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I read a study that said users over share on Facebook so I wonder if businesses over share on Facebook. What do you think?

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So I have a problem. On my site I have a Facebook Likebox the problem is when I run the Firefox extension Page Speed, I am told that the Facebook images that are loading with the Likebox (mostly 50x50 images of avatars of people that already like my company and …

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

The headline says it all - [URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL] has rearranged its privacy rules after massive bad feedback from users on multiple social networks. The issue spread as far as news sites including those of international broadcasters and newspapers. There had been plans for members to use 31 May as a mass …

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[I]Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping into the future... Steve Miller, Fly Like an Eagle[/I] [ATTACH=RIGHT]15151[/ATTACH]I've been carrying around that title all week. It came to me on Sunday morning, and it involves the idea of how automatically we record and broadcast our lives in the digital age. One of …

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[URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL] appears set to reconsider its privacy policy after colossal backlashes in the online world. The company confirmed to the BBC that it appears to have made things too complicated. Introduced this week was a new button on the privacy settings on a user's page, in which they share their …

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[URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL] has been involved in meetings this week talking to employees about their concerns over user privacy. The issue is that people searching the web can now see Facebook members' profiles, unless they have protected them, whether the person doing the search is a Facebook member or not. Previously the …

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[URL="http://twitter.com"]Twitter[/URL] founder Biz Stone has confirmed that the network might take advertising at some stage. More specifically he's refused to say it won't. The company has just revised its terms and conditions and as part of the overhaul Mr. Stone has said on a blog that he's keeping the door …

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If you see a message on Facebook, apparently coming from one of your friends, and promising a link to the 'sexiest video ever' then whatever you do, don't click on it. The video link messages promise a 'candid camera prank' seemingly involving a woman in a short skirt riding an …

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It's not clear whether it's an application, a virus, or Facebook itself, but in the past couple of days something is sending out large numbers of friend suggestions that the original friend didn't make. Typically, it works like this. You have a friend, B, and a friend, C, and you …

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Even creating a fan page is not always so easy. So I wonder if any of the members ever deleted a facebook fan page? Do you regret it?

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

[URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL] is working to address a new privacy issue even as this story is being typed. Early today, mid-afternoon in the UK and while much of the rest of the world was asleep, a story got onto the TechCrunch blog about a new bug. It seems that the chat function, …

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Plenty of people have done it, gone online pretending to be something they are not. Indeed, plenty of men have gone online into chat rooms, forums, virtual worlds and social networking sites pretending to be women. Usually it is for the attention, sometimes it is for the sexual kicks of …

Member Avatar for Tony OnUtila
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Interesting news - [URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL] is expecting the Web to become more social and is issuing its developers with code to enable them to take part in this change. The owners - Zuckerberg et al - are saying that this will improve the way things are because people aren't using their …

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[URL="http://www.twitter.com"]Twitter[/URL] announced today that it will derive revenue from ads. It's their plan to capitalize on their extreme growth since their 2007 inception. Personally, I think this will kill Twitter and I can't say it will be a bad funeral. Hopefully, someone will start another site just like it that …

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According to Facebook's chief security officer, Joe Sullivan, safety is the social networking site's top priority. Indeed, he [URL="http://blog.facebook.com/blog.php?post=381246352130"]says[/URL] that his team are dedicated to "creating an environment where people can connect and share comfortably" and has revealed a redesigned Safety Centre which provides new safety resources for parents, educators, …

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I've just come up with something better than [URL="http://www.twitter.com"]Twitter[/URL], [URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL], Email, [URL="http://www.hellotxt.com"]HelloTxt[/URL] or any of the other so-called social media messaging systems. I call it Instantaneous Messaging. Don't confuse my Instantaneous Messaging with the lamer, last century version called, "Instant Messaging." Instantaneous Messaging is better than Instant Messaging or any …

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In March, Facebook proposed that there should be a number of changes to its privacy policy in order to allow it eventually share personal data with 'pre-approved' third party websites. Such information, should you be logged into Facebook and then connect to a third party website, as your name, gender, …

Member Avatar for Afrowall
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I read that Facebook has changed their "Become a Fan" button to "I like" button - so my question for the members of this board are: 1. Will this affect how you promote your Face book Fan Page? 2. Do you think this will help increase Fans?

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[URL="http://www.nestle.co.uk"]Nestle[/URL] is a European confectionery manufacturer which upset a lot of people on Friday. Actually it upsets people quite often, it's a big business, they do that, all of them. But on Friday it annoyed people through its Facebook group, and I'd kind of assumed that wasn't the idea of …

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since FB.Connect works only in javascript how do i send the user id from the javascript to JSP for it to be stored in the database. for example how do i use FB.Connect.get_loggedInUser(); to send the id to jsp.?

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I was driving down the highway the other day, and it ocurred to me that Facebook sucks. No, really it does. Sure, it lets us connect with friends and we all put up with it, but think about just how bad it is. [LIST] The security features are hard to …

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Federal magistrate Barry Garber has ruled that a lawsuit can proceed for what a student said was a violation of her First Amendment rights after she was suspended for setting up a Facebook page that criticized her teacher. Katherine Evans was a junior in Pembroke Pines Charter High School in …

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It may only have impacted a "small number of users" for a "short period of time" as a Facebook spokesperson put it, but by pushing out buggy code the social networking giant created a potentially huge privacy problem for those whose accounts it did touch upon. Considering that Facebook has …

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We already know that the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story254897.html"]US military has embraced the social networking concept[/URL], and that [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story257648.html"]Twitter accounts are becoming valuable commodities[/URL], now it looks like the advertising industry is throwing money at Facebook in terms of spend - and doing so at the expense of Google. New Media Age is …

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A police officer who posted to a Facebook page criticism of a political movement in which pro-gun advocates openly carry firearms in public has come under fire for claiming, in what he is now saying was a joke, that they should be shot. East Palo Alto Detective Rod Tuason was …

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As I make my way around the internet today, I'm not finding a lot of love for Google Buzz. In fact, people have been downright hostile to it, from what I can figure. Here are some Tweets from my knowledgeable friends: * @[URL="http://twitter.com/theskypirate"]theskypirate[/URL]: I tried Buzz for a day, was …

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Recently I reported how [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story254897.html"]the US military is using a Facebook-alike social networking system[/URL], and now I can follow that up with a Facebook makes love not war message. But it's not quite the good news it seems. [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story220492.html"]Tony Blair[/URL] has not decided to post a big 'I'm Sorry' message …

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I just read on a blog that Facebook advertising revenue is quickly surpassing Myspace's. It is no surprise since Facebook seems to be more widely accepted than Myspace. [url]http://www.clickz.com/3635971?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+clickz+%28ClickZ+News%29&utm_content=Google+Reader[/url] I personally would advise clients to advertise on Facebook for most tactics unless the business wants to target musicians or teeny …

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Following the lead of [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4250.html"]Facebook users[/URL] whose uproar over a change in terms led the social media company to change them back, Twitter users are now clamoring about a change in what Twitter shows. Twitter users "follow" other users, meaning they see their posts. People can either create new posts …

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The End.