How To dup my fifo to stdin??? Programming Software Development by grassboy …n"); fflush(stderr); } myFifo = open(path, O_RDWR); close(1); dup(myFifo); printf("yoyoyo");fflush(stdout); scanf("%d…;%s", str);[/b] althought the FIFO has been dup to stdin did I have some misconception about mkfifo() function… Re: passing variables to javascript Programming Web Development by kardklub dup CALENDAR in TASM!!(pls check my code!!:) Programming Software Development by dhiane_1112 … This impulsiveness can sometimes' db 13,10,25 dup(32),'lead to problemswhen they leap before they look.','$'… of Gemini influences are' db 13,10,25 dup(32),'a flightiness and unreliability,and a tendency to…level.','$' wrong db 13,10 db 13,10,25 dup(32),'WRONG INPUT','$' .code push dx sub ax… Sudoku *Checker* in MASM Programming Software Development by jenxin … BYTE 20 dup(' '),0C9h BYTE 2 dup(2 dup(3 dup(0CDh),0D1h),3 dup(0CDh),0CBh) BYTE 2 dup(3 dup(0CDh),0D1h),3 dup(0CDh),0BBh… BYTE 20 dup(' '),0BAh BYTE 2 dup(2 dup(3 dup(020h),0B3h),3 dup(020h),0BAh) BYTE 2 dup(3 dup(020h),0B3h),3 dup(020h),0BAh… Calculator using assembly programming-windows and TASM Programming Software Development by bryan.casin …me... STACKSG SEGMENT STACK 'STACK' DW 120 DUP(?) ; RESERVE 240 BYTES FOR STACK STACKSG ENDS… OF INPUT WILL STORE MENU DB 30 DUP(' ') , 0C9H , 14 DUP(0CDH) , 0BBH , CR , LF…CR , LF DB 30 DUP(' ') , 0C8H , 14 DUP(0CDH) , 0BCH , CR , LF , '$' ABOUT DB 20 DUP(' ') , 0C9H , 42 DUP(0CDH) , 0BBH ,… Parsing an XML structure in one pass Programming Software Development by glfnute …/*:Account/*:plz_DS1_Site_Type, ' cannot merge with Dup Site Type = ', $DupSite/*:AccountWS_AccountQueryPage_Output/*:ListOfAccount…ListOfAccount/*:Account/*:plz_DS1_Site_Industry, ' cannot merge with Dup DSOneIndustry: ', $DupSite/*:AccountWS_AccountQueryPage_Output/*:ListOfAccount/*:Account/*:plz_DS1_Site_Industry… Execute a php script in ruby Programming Software Development by Webville312 … commandline arguments browser_select = ARGV[0].dup browser_select.gsub! '...', ' ' country_code = ARGV[1].dup country_code.gsub! '...', ' ' test_name = ARGV[2].dup test_name.gsub! '...', ' ' home_url = ARGV[3… Assembler n00b. Need Help Please. Programming Software Development by Silo45 …data segment sentence db 30h dup(?) temp2 db 11h dup(?) numbers db 100h dup(?) crlf db 10,13,'$' …db '00000000000000000000000000',10,13,'$' num db 5,?,5 dup(0) ct db '1',10,13,'$' temp… ends sseg segment stack 'stack' db 100 dup () sseg ends code segment assume cs:code,… IJVM - assembly help Programming Software Development by necrojb … BIPUSH 0x0 IF_ICMPEQ geta DUP BIPUSH 0x2b IF_ICMPEQ add DUP BIPUSH 0x2d IF_ICMPEQ sub DUP BIPUSH 0x58 IF_ICMPEQ return DUP BIPUSH 0x30 ISUB IFLT… error DUP BIPUSH 0x3a SWAP ISUB… UPDATE question for ms sql 2000 Programming Databases by rhaazy …scanattribute nvarchar(50) '.' ) INSERT INTO #dup SELECT ScanAttributeID, #temp.scanattribute, #temp.ID…dup where #dup.attid = tblScanAttribute.ScanAttributeID AND ((<#temp.scanattribute) or ( and (#dup Having trouble ENCODING/DECODING ASSEMBLY Programming Software Development by adida948 … byte 0 file_in db 30 dup(0),'$' file_out_en db 30 dup(0),'$' inp db 3 dup(?),'$' oute db 4 dup (?),'$' buffsize1 equ 3 buffsize2… byte 0 fin_en db 30 dup(0),'$' fout_de db 30 dup(0),'$' inp2 db 4 dup (?),'$' outp db 3 dup (?),'$' buffsize3 equ 4 buffsize4… Simple calculator code problem Programming Software Development by louise07 … db "Input First Number : $" input_num1 db 10 dup("$") num2_msg db "Input Second Number : $"…"The Sum is : $" sum db 10 dup("$") subtraction_wel db "You have chosen Subtraction $&…"The Difference is : $" difference db 10 dup("$") continue db "Would you like to … Re: Simple calculator code problem Programming Software Development by elenov … db "Input First Number : $" input_num1 db 10 dup("$") num2_msg db "Input Second Number : $"…"The Sum is : $" sum db 10 dup("$") subtraction_wel db "You have chosen Subtraction $&…"The Difference is : $" difference db 10 dup("$") continue db "Would you like to … Re: Help with sed command please. Programming Software Development by radoulov … /InputAttributes get 0 get\ dup null eq\ { pop }\ { dup length 1 add dict copy\ dup /InputAttributes\ 1 dict dup /Priority [0 1 2 3…' currentpagedevice /InputAttributes get 0 get dup null eq { pop } { dup length 1 add dict copy dup /InputAttributes 1 dict dup /Priority [0 1 2… need help with 16 - bit calculator Programming Software Development by 3xy … ? inputData db 50 dup (?) str_operand1 db 10 dup (?) str_operand2 db 10 dup (?) str_operator db 2 dup (?) operand_sign1 db 2 dup (?) operand_sign2 db 2 dup (?) sign_counter db… Help with sed command please. Programming Software Development by asciiletters … /InputAttributes get 0 get dup null eq { pop } { dup length 1 add dict copy dup /InputAttributes 1 dict dup /Priority [0 1 2… get 0 get\ndup null eq\ \n{ pop }\n{ dup length 1 add dict copy\ \ndup /InputAttributes\ \n1 dict… dup /Priority [0 1 2 3] put\ \nput setpagedevice\ \n} … error... 