How To dup my fifo to stdin??? Programming Software Development by grassboy Hello... I've studied FIFO in recent days... and tried to write some code (Linux C) for practice... but there are some bugs in my code... I don't know how to solve it... here is my code... [code] #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> int main(){… Re: passing variables to javascript Programming Web Development by kardklub dup CALENDAR in TASM!!(pls check my code!!:) Programming Software Development by dhiane_1112 Please Check my code!!! This is a Calendar Wizard in TASM. a program that when a user enter his birthday, the output must be his corresponding Zodiac sign and his horoscope. But i dont know where to compare the inputted month and date and what label i am going to make to output the right zodiac sign and horoscope. Please help me. I try to … Sudoku *Checker* in MASM Programming Software Development by jenxin Hi guys/girls. I have a program due soon for my assembly class. My teacher expects us to bruteforce through this program, but I'm wondering if theres any other way. Here's my code basically, edx is the pointer to the value located at a position on a sudoku matrix. ie. [edx + 1] is 1 square to the right of edx. I've listed the teachers … Calculator using assembly programming-windows and TASM Programming Software Development by bryan.casin this is a calculator in asm using tasm..this works fine but the problems i want to fix are: 1.remove the division part(add,sub,and multi are required). 2.i want to remove the menu, when i run the program it should show up directly to the input part. 3.i want this thing [+][-][*] to be displayed above the input and if other symbol is inputted … Parsing an XML structure in one pass Programming Software Development by glfnute Still fairly new to XSLT would like to ask for some expert direction on how to solve what I think should be easy, just not for me ... I am parsing several different input sources to output one result XML structure. During the parsing, I am doing some pre-checks and putting any "error" conditions into the values. I would like to be able… Execute a php script in ruby Programming Software Development by Webville312 Dear all, So I am trying to run a watir test application. Everything seems to be going well except I need to log each step that happens. I am able to log using the php script, but have not yet figured out how to write to a log file using ruby. Now since I am more experienced with php, I thought it'd be wise to pass the ruby data back to php … Assembler n00b. Need Help Please. Programming Software Development by Silo45 Hi guys I need help debugging My program I'm not sure why it doesn't work I'm not THAT good at assembly so it might be a small bug. I wanted to post the code, But its a lot of code. Everything works fine until I need to input numbers I enter mov ah,0ah but for some reason it skips that part. Ill post the code anyways for anyone that wants … IJVM - assembly help Programming Software Development by necrojb Hey guys, it's been a while since i've had to do any assembly programming but it's come up again in a course of mine to haunt me :p We're trying to simulate reverse polish notation, which is fairly simple..and all we have to implement is addition/subtraction, with a few other conditions such as exiting when an X is input, and displaying an E … UPDATE question for ms sql 2000 Programming Databases by rhaazy I have an app that performs scans and returns information like what windows updates it has, services running, programs installed, browsesr history, etc. Scans will be performed once a week and sent to a server. The server will only save the most recent scan and store the rest in a history database. I have the methods for inserting and … Having trouble ENCODING/DECODING ASSEMBLY Programming Software Development by adida948 Hello. I am having a very hard time trying to encode a file and then decode it again so i can end up with the original file. I want to transform the content in the original file into base 85, and perhaps 100 charaters or more so that it works faster.. I've tried and succeeded with decimal, hexadecimal and base 64 bases. Ex. When i have '… Simple calculator code problem Programming Software Development by louise07 I need help with my code. this is a simple calculator. My addition seems to work fine. but in subtraction, when the answer is only one digit.. the first digit seems messed up. Special character shows up. This program is supposed to be accepting 2 digit number, example 02 + 04 = 06.. My addition works fine but im having problems with subtraction. … Re: Simple calculator code problem Programming Software Development by elenov [QUOTE=louise07;702673]I need help with my code. this is a simple calculator. My addition seems to work fine. but in subtraction, when the answer is only one digit.. the first digit seems messed up. Special character shows up. This program is supposed to be accepting 2 digit number, example 02 + 04 = 06.. My addition works fine but im having … Re: Help with sed command please. Programming Software Development by radoulov [code]zsh 4.3.4% echo "Page 1 1"|sed '/Page 1 1/i\ currentpagedevice /InputAttributes get 0 get\ dup null eq\ { pop }\ { dup length 1 add dict copy\ dup /InputAttributes\ 1 dict dup /Priority [0 1 2 3] put\ put setpagedevice\ } ifelse' currentpagedevice /InputAttributes get 0 get dup null eq { pop } { dup length 1 add dict copy dup /… need help with 16 - bit calculator Programming Software Development by 3xy .model small .stack 64 .data error_alpha db "Invalid input. Expression contains letter/s. ",13,10,"$" error_range db "Invalid input. Operand/s may be out of range. ",13,10,"$" error_overflow db "An overflow has occurred. ",13,10,"$" error_invalidinput db "Invalid Input. ",13,10, … Help with sed command please. Programming Software Development by asciiletters I have a text file that I want sed to add a few lines to right before an existing line. What I want to add is: currentpagedevice /InputAttributes get 0 get dup null eq { pop } { dup length 1 add dict copy dup /InputAttributes 1 dict dup /Priority [0 1 2 3] put put setpagedevice } ifelse And I want it right before the line containing… error... 