48 Topics

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Member Avatar for ihatehippies

I have a wx.DatePickerCtrl with the dropdown popup window that allows the user to pick a date from the calendar. What I would l like to have my program do is process an event when the user has clicked on a day in the dropdown calendar. Unfortunately the only native …

Member Avatar for gdtraveller
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi DW. Anyone know what/which type of WndProc Windows Message is raised when someone is burning a CD? What I mean here is that if I'm using a software like Nero which is a well known CD burning software. My question is that what type of WndProc Message this software …

Member Avatar for xrjf
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi guys, with event handlings it seems that there are 2 approaches: 1)using an anonymous inner class 2)using a normal inner class. From what I can see if you have more than one component that is generating an event, say you have 3 buttons, if you go down the route …

Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for sushmaja.arumalla.9

The page previously fires the event from the server side.When the new design is applied to the site the server side events are not firing.What may be the problem.Got struck from 2 days.Please help me in solving the issue. Thanks In Advance, Sushmaja Arumalla

Member Avatar for sushmaja.arumalla.9
Member Avatar for burhanahmed92

I am making a form which contain two input suggestion fields, 2 datepicker and three select fields. I want to make my form ajax based and show result in div when any field is changed. Just like farecompare.com I almost created a form but form start loading when i click …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for GeneClaude

So we were asked to reproduce the function generator and oscilloscope as a virtual instrument for our final exam. But I'd like to focus on the function generator. The audio generator GW Instek GAG-809/810 has only a single button for the waveform wherein the user would just press it repeatedly …

Member Avatar for Alberto Bucur
Member Avatar for muze

Hello. I have a very basic softphone. I can make and recieve calls on it. But the problem is: it does not have a ringtone. Now I could use other phones like xlite but I was wondering if there is a way to setup a custom event (may be playing …

Member Avatar for mcoliver88

Hi I am creating a quiz of 10 questions, using a string array. When the user clicks on the next button the next question follows. How do i set it up that when the user comes towards the end of the array the previous button changes to finish. I know …

Member Avatar for mcoliver88
Member Avatar for fernandofranca

Hi all, I´m having troubles programming with C# for windows CE. I need to listen a serial port, I have the program for windows and it works fine but when I program it to windows CE I dont know why it does not recognize any event function. I normally use …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for Dani

I'm attempting to use Gogole Analytics event tracking to track browser viewport size. I'm using event tracking already in a bunch of other user-initiated places with jQuery and everthing works fine. This doesn't seem to be working though: I have this at the bottom of my html page: <script type="text/javascript"> …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for edreese58

My Windows 7 computer is almost completely frozen. I can run it in safe mode, but as soon as I do all the maintenance (virus search, glary utilities, CC Clean) in safe mode and go back to regular, it freezes or goes very very slow (10 minutes to shut down). …

Member Avatar for dom246
Member Avatar for corliss

Hi All, I have created an application that allows a user to select a diectory, where we parse the photos, and upload to a database. The issue that I am having is that I have a button on the form found in the newJFrame.java class called upload that when pressed …

Member Avatar for corliss
Member Avatar for Jasonfran

Hello, I am making an IRC application and I was wondering how I could make a simple event that gets called like onMessage() every time a IRC message comes through so I can then do something like this in my main class: public void onMessage(String message){ System.out.println(message); //or Handle commands …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for anton.yakushin

Here's my problem: - I have a static site with Google Analytics tracking code. - To buy one of my services, users call me, and when their order is ready (many days later), I send them an e-mail link to a special page (download.php) where I have GA tracking code …

Member Avatar for anton.yakushin
Member Avatar for Ryujin

We list our daily opening/closing hours on a Google Calendar as Events. After some struggles with the Javascript API, we are *almost* able to extract the hours (events) for today and for tomorrow to embed elsewhere on the site -- but at 7pm local time (EST in the US) it …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for LdaXy_1

how do i check if a menu item in my JMenuBar has been clicked? for instance, i have a JMenu with an item called exit, which i need to make close the form. how do i do this? import javax.swing.*; public class selector_form extends JFrame { /** * */ private …

