Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani Currently the thing I hate most about TV shows is how much time elapses between seasons. I feel like I've been waiting for season 2 of Severance on AppleTV for *forever*! (It's been over 2 years already since season 1 debuted.) Speaking of that, is there ever going to be a second season for Squid Game? I can't imagine that Netflix wouldn’t invest … Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim Fer sher. You pretty much have to watch the previous season again before you start the next one. I'm still waiting for season 2 of The Old Man (Jeff Bridges, John Lithgow). At my age sometimes I lose the thread if two weeks goes by between episodes. Sometimes I'll wait until the end of a season before I watch any of it. I especially hate it when a … Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by pritaeas > is there ever going to be a second season for Squid Game Yes, already announced, available soon. Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Dani That's my point, though. Gone are the days when a show would break for a summer and the next season would start up again in the fall. Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim >Gone are the days That's pretty much the case for everything. I remember when TV sucked all through summer vacation and I couldn't wait for the end of September for the new seasons to start. Of course it was bittersweet because September also meant back to school. I'll mention a few more things that may have been mentioned before but I … Re: Things I hate about TV shows Community Center Geeks' Lounge by KomalBhatt You know, there are few things more frustrating than getting interested in a TV show only to find it falling short of expectations. From the overly predictable plotlines to the underdeveloped characters, there's a huge list. But what really get irritated by is when the dialogue feels forced, like the writers are trying too hard to be clever or … Ford loads up on Bluetooth Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by John A …something other than a desktop PC. The car manufacturer Ford is now going to incorporate Bluetooth technology into its …internal computer. Bluetooth might be able to change that. Ford is wise to partner with Microsoft; it takes the …development stress off Ford, and whenever there's a new feature that they… Ford - Fulkerson algorithm Programming Computer Science by 54uydf … ready code in [B]Java or C[/B] for[U] Ford - Fulkerson algorithm[/U]. I need to program something very similar… ford fulkerson algorithm max flow problem Programming Software Development by mustad104 I try to implement ford fulkerson algorithm but i have problems at my_alg function.I … Re: Henry Ford Would Have Hated Linux Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by seanlynch … for the few decades prior to Ford Motor Company's founding. Ford introduced mass production into an industry …patents and the flim flam that they represent. Ford was sued by George Selden a patent attorney who…. " I think History shows that Industrialist Henry Ford, introducer of a disruptive technology that drastically reduced the… Henry Ford Would Have Hated Linux Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by khess …financial advisor, another anti-Fordian entity, would tell Mr. Ford that he should minimize his capital outlay by using Linux…costly alternative. So, why wouldn't someone like Henry Ford appreciate Linux and its status as a free and …are cautious with their precious financial resources. Maybe Henry Ford wouldn't buy in to Linux and open source … Re: Henry Ford Would Have Hated Linux Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by perspectoff Henry Ford liked the one-model-fits-all mentality and would not … the world needs. This short-sightedness is rooted in Henry Ford's mentality. A dynamic company must plan for the future… Re: Henry Ford Would Have Hated Linux Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by UrbanKhoja … have missed a bit; but if a company such a Ford has already purchased say Windows powered systems. Could switching to… Re: Henry Ford Would Have Hated Linux Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by jbennet … back you will end up coughing up much more C) ford wouldnt use a linux OS for free. Thier business depends… implementation of Bellman-Ford algorithm Programming Software Development by ttnfrm … a ready code in Java for JADE implementation of Bellman-Ford algorithm. I really need in developing Agent for the research…. For anyone who has been developed or seen the Bellman-Ford algorithm source code in Java, I would be very grateful… bellman ford algorithm Programming Software Development by jcstarjcstar … with java applet? here is the algorithm: BELLMAN-FORD (G, w, s) INITIALIZE-SINGLE-SOURCE (G, s) for each … Re: implementation of Bellman-Ford algorithm Programming Software Development by Nick Evan I used [URL=""]google [/URL]and found [URL=""]this [/URL]on the first hit. Bellman Ford and Djikstra Routing Algos Programming Software Development by Naveen hi can any1 send me the source code to the bellman-ford and djikstra routing algos please? regards, naveen. Datasets for Bellman-Ford algorithm Programming Computer Science by demroth I am currently working on a project in which I need real-world datasets to use with the Bellman-Ford algorithm. I would like directed or undirected graphs related to routing to use but havent been able to find any. Does anyone know where I could find such materials? Print Bellman Ford path iteratively Programming Software Development by aodpreacher I currently have a Bellman Ford algorithm set up and I am trying to print the … Using Ford Fulkerson to get max flow and pattern Programming Software Development by welshly_2010 … for the program """"" Using the Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm to find the max flow of a network… Re: Ford loads up on Bluetooth Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by bluedevices it's very useful information. Re: Ford - Fulkerson algorithm Programming Computer Science by Salem Oh really? Took me all of 5 seconds [url][/url] Re: Ford - Fulkerson algorithm Programming Computer Science by 54uydf [QUOTE=Salem;1098422]Oh really? Took me all of 5 seconds [url][/url][/QUOTE] damn you are good! Thanks!:icon_wink: Re: ford fulkerson algorithm max flow problem Programming Software Development by Clinton Portis i've actually looked up youtube videos to teach myself this somewhat complex topic... never actually studies flow systems. i got the basic concept and can do some simple examples. i am down with your code, but i am not down with flow systems. if we put our heads together we might be able to come up with something. one thing that might help … Re: Henry Ford Would Have Hated Linux Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by khess For current systems, no. Where you save real money by using Linux is on refresh or new systems. Licensing fees are unreasonably high for certain OSs and applications. Linux will also save money in the future because soon most commercial software will be sold as subscription only. Re: Henry Ford Would Have Hated Linux Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by jbennet [quote]Linux-based systems are the future[/quote] Ah so thats why linux is fundementally modelled on a 30 year old OS architechture whereas NT is a modern os which is portable, supports many subsystems, runs on the majority of pcs, and has 95% hardware compatibility? and yes, thats sarcasm... Re: Henry Ford Would Have Hated Linux Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by ndimundoh Can Linux and open source software save a company from financial ruin in these tough economic times? I'd say NO ! 1. IT-costs usually don't have such a high share of the total costs that a considerable reduction could save a company from ruin ! 2. Even if IT-costs are high: the exchange of the OS is nothing that can be done within a few … Re: Henry Ford Would Have Hated Linux Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by admoore @jbennet: that 30 year old architecture you refer to is what's known as a "standard"; I know you folks on the Windows side don't see many of those, so you can be forgiven for not knowing that. As for portable... ugh, never mind. It's not worth the trouble explaining it. Re: Henry Ford Would Have Hated Linux Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by Rashakil Fol This is the dumbest blog entry I've ever read. You are typing wild nonsense without using any facts. Your adversarial tack is nauseating.