Create And Install Windows Service Step By Step In C# Programming Web Development by Rabiya_1 … trying public TestService() { InitializeComponent(); timeDelay = new System.Timers.Timer(); timeDelay.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(WorkProcess); } public void WorkProcess(object sender… Re: Create And Install Windows Service Step By Step In C# Programming Web Development by rproffitt Since the answer would be many pages long, read and consider the two other pages noted there. Re: about timers Programming Software Development by deceptikon `elapsed` is declared as a `time_point`, not a `duration`. Read up … Elapsed Time for Application Programming Software Development by orwell84 … way that I can get PERL to give me the elapsed time that it took to calculate something? I'm trying… Re: Elapsed time for retriving data from database Programming Software Development by wut-da … if u can suggest any other way to get the elapsed time while retrieving the data. Thank You! :) Visual C++ 2008 elapsed timer Programming Software Development by Wiki_Tiki … C++ 2008. Basically what I want to do is have elapsed time in seconds, minutes and hours tick down on a… Price calculation based on time elapsed Programming Web Development by mightysnake … find a common solution for calculating price based on time elapsed and I thought you guys could help me a bit… days the price is 40€ per day plus 2 days elapsed 80€ and for 10 following days price should be 30… Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or Programming Software Development by ansari.wajid ….cs for database interaction. "Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is… Delete Everything After 48 hours has elapsed ? Programming Web Development by phplover … me how i go about checking if 48 hours have elapsed and account is still not activated ? the first part of… Blink a marquee label and the elapsed timer Programming Software Development by advcha.almahyrah … = second; timer1.Start(); elapsedTime = new System.Timers.Timer(10000); elapsedTime.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(OnTimedEvent); elapsedTime.Interval = 2000; elapsedTime.AutoReset… Re: how to calculate time elapsed during execution Programming Software Development by 9868 [QUOTE=keerthiga;981253]sum() integer x,y,z read x,y z=x+y print"the sum of x and y is",z end sum()[/QUOTE] Oh man, this is really funny. The OP is asking for elapsed time and you're telling him/her to add two integers. Optimizing OpenGL (SwapBuffer being slow) Programming Software Development by Clockowl … took: Time elapsed: 31 WM_TIMER took: Time elapsed: 16 WM_TIMER took: Time elapsed: 31 WM_TIMER took: Time elapsed: 31 WM_TIMER took: Time elapsed: 31 WM_TIMER… took: Time elapsed: 16 WM_TIMER… String Class operator+= Problem Programming Software Development by Frederick2 …Going To Create Lines With CrLfs! //Finished Creating Lines! : milliseconds elapsed - 17445 //t1 = 17445 //Starting.... //Finished Creating String With 500000…Going To Create Lines With CrLfs! //Finished Creating Lines! : milliseconds elapsed - 17425 //t1 = 17425 [/CODE] As can be easily … Re: Optimizing OpenGL (SwapBuffer being slow) Programming Software Development by Clockowl ….h> //only for fabs #define TIMEELAPSED {printf("\tTime elapsed: %lu\n", (clock() - startTime)*1000 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);} //this is in… How can i use the d3.js for database value..? Programming Web Development by jeraldmuthu …, type); event.on(type, listener); return groups; }; d3.timer(function(elapsed) { groups.each(function(d, i, j) { var tweened = [], …: 0}); ++lock.count; delay <= elapsed ? start(elapsed) : d3.timer(start, delay, time); function start(elapsed) { if ( > id)… HACKTOOL.ROOT KIT (hijackthis and sysclean log) Hardware and Software Information Security by BALAS009 …hour 21 minutes 55 seconds (4915.31 seconds) has elapsed. ---------*---------*---------*---------*---------*---------*---------*---------* 2005-10-31, 07:20:21, Clean …hour 21 minutes 55 seconds (4915.31 seconds) has elapsed. ---------*---------*---------*---------*---------*---------*---------*---------* 2005-10-31, 07:20:21, Scanner … data structures Programming Software Development by jen638 …randint count = orderedSequentialSearch(alist) random.randint = orderedSequentialSearch(item) elapsed = (time.clock() - start) if found == False… count = orderedSequentialSearch(alist) random.randint = orderedSequentialSearch(item) elapsed = (time.clock() - start) if found == False… My operator+= In My String Class Is Too Slow! What Am I Doing Wrong? Programming Software Development by Frederick2 …more than mine! Finished Replacing '-'s With 8! : milliseconds elapsed - 17415 Now Going To Create Lines With CrLfs! Finished …Creating Lines! : milliseconds elapsed – 17425 !!! 