70 Topics

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Member Avatar for Tobyjug2222

Hello, When I go to Debug my program (F5), the program will load, until I click on the form with the main part of code in it, and then the program freezes, although it doesn't lock up because as soon as I press stop debugging/ task manager end process, it …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for theprofoundgeek

Hello Guys! I have just inherited a huge mammoth php project, which is not quite organised. Few of the files are of 25K+ php lines of code. Several sections of code are redundant across the project. Several files are imported into several files... My job is to strip many of …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for ThomsonGB

Okay - Now I am beginning to get a bit frustrated. I have a project that builds perfectly and I just want to duplicate it so I create a new project with the new name that I want to call it. When It shows me the empty space to start …

Member Avatar for ThomsonGB
Member Avatar for mrym

i've some code written as a dll in C++ in Visual Studio 2008. I've to be able to debug it. But i can't load dll in test exe. There isn't any problem on my test exe because when i try to load another dll there isn't any problem. Dll that …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for bobytch

Hello everyone in this activity i should use if, else if, Boolean, for loop, do while loop ok here is the OUTPUT i must do: GRADING SYSTEM! 96-100 =1.00 94-95 =1.25 92-93 =1.50 90-91 =1.75 88-89 =2.00 86-87 =2.25 84-85 =2.50 82-83 =2.75 80-81 =3.00 78-79 =3.25 75-77 =3.50 74-below …

Member Avatar for CSloan7597
Member Avatar for kiaski

A number is called a proper divisor of N if M < N and M divides N. A positive integer is called perfect if it is the sum of its positive proper divisors. For example, the positive proper divisors of 28 are 1, 2, 4, 7, and 14 and 1+2+4+7+14=28. …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for PhatBEAT

Hi guys, I’m a new to web programming. I am learning ASP.NET in VS2010 and PHP in Netbeans, using XAMP. I’m having problems debugging my tutorials because they both use [url]http://localhost[/url]. When I try to run VS2010 code, I get some error, apparently because [url]http://localhost[/url] is assigned to XAMP. I’m …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for hericles

Hi, I'm trying to debug an android app on a fairly crap tablet I have (WonderMedia WM8650) but I can't get my linux machine to recognise the device.From what I've read its a matter of including the USB vendor ID into the 51-android.rules file but I can't find out the …

Member Avatar for swissknife007

What are the settings I require so I can debug line -by line? Or else ,I can identify lines of code where run time errors are occuring.. I want to view exact line number of error in this code/[CODE]#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> struct node {struct node * left,*right; int freq; char …

Member Avatar for gourav1
Member Avatar for jhfire

[QUOTE]unhandled exception has occurred in your application if you click continue exit automatically[/QUOTE] How do I make it just exit without even warning the user? I've tried the "try" function. However, if you hex edit a certain peace of code it will come up anyways. I want to totally get …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta

I am still having major trouble with my openGL model program. The big issue is that I cannot figure out how to debug it since I am saving the important data to the graphics chip using vertex buffer objects (VBOs) so at least as far as I can tell, I …

Member Avatar for raptr_dflo
Member Avatar for karrlfunnell

hi can anyone help i am having problems with a laptop that i was given the laptop was running slow it's a fujitsu siemens amilo pi 1505 on xp pro i tried to backup the previous owners files on to disc but every time i c+p in to cd drive …

Member Avatar for karrlfunnell
Member Avatar for Coffee_Table

I am trying to run what i thought was a pretty basic program to solve a problem concerning strings (besides the point). It turns out that my algorithm works properly but i am stuck on a detail; the following segment of code is the problem: [CODE] int cases; string line; …

Member Avatar for Coffee_Table
Member Avatar for Bobbysmile

Hello I an new to C++ and am making my first program from scratch that has a useful solution after a while debugging I notice a problem with a displayed item and so I change the the code and a new error comes up... [TEX]------ Build started: Project: A_Message, Configuration: …

Member Avatar for Bobbysmile
Member Avatar for JoshuaBurleson

I got this snippet out of my text book but it's giving me a type error, I'll just give you the whole code, tell me if you get it too, if you would. [CODE]import urllib.request import math whips=int(0) rate=float(4) while rate <= float(20): improve= rate*float(.15)+rate rate= improve whips=whips+1 print(whips) def …

