108 Topics

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Member Avatar for trashed

Hi all. I'm creating a cxDBgrid at runtime and I need to set all the cells in a column to be TcxSpinEdit (because I'm then exporting the grid to excel and I want the number format to be preserved). How can I do it? Thanks!

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Krefie

Hey Hey I have found that in certain instances breakpoint just dont cut it for me...let me explain: The current program I'm working on in Delphi Codegear has some 2 mil lines of code under a button click, not bad coding btw, just a lot of fuctionality. Now, the program …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for KE50

Hello All, I have been wondering how possible is it to have an application that would run a php application that would be used for making the database updates as well as handling the business logic while on the front end, have delphi forms So The form will be used …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for finalist

I need Delphi 2011 XE code for editing an Excel file. If there is found a text in a row of column A of the Excel file, to change the number of the same row in column B. That's all I need. Thanks!

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for pritaeas

The `ReplaceStrings` function replaces all strings in `APatterns` found in `ASubject` with the value in `AReplacement`. As an example, I added the `RemoveStrings` function which replaces everthing with an empty string, thus deleting all strings found. Usage examples are in the XMLDoc comments. A good test will be to rewrite …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Appjacker

Working on a program that needs to open a file, read the contents which is a number, save the content as an integer in the program, edit the number by one and then save in the number in the file once more.

Member Avatar for Appjacker
Member Avatar for Qazinix

I have recently been working on a project that requires the use of vertical text within the first row of a Stringgrid. When I change the drawing style of the Stringgrid to gdsThemed, the vertical text displays , however the text is also displayed horisontaly accross the cell. Here is …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for pritaeas

I found that there is a difference with the drawing of a custom bitmap brush, when I subclass TGraphicControl versus TCustomControl. The expected behaviour occurs when using the TCustomControl descendant. Each paint starts with the brush in the same position, no matter the location of the control (top-left). When using …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for berniefitz

Hi there, I am currently struggling through trying to figure out why a statement in my source code isn't being executed when running the program. The code is as follows: taxableValueDifference := previousTaxableValue - newTaxableValue; grandTotalTVDifference := grandTotalTVDifference - taxableValueDifference; XLWorksheet.Cells[row, 7].Value := XLWorksheet.Cells[row, 7].Value + taxableValueDifference; The first and …

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Member Avatar for redrobby02

Hi I am using jedi visual code libary with rad studio xe2. I have a question about using TJvImage. When i place an image on my form and add all the correct image states to JvImage1.Pictures if i disable the control and then test my project, the image is not …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for DelphiGuy

Heya guys, basically here is some code for a simple example program: [CODE] unit Unit1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) img1: TImage; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; …

Member Avatar for DelphiGuy
Member Avatar for Morten Brendefu

Dear enlightened ones. First of all. I am using Delphi 9. My code compiles and run with no error at all, still I am confused about the structure window in the Delphi window. It tells me that I have redeclared some identifiers. The thing is that I have a few …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for redrobby02

Hi i need to read the last 14 Entries made into a typed file and then list the entries in a StringGrid so i can copy them to label captions later. I am a little unsure how to write the Code to loop for the last 14 Entries. the current …

Member Avatar for Morten Brendefu
Member Avatar for Morten Brendefu

Dear knowledgeable ones. Some time ago I made a few of my routines kind of universal, and I wonder if there is any way in Delphi (My version is Delphi9) that can be used to reuse this code in example below. As you see, the two procedures are almost identical, …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Morten Brendefu

There are many places on internet for great help regarding many things. Proper implementation of really fast routines for sorting data however is not common. I am not claiming these routines to be the fastest around, but their ease of implementation and use may make them welcome. As a thank …

Member Avatar for Morten Brendefu

In my Delphi9, I have the ability to "Shrink" complete procedures and functions so that only the first line is visible. There is a small + or - at the beginning of first line of a routine, and when pressed, the code is 'minimized' or 'maximized'. I find this to …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for OASys1