12400 faster than mine! t1 = 17425 <… c++ source code problem urgent!!!! Programming Software Development by gin1026 …] <tracking part> <result>[/U] elapsed time 192ms detected //send "successful" to another …. . //send " l" to another host elapsed time 176ms detected //send "successful" to another host… Timing: Lists vs Dictionaries Programming Software Development by woooee …if ctr not in a_list: a_list.append(ctr) print "elapsed time:", def add_to_dict(num): a_dict…if ctr not in a_dict: a_dict[ctr]=ctr print "elapsed time:", for num in [… inet20099 Problem - Fixed, THANKS Hardware and Software Information Security by Dwy3r688 …Starting Memory Sweep 11:53 AM: Memory Sweep Complete, Elapsed Time: 00:01:29 11:53 AM: Starting Registry … (ID = 530423) 11:54 AM: Registry Sweep Complete, Elapsed Time:00:00:43 11:54 AM: Starting Cookie Sweep…: zedo cookie 12:16 PM: Removal process completed. Elapsed time 00:01:10 Here is my microsoft anti spyware… Hijackthis log RE: Potentially rootkit-masked files Hardware and Software Information Security by stebbs …: Starting Memory Sweep 10:53 PM: Memory Sweep Complete, Elapsed Time: 00:04:28 10:53 PM: Starting Registry Sweep… 10:53 PM: Registry Sweep Complete, Elapsed Time:00:00:15 10:53 PM: Starting Cookie Sweep… computer. Please wait... 11:29 PM: Removal process completed. Elapsed time 00:00:32 11:36 PM: Warning: Access is… Sorting Programming Software Development by volscolts16 … Calls: " + s.getData()[1]); System.out.println("Time Elapsed: " + (end - begin) + " Milliseconds"); output.close…++) output2.println(p.get(x)); System.out.println("Time Elapsed: " + (end - begin) + " Milliseconds"); output2.close();… Sorting Programming Software Development by azalia … Calls: " + s.getData()[1]); System.out.println("Time Elapsed: " + (end - begin) + " Milliseconds"); output.close(); begin = System…++) output2.println(p.get(x)); System.out.println("Time Elapsed: " + (end - begin) + " Milliseconds"); output2.close(); } //catch a… Nee help with Pong Programming Software Development by Mr. K … our temporary bitmap for double buffering clock_t final, initial; double elapsed; void moveBall(){ circlefill ( buffer, ball_x, ball_y, 5, … 640, 480); initial = clock(); final = clock(); while( !key[KEY_ESC]){ elapsed = (double)(clock() - initial)/(double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC; initial = clock(); moveBall(); rest… Re: Nee help with Pong Programming Software Development by Mr. K … our temporary bitmap for double buffering clock_t new_clock, initial; double elapsed; double delta; void moveBall(){ circlefill ( buffer, ball_x, ball_y, … delta = (MAX_CLOCKS - initial) + new_clock; else delta = new_clock - initial; elapsed = double(delta) / double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC); while( !key[KEY_ESC]){ moveBall(); rest(20… Custom YouTube Player Problems Programming Web Development by brianjoe …= false; elements.current.html(formatTime(0)); elements.elapsed.width("0"); elements.container.removeClass("… updater if (!interval) { interval = window.setInterval(function () { elements.elapsed.width(((elements.player.getCurrentTime() / data.duration) * 100) + "… Re: Simple Timer Class - C++ Programming Software Development by deceptikon …(bool reset = false); void Stop(); unsigned long Elapsed() const; private: std::clock_t start, stop; bool…{ stop = std::clock(); running = false; } } unsigned long Stopwatch::Elapsed() const { return (running ? std::clock() : stop) - start; … CROSS APPLY - drives me mad Programming Databases by FSMk45U4su2F …SQL Server parse and compile time: CPU time = 0 ms, elapsed time = 1 ms. (3 row(s) affected) Table … affected) SQL Server Execution Times: CPU time = 82781 ms, elapsed time = 105673 ms. (3 row(s) affected) Table '…) SQL Server Execution Times: CPU time = 16 ms, elapsed time = 139 ms. SQL Server parse and compile time:… javascript image dir change Programming Web Development by moestavern …minRes) var now = (new Date()).getTime() var elapsed = now - this.lastTime var ny = eval(this….scrollTop + this.dir + (elapsed * this.speed / 1000)) this.lastTime = now if…Date()).getTime() var elapsed = now - startTime if (elapsed > 1000) endScroll() else { var t = 1000 - elapsed var ny = endPos…