Desperate for help with deciphering Perl script Programming Software Development by callyvan … ne '') {SendMailBySmtp(@lines);} else {SendMail(@lines);} } } elsif ($key =~ /^_send_html_email/)#HTML email template { if (!defined($FORM…($mailserver ne '') {SendMailBySmtp(@lines);} else {SendMail(@lines);} } } elsif ($key =~ /^_out_file/) { if (!defined($FORM{"_browser_out".$pn… Urgent help with vhdl neeeded Programming Software Development by dash8shamir …quot;00000000000000000000000000000000") then data_out <= "00000000000000000000000000000000" ; elsif (data_in = "10000000000000000000000000000000") then data_out <= "…) begin if(con_init = '1') then current_state <= rst1 ; elsif (clock_main'event and clock_main = '0') then current_state <= next_state… Re: Desperate for help with deciphering Perl script Programming Software Development by callyvan …*(.+?)\s*(\x23|$)/) { eval "push \@$1, \"$2\";";} elsif ($line =~ /^(\w+)\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*(\x23|$)/) { eval "\$$1 = \"… My SQL Help :( Programming Databases by abz007 …g_settings{double_text}; $result->{"double_subject"} = $g_settings{double_subject}; } # AUT elsif ($table eq $db_table_OWN) { $result->{"name"} = ""… { $result->{lock_type} = ''; $result->{create_date} = time; } #LOCKS elsif ($table eq $db_table_DUP) { $result->{"batch_id"} = 0; $result… Perl Division Kills Compilation Programming Software Development by magikman …; $oids{'VarFree'} = $varFree; $oids{'SFFree'} = $sfFree; $oids{'SQLFree'} = $sqlFree; } elsif($type eq 'load') { my %tmp=%$result; foreach my $key(keys…sfSize; $oids{'SFUsed'} = $sfUsed; $oids{'SQLSize'} = $sqlSize; $oids{'SQLUsed'} = $sqlUsed; } elsif($type eq 'load') { while(my ($name,$test) = each(%errors)) { my… noob on perl... please help Programming Software Development by andrew23chan …) {$cuMon = "JAN";} elsif ($currMon == 2) {$cuMon="FEB";} elsif ($currMon == 3) {$cuMon="MAR";} elsif ($currMon == 4) {$cuMon="…) {$cuMon="SEP";} elsif ($currMon == 10) {$cuMon="OCT";} elsif ($currMon == 11) {$cuMon="NOV";} elsif ($currMon == 12) {$cuMon="… Integer to character conversion Programming Software Development by Mushy-pea …[$c] == 1) {$hit_count = $hit_count + (1 * $e)} elsif ($data[$c] == 2) {$hit_count = $hit_count + (2 * $e)} elsif ($data[$c] == 3) {$hit_count = $hit_count + (3 * $e…)} elsif ($data[$c] == 4) {$hit_count = $hit_count + (4 * $e… Help with an Exception please? Programming Software Development by muppetjones …ERR "Nucleotide sequence: $leaf.\n"; } elsif($seq == 0) { # unable to get a … experimental: $line"; # skip experimental data } elsif(exists($bad_sequences{$acc})) { print WARN "SKIPPED: … no. $scores->{$acc} = $bs; $count++; } elsif($flags{score_type} eq 'evalue' && $ev) { … Mail app Perl to Python Programming Software Development by awahqn …# {$pop = "";} elsif ($details[1] =~ m/windstream/) # {$pop …= "";} elsif ($details[1] =~ m/gmail/) # gmail =====> SSL {$… Baffled by Perl script Programming Software Development by mjump54 … =~ /InputFolder=(.*)/ ) { $input_folder = $1; } elsif ( $line =~ /OsSlash=(.*)/ ) { $slashstring = $1; } elsif ( $line =~ /PrintConfig=(.*)/ ) { $print_config = $1; } elsif ( $line =~ /Debug=(.*)/ ) { $debug = $1; } elsif ( $line =~ /FileString=(.*)/ ) { $filestring[$i… Re: perl script help re: scope/structure for noob Programming Software Development by andrew23chan … "JAN";} elsif ($currMon == 2) {$cuMon="FEB";} elsif ($currMon == 3) {$cuMon="MAR";} elsif ($currMon == 4) {$…="SEP";} elsif ($currMon == 10) {$cuMon="OCT";} elsif ($currMon == 11) {$cuMon="NOV";} elsif ($currMon == 12)… Shutting down VMs on a host in order Programming Software Development by caffine4lovers …initiated.\n"; eval { $vm->SuspendVM(); } } elsif($vm->runtime->powerState->val eq 'poweredOff') {… suspended.\n"; } } else { $found_vima = 1; } } } } elsif($powerchoice eq $poweroff) { my ($host) = @_; my $found_vima; foreach(@$host… how to javascript inside my perl progam. Programming Software Development by santhanalakshmi … eq 'B') { $sprog = "BTech"; } elsif ($mprogramme eq 'L') { $sprog = "Dual Degree"; } elsif ($mprogramme eq 'M') { $sprog = "MTech…"; } elsif ($mprogramme eq 'C') { $sprog = "MSc"… PLSQL Debugging Help Programming Databases by DishevldPeasant …then raise_application_error(-20100, 'Job modifcation not permitted'); elsif upper(emp_arr(sal_rec.job)) = 'ANALYST' and…sal_rec.ename), emp_arr(sal_rec.job), 1500, v_diff); elsif upper(emp_arr(sal_rec.job)) = 'MANAGER' and…sal_rec.ename), emp_arr(sal_rec.job), 3500, v_diff); elsif upper(emp_arr(sal_rec.job)) = 'SALESMAN' and … Reading a txt