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Member Avatar for dan_code_guru

Hi i am working on a server sent event script to be sent when the user has logged out, but in the network tab the server sent pages are being sent every couple of seconds with no data. Client-Side script var source=new EventSource("include/updates.php"); source.addEventListener('logout',function(event){ $("#notificationsContainer").append(event.data + "<br />"); source.close(); },false); …

Member Avatar for dan_code_guru
Member Avatar for MattBerry

Hi, I wonder if anybody can set me straight as I am having a hard time understanding what is going on with INotifyPropertyChanged. My understanding of the events are: 1> Have a window with 2 textfields and a button 2> Create an instance of the Employee object 5> Bind both …

Member Avatar for MattBerry
Member Avatar for MonsieurPointer

Hello DaniWebbers, I have the following classes in their respective namespaces; so far so good. When I have received data from the server, the AsyncTcpClient's *DataReceived* event gets raised and the Client's *OnReceivedData* method gets called. Also so far so good. The one thing that does not work (and which …

Member Avatar for UzuNarU

Hey everyone, I'm having a little trouble with creating a 'dynamic' calendar with events called from a MySQL database. So basically I would like to have the Month automatically change when the month changes, and highlight the days which have events scheduled, and make those days links to my thickbox …

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Member Avatar for ChrisMackle

So im learning SDL to get an idea on game programming for my career as a game developer. I havent done any learning for a couple of months after getting stuck on this problem. So im using a lazyfoo.net tutorial engine. that moves a player and has a collision with …

Member Avatar for sfuo
Member Avatar for evamshi88

I am trying to generate random points on the canvas. So i want to the random point on the screen to move to a new random location, when mouse touches it. How do i do this?? this is not happening with any of the mouse events. An example would be …

Member Avatar for Sahil89
Member Avatar for Awilson089

Not sure if this should be in the MySQL section but here goes, I basically need some sort of code which can read events from a database, display them on a webpage, and the ability to edit and add new events. Please do not suggest any sort of calendar as …

Member Avatar for Awilson089
Member Avatar for EBS.VivekGupta

Hi, I am working on a Windows application project for 2 months. Today i found that my most of the control events are not firing.. Till yesterday night all the forms were fine but i wonder what happened today. Can anyone pls help me out..

Member Avatar for skatamatic
Member Avatar for ferrari77

Problemo: My PHP Script (it's just a snippet) is not picking up my JavaScript code. It doesn't even see the zip code field. It says it doesn't exist: [CODE] <?php $zipCode = $_GET[zipCode]; //echo "data:".$zipCode; $json = "{data:.$zipCode}"; echo $json; //echo json_encode(array("data"=>$zipCode)); //print ("Zip Code:".$zipCode); ?> [/CODE] I'm passing it …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for stefh

Hi everyone :) Title says it all... I'm trying to bind events to a wx.GenericDirCtrl. I've visited more than 20 web sites but i haven't found how to do it. I've tried different manners but it doesn't work as i expect it to. In some case my control is seen …

Member Avatar for stefh
Member Avatar for calrobs

Hi there, I currently have HTML table on my website full of entires from a MySQL table. These entries are just normal words. I've been wanting the user to be notified if they click on that particular word. I have the text background change colour whenever the user clicks on …

Member Avatar for jonsan32

My page [url]http://www.epicbasketball.com/p/events.html[/url] is kinda lookin pretty darn unprofessional. I'm limited in my coding skill, but am pretty good at learning new things quickly. If anyone out there could give me some advice, some tips, or would like to flat-out retouch the code below yourself, it would be HIGHLY APPRECIATED. …

Member Avatar for AurosGamma

Hello, i'm making a web site as a college project, this site features html,php,javascript,ajax,jquery and mysql. I'm almost done with the website... in the website i have a game, the players can create a 'lobby' and others players joins them, so, when a lobby is created an entry in the …

Member Avatar for Judas3213

I have three classes. I have a main app, a Draggable class, and a creator class. I want it so that when i click on one rectangle it produces the same exact dimensions as the shape i pressed. However, the problem is that when I use mousePressed, it seems that …

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The End.