99=9 Programming Software Development by sara_84 hello all, i write a program in 8086 to compare between two numbers, but when i enter numbers 99 and 9 it give me tha same, also with other; (55=5,44=4...etc) this this my code, how can i solve error. [CODE=Assembly] .MODEL SMALL .STACK 64 .DATA MS1 DB 23 DUP('ENTER THE FIRST DIGIT: ') MS2 DB 23 DUP('ENTER THE SECOND DIGIT: ') MSG1 DB 26… 56h renaming Programming Software Development by cf1709 Greetings! I was asked to make a 'rename' command using INT 21h/56h by doing the following: 1. Ask the user to enter the file he wants the name to be changed 2. Ask the name of the file that will be used as the new filename. 3. Return error codes depending on the situation. With this code [CODE];File fren .model small .code org 100h… 16-bit calculator Programming Software Development by poly712 hi everyone! i need help on this code it is a calculator that asked the user to input an expression (eg. 56+2) in one line and output the suppose to manipulate mdas. please help me fix this code.. (i mean this is not really my code but i did tried to fix it.) [CODE].model small .stack 64 .data error_alpha db "Invalid … Re: Help with sed command please. Programming Software Development by asciiletters Cool thanks, so working with what you gave me. I tried to make this work with my file so I put it in the script as: /*Page: 1 1*/i\ currentpagedevice /InputAttributes get 0 get\ dup null eq\ { pop }\ { dup length 1 add dict copy\ dup /InputAttributes\ 1 dict dup /Priority [0 1 2 3] put\ put setpagedevice\ } ifelse Then I ran the … Why can't the second hand go to twelve? Programming Software Development by x0s0z0 DATA segment produ1 dw 4 dup(0) produ2 dw 4 dup(0) produ3 dw 4 dup(0) produ4 dw 3000h dup(0) produ5 dw 3000h dup(0) r=181 x=300 y=240 DATA ends code segment assume cs:code,ds:DATA [code]start: mov bx,505fh mov ax,4f02h int 10h mov ax,DATA mov ds,ax mov si,0 mov cx,x-r mov dx,y mov al,02 mov ah,0ch int 10h lop1:… Array in Assembly Programming Software Development by txhornsfan Hello all, I am having some trouble with my assembly code...still kind of new, but here it goes... The assignment is to desing an assembly program that uses a dialog box to prompt the user for a number. These numbers will be stored in an array. There will be an output message that shows the following: sum of numbers entered, how many numbers … Re: Array in Assembly Programming Software Development by txhornsfan Did some more troubleshooting, and changed a few things...this is what I have now....still need help guys...its due tonight. Again, all help is appreciated greatly!!! .DATA numArray DWORD ? numElts DWORD 100 num DWORD ? exitNum DWORD -9999 prompt BYTE "Enter a number", 0 string BYTE 40 DUP… Can someone help me Programming Software Development by Fix_It I need help with this code. It isn't working correctly. ; last error in is LASTERR Error No impersonation token ; ; reparieren.asm Help from Fetten,Dave,Frank K.,Qword,TightCoderEx, ; To err is O.K. as long as it isn't too many. ; .386 ; .model flat,stdcall ; option casemap:none ; include … Re: I need help Programming Software Development by The Angel hi guys i can replace each symbol * in string to E by using LODSB but i want do that using SCASB ------------------------------------------------------ STACKSEG SEGMENT DW 32 DUP(?) STACKSEG ENDS ;============================ DATASEG SEGMENT LF EQU 0AH… String to real and real to String Programming Software Development by amrac I have a work to do in Assembly. With the value of a radius given by the user, It only calculates the [B]area of a circle[/B]. It has to work in 8086 and not in 80386. I think that the problem is that the value is loaded to the FPU stack as a string. How do I convert a string to a floating point value? I'm using MASM 6.14 and I really can't use … How to Know that code is correct in Textpad? Programming Software Development by Zay Hello; can any one help me to know how to check that my code is corrsct in Textpad ? there is no output like C++ ;so it make proplem fpr me . this is the code : [code];Assi#1 .model small .stack 100h .data F1 sword 12 dup(12,4,7,-8,1,10,8,-4,20,44,3,-9) F2 sword 12 dup(?) F3 sword 18 dup(?) F4 sword 6 dup(?) .code main proc mov si ,0… Re: Help with sed command please. Programming Software Development by asciiletters I updated it a little, but still nothing happens.: s@\(*Page: 1 1*$\)@\ \ncurrentpagedevice /InputAttributes get 0 get\ \ndup null eq\ \n{ pop }\ \n{ dup length 1 add dict copy\ \ndup /InputAttributes\ \n1 dict dup /Priority [0 1 2 3] put\ \nput setpagedevice\ \n} ifelsei\ \n\1@ Re: need help with 16 - bit calculator Programming Software Development by anomalice ; Camille Bianca T. Alipio ; cs21 FTXY Machine Problem ; March 14, 2008 .model small .stack 64 .data msg1 db "Enter first operand: $" msg2 db "Enter second operand: $" msg3 db "Enter operation (+, -, *, /): $" msg4 db "Result: " negative db "- $" greaterMsg db "… help in`assembly project Programming Software Development by raseel hello this is my project to convert from arabic numerals to roman one's and vice versa but i have some problems in it ,dont know what 2 do ??/so pleassse help me 2 know or even 2 correct it thanx alot MODEL SMALL .STACK 1000 ORG 100H .DATA INPUT LABEL BYTE DB 20 DUP (?) PARAMETER LABEL …