Greetings, I need to have a way to veiw/print reports designed in MS Access in my Delphi application. I have a MS Access 2007 db for the backend of my Delphi2010 application. I have reports I had defined and saved in my Access db. I would like to place a …

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Member Avatar for redrobby02

Hi i am very new to delphi and have only been working with it for a few months, i need to calculate the difference between 2 TDateTime Variables regardless of the number of days passed. Currently im using this: [CODE] var StartTime, EndTime, TimeDiff: TDateTime; begin StartTime := (Now); EndTime …

Member Avatar for Morten Brendefu
Member Avatar for Morten Brendefu

Dear enlighted ones. I happen to try to finsh a kind of a function library that my Main program can utilize. As of now, Everything work great... but. I would like to implement some kind of error handling. The way I do this also work, but the error is generated …

Member Avatar for Morten Brendefu
Member Avatar for Morten Brendefu

I have tried searching internet a little bit and found some useful information about the command [CODE]SetLength[/CODE] I just wonder about a few things as I would like an array to "constantly" be redefined in size. When using it in one part of my program, it will be defined in …

Member Avatar for Morten Brendefu
Member Avatar for bogut

The question is as follows: How long – number of steps -- does it take a drunken ant to fall off the edge of a square table if it starts in the middle? Perform a simulation to find out. Imagine an ant in the middle of a table with, say, …

Member Avatar for FlamingClaw
Member Avatar for Brenhines

Hi, I downloaded AecRijndael v.1.16 encryption component for Delphi 5 from Torry.net. There is no help included and I can't work out how to use it. When it is installed it has three pertinent properties. Cyphermode - which can be ECB CBC CFB OFB Keysize - which can be SMALL128 …

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Member Avatar for Fireprufe15

Hi, I am working on a multiple layer encryption program for my school IT project. Right now the message runs through a Caesar cipher (which the user can select the shift of), it reverses the message and then it reverses the bits of each character, making various symbols come out. …

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Member Avatar for agrarian

I have a project where I need to retrieve data from MS SQL Server and format it into an Excel Spreadsheet. I am using the OfficePartner component to try and make this easier, but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to get the VB help and Excel Object …

Member Avatar for Wolfgan
Member Avatar for berniefitz

Hi there, I'm having some real issues with restoring a piece of legacy software at my workplace. I have an offending line of code that I can't debug. [CODE]bFound := tblComp.Locate('CompPhone;Title;AddLine2', VarArrayof([sPhone, sTitle, sAddLine2]), [])[/CODE] When the script gets to this point sPhone, sTitle and sAddLine2 are correctly populated. When …

Member Avatar for Mikav6
Member Avatar for delphi7

How to create a custom webbrowser in minutes with many added features. It took me several months to create this tutorial so I hope many people will find it useful. Every care has been taken to make this code as accurate as possible, should there still be any mistake then …

Member Avatar for delphi7
Member Avatar for KKR_WE_RULE

I've made a library for Delphi to work with matrices. Everything in the library works perfectly as intended save the Matrix Inversion Procedure. I've used the Gauss-Jordan method of Matrix Inversion & everything works excellent for square matrices upto 7x7. From 8x8 onwards, I get a 'Invalid Floating Point' Error …

Member Avatar for Mikav6
Member Avatar for Morten Brendefu

Dear knowledgeable ones A new problem have arisen. I have now an SQL database file with about 100 tables in it. I would like to automatically go through all of these tables and check if the column "Owner" exist. If this field does not exist, then it should be created …

Member Avatar for Morten Brendefu
Member Avatar for agrarian

I am creating a Delphi program that needs to extract data from our database and create an Excel report. I would prefer to use the Delphi components TExcelApplication, TExcelWorkbook and TExcelWorksheet, but I haven't been able to get them to work. Most of the examples I have found are fairly …

Member Avatar for Wolfgan
Member Avatar for ChaosKnight11

Hi, I am trying to install the Python4Delphi components, but it doesn't compile (from python4delphi.googlecode.com/svn/trunk). It also seems out of date. What is the best current way to use Python inside Delphi? Any advice or help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


The End.