Member Avatar for JoshuaBurleson
Member Avatar for oltokom

I recently started visual studio 2010.After searching in google I was able to create a .cpp program. everything is fine; I can build it and run it without getting errors.But everywhere in the internet I see when they run the program they can see a black command prompt window which …

Member Avatar for oltokom
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

I have reinstalled my compiler successfully (finally) and got right back to work. I have created a glModel class as follows: [CODE]class glModel { private: int numv; int numn; unsigned int model; unsigned int textu; unsigned int norma; float *vars; float *norm; public: glModel():numv(0),numn(0){vex=new float[1];tex=new float[1];nex=new float[1];} glModel& Vertex(float tx, …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for happy006

Hello, I had convert my program from vb6 to vb.net, how come there is a error when i debug?? [url]http://img51.imageshack.us/i/debugerror.jpg/[/url] Pls help me, URGENT!!!!!

Member Avatar for happy006
Member Avatar for silverpanda

[CODE]/* functions: main >> output instructions input P1 name, p2 name loop{-clearscreen- output board, compute scores P1 or P2 turn, output scores input placement of next piece check coordinates and flip away} loop ends when a)P1_score+P2_score=100 b)checker declares there are no moves left c)Q is entered instead of proper coordinates …

Member Avatar for pseudorandom21
Member Avatar for kazekagerandy

please help me guys! vb doesnt apply the changes ive made on a certain form, whenever i play debug, i cant see the changes ive made :( even though ive changes the codes and added new controls, i cant really see them when i debug the application. heres an example: …

Member Avatar for WHchaz1027
Member Avatar for ilikepaste

So I'm trying to define a counter in a while loop, and print it from the class: [CODE]public class odd { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Input your number"); int x = IO.readInt(); int odd = 0; int even = 0; while (x != 0) { if (x % …

Member Avatar for ilikepaste
Member Avatar for ilikepaste

So I'm trying to write a program: Print a number in scientific notation with 3 significant digits (e.g., 0.000838423 = 8.34*10^4). You must define and use a module that rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places. Here is what I've got so far: [CODE]public class Sn { …

Member Avatar for ilikepaste
Member Avatar for mohamed_nasr

At debugging the code, the program gives 2 errors Error 1 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _mainCRTStartup Error 2 error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

Member Avatar for mohamed_nasr
Member Avatar for croker10

This is more than likely the dumbest sounding problem most of you will have ever heard of, but after three days of attempting to fix this myself, I have gotten no where. I am working on an older project, it works fine, but I need to upgrade it an add …

Member Avatar for croker10
Member Avatar for riahc3

Hey This might sound like a dumb question but I simply dont know how to do it. Not only that but for some reason I do not know, my professor refuses to teach me how to use debugging and watch variables. He wants the "change, try, and test" method.... I …

Member Avatar for riahc3
Member Avatar for tcollins412

i have an email form and it wont work. i have made sure the email is correct and is working, but i keep getting the 'or die' error. Please help. here is the code: [CODE]<?php $to = "****@***********.com"; $subject = "Contact Us"; $name = $_REQUEST['name'] ; $email = $_REQUEST['email'] ; …

Member Avatar for morteza_ipo
Member Avatar for manofhouse

I cannot seem to correct the remaining errors in the code. This is the header [CODE]#ifndef DECIMAL_H #define DECIMAL_H #include <iostream> using std::ostream; using std::istream; // class Decimal definition class Decimal { public: friend istream operator>>( istream &, Decimal & ); Decimal( double = 0.0 ); void setInteger( double ); …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for daniyoyo

I have web project and window project.Web project reference from window project and I want to debug from web project to source code in window project. Where do I setup to look for debug source code in window project. I copied all source code from another computer. but on another …

Member Avatar for LotusShiv

Scenario: I have a ASP.Net 3.5 (VS.Net 2008/C#) application. I have a webservice which I have marked with [ScriptService] attribute and also made sure that the <compilation debug=trus /> setting is in place in the webservice web.config configuration settings. I add the Script reference in the codebehind of my aspx …

Member Avatar for kurtzky

Hi all. This is the scenario that i have right now. i have a stored procedure created in MS SQL 2000 and is linked to my C# program. The stored procedure contains four select statements (which means it will return 4 tables). In my program, I have four datagrids and …

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The End.