expected primary-expresion before "struct" ??? Programming Software Development by doraemon79 … linux and I at the compilation I receive: expected primary-expresion before "struct". I write the first part of… calculate string expresion Programming Software Development by vbx_wx How can i calculate an expresion of type string: [code] strng eval = "129 + 23 - 54 * 2 / 4"; [/code] Any ideas? How do I make the TextBlock in Expresion Blend look better? Programming Software Development by complete How do I make the TextBlock in Expresion Blend look better? I want the Text Blook to have … Re: expected primary-expresion before "struct" ??? Programming Software Development by nezachem You probably compiled it as C++, where [B]new[/B] is a reserved word. Re: expected primary-expresion before "struct" ??? Programming Software Development by Agni It doesn't look like C++ code at all. And the moderators might prove that in sometime by moving it to the C forum !! Re: expected primary-expresion before "struct" ??? Programming Software Development by mrnutty Before I say something, what do you think this statement is doing : [code] struct word_list * new = NULL; [/code] Re: expected primary-expresion before "struct" ??? Programming Software Development by doraemon79 [QUOTE=Agni;1090264]It doesn't look like C++ code at all. And the moderators might prove that in sometime by moving it to the C forum !![/QUOTE] you are right and this means I am terribly wrong, after what u wrote i figured out I was compiling with the option c++ checked on instead of ANSI c. Sorry for wasting your time, it may consoulate you … Re: calculate string expresion Programming Software Development by bunnyboy [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_Polish_notation"]Reverse Polish Notation[/URL] Re: calculate string expresion Programming Software Development by vbx_wx ok,i made the program but it only works with numbers from 0 to 9...if i have lets say 123 + 43 * 23 - 100....how can i push into the stack 123 then 43 then 23 then 100,not 1 2 3 4 3 2 3 1 0 0 ? Thanx Re: calculate string expresion Programming Software Development by bunnyboy Something like this maybe ... :) [CODE=CPP] void Load(const string& equation, stack<string>& st) { for (string::size_type i(0); i < equation.size(); i++) { if (isdigit(equation[i])) { string number = ""; number += equation[i]; while (((i + 1) < equation.size()) && isdigit(equation[i + 1])) {… Re: How do I make the TextBlock in Expresion Blend look better? Programming Software Development by Vijay_18 use styling and templating. Re: Creating a game Database Programming Software Development by Galaxiaunit … shows me only thirteen Error Messages: cpp(8) Expresion Syntax cpp(13) undefined symbol moto cpp(13) …24) Undefined symbol"game" cpp(29) expresion syntax cpp(42) call to undefined function stremp cpp(… cpp(62) W8066 Unreachable code cpp(62) expresion Syntax cpp(62) Compound statement missing ) Re: Creating a game Database Programming Software Development by VernonDozier … me only thirteen Error Messages: cpp(8) Expresion Syntax cpp(13) undefined symbol moto cpp(13… Undefined symbol"game" cpp(29) expresion syntax cpp(42) call to undefined function stremp…symbol rok_produkcji cpp(62) W8066 Unreachable code cpp(62) expresion Syntax cpp(62) Compound statement missing ) >… haskell types Programming Software Development by sj87 … problems with some excercises about types. They give me an expresion and i have to wirte down the type for that… expresion. I was wondering if there is any method or something … Creating a game Database Programming Software Development by Galaxiaunit ….cpp(15)Call to undefined function 'clscr' Unit1.cpp(19)Expresion Syntax Unit1.cpp(28)For statement missing Unit1.cpp(32… Syntax error Unit1.cpp(39)Statement missing Unit1.cpp(39)Expresion syntax Unit1.cpp(39)Statement missing Unit1.cpp(46)Break… Error when implementing a stack Programming Software Development by montjoile hi. Im trying to make an expresion tree for every ER that I read each ER will … the web I found a method to convert the postfix expresion to a tree, which says that I have to remember… Re: Creating a game Database Programming Software Development by Galaxiaunit …) Undefined symbol Cout Cpp(18)Undefined Symbol Cin Cpp(19)Expresion Syntax Cpp(28) For Statement missing] Cpp(32) declaration Syntax… Re: Creating a game Database Programming Software Development by Galaxiaunit …) undefined symbol rok_produkcji cpp(63) W8066 Unreachable code cpp(63) Expresion Syntax cpp(64) Statement missing; Ok you said first one… Re: Creating a game Database Programming Software Development by Galaxiaunit …) undefined symbol rok_produkcji cpp(63) W8066 Unreachable code cpp(63) Expresion Syntax cpp(64) Statement missing; Ok you said first one… Re: Creating a game Database Programming Software Development by Galaxiaunit …) undefined symbol rok_produkcji cpp(63) W8066 Unreachable code cpp(63) Expresion Syntax cpp(64) Statement missing; Re: Error when implementing a stack Programming Software Development by montjoile no, this is my actual code: [CODE]//expresion tree structure typedef struct nodo_ab{ int etiqueta; lista primerapos; lista … evaluating expressions Programming Software Development by rlutia66 … the evaluate function should return the result of evaluating the expresion within string s Thanks in advance, Rares what is record set in ASP?n why we use it? Programming Web Development by asad_black what is recordset? n y we use it? <%=RS("fieldname")%> what the above expresion do? How to match "key=value #comment"? Programming Software Development by shaybery This regular expresion is not good !!! --------------------- if ($line=/(.*)=(.*)(#+.*)/){ my ($val,$key,$comment)=($1,$… Exceptions Programming Software Development by Drau … over the string of the error message and extracting the expresion, is there a way to just get the inputed value… XPath: Selecting table within a table Programming Software Development by nugroho2 …; </tr> </table>[/CODE] I believe the expresion can be : 1. Expression that directly select Child Table 2… Help With "Illegal start of Expression" Programming Software Development by alony … IT COMPILE... It says i have an illegal start of expresion at private static double hour(). help? [code] import java.util… PHP Regular Expression - Cnfounded Programming Web Development by dawbin …;.*?<\/div>/m',$htm,$a); Is there some regular expresion magic I am missing? Illegal start of expresion Programming Software Development by j3p0yz illegal starts of expression. public check() at line 50. can anyone hepl me please. class waiters { private double tab; public waiters(String name); { System.out.println("my name is"+name+",i''ll be your waiter!"); tab = 0.0; } public double priceof(String s) { double price; if(s.equals("chicken")) {… Re: Illegal start of expresion Programming Software Development by masijade I'm sorry, but start your own thread, don't hijack someone else's.