set_fname(Name_t first… Re: Help with getting classes to work Programming Software Development by atticusr5 … cStudent &operator void Read(Datafile_t &Datafile); void Print(Outfile_t &Outfile); //set…; TempStudent[N].set_fname(first); while(!Datafile.eof()) { Name_t last; Datafile >> last; TempStudent[N… Double linked list - possible memory error Programming Software Development by tgnelson85 …currentSong = firstSong; while (currentSong != NULL) { fwrite(currentSong, sizeof(*currentSong), 1, datafile); printf("in save File - %s\n", currentSong->…filename); return(1); } currentSong = firstSong; while (currentSong != NULL) { fprintf(datafile, currentSong->file->d_name); printf("File - %s\n… Steganography Programming Software Development by sweets …messageSize= fileArray.length; } info.setDataFile(dataFile); if(dataFile.exists() && !overwrite)…return isEster; } public void setDataFile(File dataFile) { this.dataFile= dataFile; } private void retrieveBytes(byte[] bytes,… Re: C++ Programimg: Pointer+List Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon … the stream object [icode]void save(cdStruct *ptr, ofstream& dataFile);[/icode] then delete lines 17 and 23. line 162: Don… Re: HW help [finishing up] Programming Software Development by caltech …values: int size=0; int abctotal=0; ifstream datafile; // Declare input file"AnnualReport.txt"); // Open input file…string line; line.clear(); getline(datafile,line); while (datafile) { size++; getline(datafile,line); } // Determines number of records if(datafile.eof()) // upon reaching end of… Phone Book In Vb Programming Software Development by ashblynn02 …dlgOpen As New OpenFileDialog If FileOpenFlag > 0 Then DataFile.Close() ' Set properties and open file dialog dlgOpen.…Trim HomePhone(Count) = DataFile.ReadLine CellPhone(Count) = DataFile.ReadLine Temp = DataFile.ReadLine Email(Count) = DataFile.ReadLine Temp = DataFile.ReadLine Else Exit Do End… Re: Double linked list - possible memory error Programming Software Development by tgnelson85 … } currentLL = firstLL; while (currentLL != NULL) { fwrite(currentLL, sizeof(*currentLL), 1, datafile); printf("Saving, number = %d\n", currentLL->number…;); currentLL = firstLL; while(1) { fread(currentLL, sizeof(*currentLL), 1, datafile); printf("Loading, number = %d\n", currentLL->number… Payroll program -- sort employees alphabetically? (vector array/class) Programming Software Development by caltech …\n" << endl; ifstream datafile; // Declare input file"datafile.txt"); // Open input file // Check… cout << endl; recordlist.push_back(employee); getline(datafile,; datafile >> employee.hours >> employee.rate … Alphabetical sort (class object vector array) ?? Programming Software Development by caltech …\n" << endl; ifstream datafile; // Declare input file"datafile.txt"); // Open input file // Check… cout << endl; recordlist.push_back(employee); getline(datafile,; datafile >> employee.hours >> employee.rate … Passing vector/class object as function parameter? Programming Software Development by caltech …\n" << endl; ifstream datafile; // Declare input file"datafile.txt"); // Open input file // Check… cout << endl; recordlist.push_back(employee); getline(datafile,; datafile >> employee.hours >> employee.rate … Problems with storing and outputing data from a text file Programming Software Development by ritchonson101 …CellphoneInfo *cellphonePtr; fstream dataFile;"Inventory.txt&…dataFile) { while(dataFile) { count++; getline(dataFile,cellphone[count].name,'#'); getline(dataFile,cellphone[count].manu,'#'); getline(dataFile,cellphone[count].cellDesign,'#'); getline(dataFile Transpose Programming Software Development by SNN … } else { i++; if (i==j) { y1=c; datafile.get(c); outdatafile<<y1<<'\t'; } // …if } //else datafile.get(c); } // while \n datafile.get(c); } //while eof outdatafile&… Error at line number 782 named "ios is not declared"... Programming Software Development by nirav bhatt …[] votes; votes = NULL; } /* set_training_example_file: Input: datafile containing the training examples. Output: None. Sets the training example…file data structure to point to examples_to_train. */ void onboostnn::set_training_example_file(datafile* examples_to_train) { training_examples = examples_to_train; if (votes != NULL)… Re: I need a little help Programming Software Development by Gà_1 …char scan[500]="",temp[500]; fscanf(dataFile,"%s",temp); strcat(scan,temp); int… scan[0]='\0'; if(fgetc(dataFile)!=EOF) fseek(dataFile,pos,SEEK_SET); } while(!feof(dataFile)); rewind(dataFile); } while(!feof(queryFile)); fclose… how to create tables using linked list? Programming Software Development by bernadlosini …*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Main Function */ int main() { FILE *datafile; char *filename = "staffdatabase.txt";/*declare file … newnode; /* make current record new*/ } fclose(datafile); /* close file - good practice to cloe files… Query MS Access data based on week selection on Calendar control in Visual Studio Programming Web Development by skwilliamson …;asp:AccessDataSource ID="AccessDataSource8" runat="server" DataFile="~/MPD.mdb" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [qryRpPreflight1] …;asp:AccessDataSource ID="AccessDataSource9" runat="server" DataFile="~/MPD.mdb" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [qryRpShipping1]…