Re: Debit Cards as Credit Cards Digital Media Digital Marketing by jay 11 There *shouldn't* be any issue as long as the Debit card is associated with a major credit card (which most debit cards are) AND there are sufficient funds within the customer's account. Have you been having issues - or just wondering? Re: Debit Cards as Credit Cards Digital Media Digital Marketing by studentcredit i'm not sure if e-commerce application for debit cards is same reader with credit cards. I think not all purchasing sites can consider your debit card as credit cards. You can try inquiring your banks, maybe they knew well on that. Debit Cards as Credit Cards Digital Media Digital Marketing by MktgRob Are there any issues in e-commerce applications if someone wants to use their debit card as a credit card for a purchase? Re: Debit Cards as Credit Cards Digital Media Digital Marketing by ithelp Many debit cards cannot be used for online transactions. Direct Debit Community Center Geeks' Lounge by asif49 … asked me to place a deposit of £300 (via Direct Debit) to his account to secure the house although we have… for rent. I'm not too sure on how direct debit work but the fact I have his account number and… Re: Direct Debit Community Center Geeks' Lounge by happygeek … the landlord accept payment by credit card instead of direct debit? (this provides you with much greated protection in case of… Re: Direct Debit Community Center Geeks' Lounge by asif49 … then give me their account number + sort code to direct debit the deposit over. I think if someone was going to… Payment gateway for credit/debit/internet banking Programming Web Development by logicslab Dear pals, I am searching a payment gateway which can do Credit/Debit/Internet banking in a single system. Do you know any thing in current existing system . Let me know and advise Thanks anes Re: Payment gateway for credit/debit/internet banking Programming Web Development by logicslab Dear utrivedi,chriss, I check ccavenue and they tell , can handle "5 Credit Cards, 50 Debit Cards, 44+ Indian Net Banks, 4 Cash Cards and 2 Mobile Payments". Any other good payment systems which do more work than ccavenue ... Advise me Thanks, Anes Magneto Error: Invalid backend model specified: debit/entity_customer_attri Digital Media Digital Marketing by rjony321 … gives me an Error like this, **Invalid backend model specified: debit/entity_customer_attribute_backend_encrypted** Trace: #0 /home1/hameem/public_html/… parent/child Programming Software Development by ceyesuma …add(crnewacct); File.add(Credit); Debit.setText("Debit"); dbexistingacct.setText("Existing Account…catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } //Debit? if(pc.getAcctTypeCode().equals("d")){ try{… Account Class Programming Software Development by martinandrade …int); // add an amount to the account balance Debit(int); void debit(int); MISSING 1 /* write code to declare …quot;; /* write code to withdraw money from account1 using function debit */ MISSING3 .... // try to subtract from account 1 // … Re: Account Class Programming Software Development by martinandrade …); // add an amount to the account balance Debit(int); void debit(int); MISSING 1 /* write code to declare… /* write code to withdraw money from account1 using function debit */ MISSING3 .... // try to subtract from account 1 //…/* write code to withdraw money from account2 using function debit */ MISSING 4 //try to subtract from account2 // … Re: parent/child Programming Software Development by ceyesuma …quot;)){ pc.setAcctTypeCode("d");//debit pc.setAcctStatusCode("n");// new …IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } acctjLbl.setText("Debit Account: "+String.valueOf(pc.getAccountNo())); try {… PHP Help Programming Web Development by Senyo …()); while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($results2)) { $debit = $row2['debit']; $credit = $row2['credit']; echo "…0]` LIMIT 1") or die('Error '.mysql_error()); $debit = $_POST['debit']; $credit = $_POST['credit']; while($row4 = mysql_fetch_array… Please help. I have array. Programming Software Development by BuilderSoft …555 2 55500011 1. Need to Do BY DEBIT SITE Debit site 306 Credit site 335 Line 2 Voucher 33500024…Total DS 820 Total CS 335 Credit site 555 Debit site 809 Line 3 Voucher 