DoublyLinkedList quickSort Programming Software Development by Dane2259 … protected DoublyLinkedListNode first; protected DoublyLinkedListNode last; public DoublyLinkedList() { first = null; last = null; …last = newNode; } public DoublyLinkedListNode partition(DoublyLinkedList list, DoublyLinkedListNode first, DoublyLinkedListNode last) { … Having trouble with doublyLinkedList Programming Software Development by ddm … while }//end else } template <class Type> doublyLinkedList<Type>::doublyLinkedList(const doublyLinkedList<Type>& otherList) { first = NULL; copyList… Re: Having trouble with doublyLinkedList Programming Software Development by David W … while }//end else } template < class Type > DoublyLinkedList< Type >:: DoublyLinkedList( const DoublyLinkedList< Type >& otherList ) { first = NULL; copyList… Re: Having trouble with doublyLinkedList Programming Software Development by Dani Oh, nevermind. :) I missed the article title that says Having trouble with doublyLinkedList ... no clue what the problem is lol. RemoveDuplicate in DoublyLinkedList Programming Software Development by pendo826 … node for the Iterator to pointn to. DoublyLinkedList<Datatype>* m_list; //A list for…// Description: Constructs the DoublyLinkedListIterator. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DoublyLinkedListIterator(DoublyLinkedList<Datatype>* p_list= 0, DoublyLinkedListNode<… Re: DoublyLinkedList quickSort Programming Software Development by Taywin From a quick glance on your program, line 75 is not needed. Also, line 76 will cause a problem because you are not counting nodes after you have already initialise the list once. Also, you may need to implement the swap() method before you could go further. The sort requires to have a swap() method. It is critical to be able to deal with swap … Re: Having trouble with doublyLinkedList Programming Software Development by rubberman And your problem is? Re: Having trouble with doublyLinkedList Programming Software Development by Dani It was posted as a code snippet, so I'm assuming they are just showing off their work :) Re: Having trouble with doublyLinkedList Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 I concur with the others. Without saying what the problem is (how it manifests itself), there is little chance that anyone is going to comb through the code to find the error. Re: RemoveDuplicate in DoublyLinkedList Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon In function RemoveDuplicates(), first find the first instance of the two search strings. Only after that one is found do you want to start removing all other instances. That means you will have two loops in the function, not just one. Re: RemoveDuplicate in DoublyLinkedList Programming Software Development by Liuqahs15 I didn't read *all* of the code, but I read your loop. The problem you're having makes perfect sense if you think about it from an objective standpoint: for(m_itr.Start(); m_itr.Valid(); m_itr.Forth()) Look at the above for-loop declaration. It checks if m_itr.Valid() == true, which means it's going to keep cycling through the linked list … Re: RemoveDuplicate in DoublyLinkedList Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon I think you missed the point -- there may be multiple nodes that have the same data strings, so the loop needs to run though the entire list in order to find and remove them all except the first one found. Re: RemoveDuplicate in DoublyLinkedList Programming Software Development by Liuqahs15 Ah, I see. Well in that case, it should be like this: m_itr.Start(); while(m_itr.Valid()) { if ((m_itr.Item().getFirstName() == searchByFirstName )&& (m_itr.Item().getSecondName() == searchBySecondName)) { Remove(m_itr); } m_itr.Forth(); } You still only want … Re: RemoveDuplicate in DoublyLinkedList Programming Software Development by Liuqahs15 Sorry, I just realized I'm missing a key part in that solution: m_itr.Start(); DoublyLinkedListIterator<Datatype> toDelete = NULL; while(m_itr.Valid()) { if ((m_itr.Item().getFirstName() == searchByFirstName )&& (m_itr.Item().getSecondName() == searchBySecondName)) { toDelete = … compile error Programming Software Development by btech …const Type& deleteItem); doublyLinkedList(); doublyLinkedList(const doublyLinkedList<Type>& otherList); ~doublyLinkedList(); protected: int count; …} } } template<class Type> doublyLinkedList<Type>::doublyLinkedList(const doublyLinkedList<Type>& otherList) { first … another question Programming Software Development by btech …const Type& deleteItem); doublyLinkedList(); doublyLinkedList(const doublyLinkedList<Type>& otherList); ~doublyLinkedList(); protected: int count; …} } } template<class Type> doublyLinkedList<Type>::doublyLinkedList(const doublyLinkedList<Type>& otherlist) { first … i neeed ur help .. find error in data structure program Programming Software Development by norah87 … void deleteNode(const Type& deleteItem); doublyLinkedList(); doublyLinkedList(const doublyLinkedList<Type>& otherList); ~doublyLinkedList(); protected: int count; nodeType<Type…next; } } } template<class Type> doublyLinkedList<Type>::doublyLinkedList(const doublyLinkedList<Type>& otherList) { first = NULL;… circular double linked list. Programming Software Development by complexcodes …; }; template <typename T> class DoublyLinkedList { public: DoublyLinkedList(); DoublyLinkedList(T arr[], T arrSize); ~DoublyLinkedList(); Node<T> *insert(Node<…header ->next; } } } template<typename T> void DoublyLinkedList<T>::display() { if(header->next == header) {… Re: compile error Programming Software Development by btech … do not understand how to read the error messages. [code] doublyLinkedList error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "class std::basic_ostream<…;char,struct std::char_traits<char> > &,class doublyLinkedList<int> const &)" (??6@$$FYAAAV?$basic_ostream@DU… Re: another question Programming Software Development by btech … ok? [code] template<class Type> void doublyLinkedList<Type>::copyList(const doublyLinkedList<Type>& otherList) { nodeType<… Re: compile error Programming Software Development by WolfPack … just fine. Since you have pasted codes for two files, doublyLinkedList.h and main.cpp in the same code window, I…. However I got a runtime error in the [code] void doublyLinkedList<Type>::deleteNode(const Type& deleteItem) [/code] function… Re: compile error Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon … solved the problem. [code] template <class Type> class doublyLinkedList { friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const… doublyLinkedList<Type>& list) { nodeType<Type> *current; … Doubly linked list compile error Programming Software Development by Carrots doublylinkedlist List, Node newNode); }; [/code] [B]doublylinkedlist.cpp :[/B] [code=c++] #include "doublylinkedlist.h" void doublylinkedlist::insertBeginningWhenListIsEmpty(doublylinkedlist…' : is not a member of 'doublylinkedlist' see declaration of 'doublylinkedlist' error C2039: 'pointertofrontoflist' : is … Re: Doubly linked list compile error Programming Software Development by Carrots …lt;iostream> #include "node.h" #include "doublylinkedlist.h" using namespace std; int main() { system ("PAUSE… }; #endif [/code] [B]doublylinkedlist.h:[/B] [code] #ifndef DOUBLYLINKEDLIST.H #define DOUBLYLINKEDLIST #include "node.h" class doublylinkedlist { public: Node *pointertofrontoflist;//pointer… Re: Doubly linked list compile error Programming Software Development by Topi Ojala does your class doublylinkedlist know what a class Node is? if not, trying to create a pointer to one will surely result in an error. EDIT: I tested it and that wasn't the problem. I used the Visual Studio pre-compiled header, fixed the lines 7&8 in doublylinkedlist.cpp ( &newNode ) and it compiled fine. Re: Doubly linked list compile error Programming Software Development by Topi Ojala should the "name" given in the preprocessor command match on lines 1 and 2 in doublylinkedlist.h ? other than that I'm not sure what the problem might be ( or you might have figured it out by now :) Doubly-Linked List Programming Software Development by cplusplusrookie …ifndef _DOUBLYLINKEDLIST_H #define _DOUBLYLINKEDLIST_H template <class TYPE> class doublyLinkedList { private: struct Node { TYPE data; Node *next; …n){} }; Node *head; Node *tail; public: doublyLinkedList(); doublyLinkedList(TYPE emptyValue); ~doublyLinkedList(); void InsertBefore(TYPE data); void InsertAfter(TYPE data);… Re: Doubly Linked List with (array of?) Singly Linked Lists Programming Software Development by dogface13 …the SLL. import java.util.NoSuchElementException; public class DoublyLinkedList<E> {// doubly linked list class …lt;E> sll = new SinglyLinkedList<>(); public DoublyLinkedList() {// initialize list head.setPrev(null); head.setNext(tail);… Re: Doubly-Linked List Programming Software Development by ChaseRLewis … or front/back. [CODE] template<typename T> void doublyLinkedList<T>::insertBefore(const T& data) { //Well if… Doubly Linked List with (array of?) Singly Linked Lists Programming Software Development by dogface13 …, I have implemented a node class, DoublyLinkedList class and a SinglyLinkedList class. For each DoublyLinkedList node created, there is supposed to be…