99=9 Programming Software Development by sara_84 … DIGIT: ') MSG1 DB 26 DUP('FIRST DIGIT > SECOND DIGIT') MSG2 DB 26 DUP('FIRST DIGIT < SECOND DIGIT…') MSG3 DB 26 DUP('FIRST DIGIT = SECOND DIGIT') …ERROR_MSG DB 32 DUP('ENTER NUMBER BETWEEN 1 & … 56h renaming Programming Software Development by cf1709 …. $" characters db 50 dup(0) bytes_typed db 0 old db 30 dup,?, 30 DUP(' ') new db 30 dup,?, 30 DUP(' ') fren proc near file1… rubout the_buffer db 50 bytes_typed db 0 characters db 50 dup(0) prompt db "File to delete? $" ok_msg db… 16-bit calculator Programming Software Development by poly712 … ? inputData db 50 dup (?) str_operand1 db 10 dup (?) str_operand2 db 10 dup (?) str_operator db 2 dup (?) operand_sign1 db 2 dup (?) operand_sign2 db 2 dup (?) sign_counter db… Re: Help with sed command please. Programming Software Development by asciiletters … /InputAttributes get 0 get\ dup null eq\ { pop }\ { dup length 1 add dict copy\ dup /InputAttributes\ 1 dict dup /Priority [0 1 2 3… Why can't the second hand go to twelve? Programming Software Development by x0s0z0 DATA segment produ1 dw 4 dup(0) produ2 dw 4 dup(0) produ3 dw 4 dup(0) produ4 dw 3000h dup(0) produ5 dw 3000h… dup(0) r=181 x=300… Array in Assembly Programming Software Development by txhornsfan … BYTE "Enter a number", 0 string BYTE 40 DUP (?) resultLbl BYTE "Results", 0 sum BYTE 11….", 0dh, 0ah numEntered BYTE 11 DUP(?), " numbers were entered." avg BYTE 11 DUP(?), " is the average." count… Re: Array in Assembly Programming Software Development by txhornsfan … BYTE "Enter a number", 0 string BYTE 40 DUP (?) resultLbl BYTE "Results", 0 sum BYTE 11….", 0dh, 0ah numEntered BYTE 11 DUP(?), " numbers were entered." avg BYTE 11 DUP(?), " is the average." count… Can someone help me Programming Software Development by Fix_It …quot;,0,"*.exe",0,0 FilePath db 260 dup (0) Caption db "Choose the file to fix…lt;> FSize dd 0 NString db 50 dup (0) OString db 50 dup (0) StrLenA dd 0 StrLen2 dd 0… db " ",0 StringBuf db MAXSTR dup (0) NStringBuf db MAXSTR dup (0) NotFound db "The string can … Re: I need help Programming Software Development by The Angel … STACKSEG SEGMENT DW 32 DUP(?) STACKSEG ENDS ;============================ DATASEG…:cry: STACKSEG SEGMENT DW 32 DUP(?) STACKSEG ENDS ;============================ DATASEG SEGMENT … String to real and real to String Programming Software Development by amrac …,0ah,0dh,'Quit? Y/N',0ah,0dh,'$' result db 100 dup (?) db '$' num dw 0 valx DW ? num2 dw 0 posinum… dw 32, 16, 32 dup (?) posinum2 dw 32, 16, 32 dup (?) convert dw 0001h, 000ah, 0064h, 03E8h, 2710h… correccion de pila data Ends Pilha Segment 'stack' db 100 dup(?) pilha ends Code Segment Assume CS: Code, DS: data, es… How to Know that code is correct in Textpad? Programming Software Development by Zay …];Assi#1 .model small .stack 100h .data F1 sword 12 dup(12,4,7,-8,1,10,8,-4,20,44…,3,-9) F2 sword 12 dup(?) F3 sword 18 dup(?) F4 sword 6 dup(?) .code main proc mov si ,0 mov… Re: Help with sed command please. Programming Software Development by asciiletters I updated it a little, but still nothing happens.: s@\(*Page: 1 1*$\)@\ \ncurrentpagedevice /InputAttributes get 0 get\ \ndup null eq\ \n{ pop }\ \n{ dup length 1 add dict copy\ \ndup /InputAttributes\ \n1 dict dup /Priority [0 1 2 3] put\ \nput setpagedevice\ \n} ifelsei\ \n\1@ Re: need help with 16 - bit calculator Programming Software Development by anomalice … label byte max1 db 20 len1 db ? s1 db 20 dup(?) num2 label byte max2 db 20 len2 db ? s2 db… 20 dup(?) .code main proc mov ax, @data mov ds, ax mov… help in`assembly project Programming Software Development by raseel … .STACK 1000 ORG 100H .DATA INPUT LABEL BYTE DB 20 DUP (?) PARAMETER LABEL BYTE ;DEFINE A PARAMETER LIST numM db 10… ROMAN NUMBER TO CONVERT$' ROMAN_ARRAY_RESULT DB 50 DUP ? ROMAN DB 50 DUP (?) ARABIC DB 50 DUP(?) INVALID_NUM DB 10,13,'YOU ENTERED AN…