file and sorting the information Programming Software Development by MaddTechwf …)) { $triples ++; $i += 3; } #Check for pairs elsif(($nums[$i] == $nums[$i+1]) && ($nums[$i…$pairs ++; $i += 2; } #Check for straights elsif(($nums[$i] == ($nums[($i+1)]-1)) &&… Someone PLEASE help end the loops!!! Programming Software Development by iubike …" ){ $accounts{$user} += $amount; print "done." }elsif( $command eq "withdraw" ){ $accounts{$user} -= $amount;… print "done." }elsif( $command eq "print" ){ foreach (sort keys %accounts) … Re: Someone PLEASE help end the loops!!! Programming Software Development by iubike …){ print "$_ has $accounts{$_}\n";}} elsif( $command eq "add" ){ $accounts{$user…} += $amount; print "done.\n";} elsif( $command eq "withdraw" ){ $accounts{$user} -=… How to skip a line ! Programming Software Development by MojoS …); if($base eq "A"){ $base= "T"; } elsif($base eq "T"){ $base="A"… eq "C"){ $base= "G"; } elsif($base eq "G"){ $base= "C"; } else { … Re: How to skip a line ! Programming Software Development by MojoS …); if($base eq "A"){ $base= "T"; } elsif($base eq "T"){ $base="A"… eq "C"){ $base= "G"; } elsif($base eq "G"){ $base= "C"; } else { … Warning: uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string Programming Software Development by ajay_p5 …s+$//g; @aj4=split(/:/,$lines); push(@author,$aj4[1]); } elsif ($lines =~m/Address/) { $lines=~s/\s+$//g; @…aj5=split(/:/,$lines); push(@address,$aj5[1]); } elsif ($lines =~m/^\\/) { $i=$i+1; } else { push… please show me how to make the 50 target in perl Programming Software Development by biojet …); if ($change eq "A") { $change =~ s/A/T/; } elsif ($change eq "T"){ $change =~ s/T/A… eq "G"){ $change =~ s/G/C/; } elsif ($change eq "C"){ $change =~ s/C/G/; } $tag = $… perl survey Programming Software Development by itsmrshow …$counter = $counter +1; } elsif($counter==1) { &secondQuestion; $counter = $counter +1; } elsif($counter==2) { &thirdQuestion; $…counter = $counter +1; } elsif($counter==3) { &forthQuestion; … Execute a php script in ruby Programming Software Development by Webville312 …include? "firefox" browser = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox elsif browser_select.include? "chrome" browser = Selenium::WebDriver.for …? "opera" browser = Selenium::WebDriver.for :opera elsif browser_select.include? "internet_explorer" browser = Selenium::WebDriver.for… Re: Calculate compass heading between 2 UTM grid points Programming Software Development by histrungalot … ($dx > 0) { $result = (pi*0.5) - atan2($dy,$dx); } elsif ($dx < 0 ) { $result = (pi*1.5) - atan2($dy,$dx…); } elsif ($dy > 0) { $result = 0; } elsif ($dy < 0) { $result = pi; } else { $result… perl script help re: scope/structure for noob Programming Software Development by scotchfx … $sender{$sp}->$receiver{$rp} in dependency hashes\n"; } elsif($line =~ m/(\d)-(\d)/) { #create local process var my $p… $sender{$sp}->$receiver{$rp} in dependency hashes\n"; } elsif($line =~ m/(\d)-(\d)/) { #create local process var my $p… Re: perl script help re: scope/structure for noob Programming Software Development by kordaff …] The loop control variable $numevents only gets incremented if the elsif regex matches. Should it increment in the first regex's…: [CODE] if ($line =~ m/(\d)-(\d)->(\d)-(\d)/) and elsif($line =~ m/(\d)-(\d)/) [/CODE] The first will match lines… Strange issue with arrays Programming Software Development by Mushy-pea …") { $flag_reply = 1; @link_info = &update_links(@field, $link, @stat, \@data); } elsif ($field[5] eq "no") {$field[6] = &new_thread…;localhost") {$input = $main::QUERY_STRING; print "\ninput: $input";} elsif ($conf::environment eq "server") {$input = <STDIN>… Empty block in if....else construct. OK? Programming Software Development by Mushy-pea … to do this: [code=perl] if ($beer == $wine) {# Some code} elsif ($beer == $vodka) {} else {die("Oh dear! Neither condition satisfied…] i.e. have an empty block attached to an if, elsif or else. It might sound like an odd question, but… undefined method `length=' Programming Web Development by yadavshubhanshu … if str.length > max max = str.length maxstr = str elsif str.length = max if str > maxstr maxstr = str end… piece of code is giving me an error in the elsif line saying that [undefined method `length=' for "word i… Number Guessing Loop Programming Software Development by orwell84 … > $thinkingof){ print "You guessed too high.\n"; } elsif ($guess < $thinkingof){ print "You guessed too low.\n… > $thinkingof){ print "You guessed too high.\n"; } elsif ($guess < $thinkingof){ print "You guessed too low.\n…