55500010 Line 3 …Voucher 55500011 Total DS 809 Debit site 810 Line 1 Voucher 55500011 Line 1 … help! what's wrong with this class & it's functions/calls? Programming Software Development by GPXtC02 … Updated corporate update variables. float amt_toded; text>>amt_toded; debit-=amt_toded; balance-=amt_toded; total_d-=amt_toded; total_b+=amt_toded; return; } …tempID; if(tempID==div1.ID) div1.initialize(text, debit, credit, balance); else if(tempID==div2.ID)… Inheritance Programming Software Development by lbgladson … As Decimal) value = balanceValue + value End Sub Public Overridable Function Debit(ByVal value As Decimal) As Boolean If value > balanceValue….ToString(account2.GetType()) & vbCrLf & account2.ToString() & vbCrLf ' debit each account and show new balance balanceLabel.Text &= "… Re: parent/child Programming Software Development by ceyesuma I will go thru and add comments I guess. If you were to run the processes work and debit card uses creditcard" [code] public DebitCard{ super(); } [/code] but when I try the same process using DebitCard all the variables remain set for creditcard. well thanks any way. I'll work on it some more. Re: parent/child Programming Software Development by Ezzaral … you were to run the processes work and debit card uses creditcard" [code] public DebitCard{ super(); } [/code] but… Re: parent/child Programming Software Development by Ezzaral … specific to the DebitCard class, you can still use the debit card object by it's ProcessCard base class interface. Empty Update Query Programming Web Development by andymelton …radio" name="pmethod" value="Debit" /> Debit&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT type="radio…radio" name="pmethod" value="Debit" /> Debit&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT type="radio…radio" name="pmethod" value="Debit" /> Debit&nbsp;&nbsp;<INPUT type="… sorting Programming Software Development by brr …13332 Debit Advance Travelling 3000 Debit Bank Charges 0 Debit CASH 3333 Debit General Expenses 555 Debit Rates and Taxes 777 Debit State… Account Class and CPP C++ Compiling Errors Programming Software Development by kinge504 …balance + amount; // add amount to balance } // end function credit // debit (subtract) an amount from the account balance // return bool indicating… balance - amount; return true; } // end else } // end function debit // set the account balance void Account::setBalance( double newBalance ) { balance… pyhon Programming Software Development by dilita.mido …and the function should print the message "Debit amount exceeded account balance." Member function …[Note: SavingsAccount should inherit member functions credit and debit as is without redefining them.] Derived class CheckingAccount… CheckingAccount should redefine member functions credit and debit so that they subtract the fee from the… account Programming Software Development by dilita.mido …and the function should print the message "Debit amount exceeded account balance." Member function …[Note: SavingsAccount should inherit member functions credit and debit as is without redefining them.] Derived class CheckingAccount… CheckingAccount should redefine member functions credit and debit so that they subtract the fee from the… Save html table values to database Programming Web Development by phphp …type="text/javascript"> function addRow(code,party,debit) { if (debit > 0) { $('#content').append('<tr>&…(){ $(this).val(i); i++; }); $('#content').find('input[name="debit[]"]').each(function(){ total += parseInt($(this).val()); }); $('#total').val… Retrieve unique items Programming Web Development by brr …6666 Debit CASH 4444 Debit CASH 4999 Debit Salaries 3333 Debit Salaries 5678 Debit Salaries Payable 22 Debit Salaries… Re: Retrieve unique items Programming Web Development by brr …6666 Debit CASH 4444 Debit CASH 4999 Debit Salaries 3333 Debit Salaries 5678 Debit Salaries Payable 22 Debit Salaries… help pleaseee Programming Software Development by leo_7 … C Question: Write a program that is going to read debit/credit information for 3 companies. Then, it will find out… Code: an integer from 1 to 6 (where 1 means Debit of Company A, etc.) The amount: a floating point number… is: Company Total Balance A Debit 0 246 Credit 246 B Debit 488 -488 Credit 0 C Debit 528.5 -374.5 Credit…