Re: Making functions (a problem) Programming Software Development by Lerner Fucntion calls should not be preceded by the return type. So, … sort fucntion print extra zero Programming Software Development by bluekb …[current].score); } return; } this code is working but for sort fucntion somehow i got an extra zero printout at the beginning… read in 12 records how can i fix this sort fucntion? Help in a C++ fucntion Programming Computer Science by sanraj_1 … i am having a problem with this function. Its a fucntion to generate bills and i want to add a condition… Re: Passing array of structs to fucntion Programming Software Development by Unidennn …, since i just cannot pass those two structs in a fucntion, i know what you are talking about, since its global… Standard Deviation Programming Software Development by lancevo3 … 4. int size which holds the buildAr fucntion from int main() Returns: nothing **********************************************************/ void… 4. int size which holds the buildAr fucntion from int main() Returns: nothing **********************************************************/ void… Array Help Programming Software Development by lancevo3 …function displayAr (zid, pgmavg, testavg, sub); //calls the displayAr fucntion system ("pause"); sortchar = 'p' || 'P…averages 4. int size which holds the buildAr fucntion from int main() Returns: nothing **********************************************************/ void displayAr… Weird Problem Programming Web Development by kaylors …</title> <script> var col=3; fucntion randy() { col++; col%=10; col+=4; col*=45;…quot;No point in typing anything.";}; tB.onfocus=fucntion(){tB.value="You insist on typing!";}; …dB.onclick=fucntion(){tB.value=funny(col); randy();}; </script>… Issues with double linked list Programming Software Development by lvphoenix … Turn around time for a Process void calcTAT(Process myProcessIn); // fucntion that calculates Total CPU time void calcTCT(Process myProcessIn); // funtion… Turn around time for a Process void calcTAT(Process myProcessIn) [ } // fucntion that calculates Total CPU time void calcTCT(Process myProcessIn) { } // funtion… Memory Problem After a certain limit Programming Software Development by Dream2code … ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1)When we pass hard coded values to the fucntion void read_delimeted(char *data_filename,char **delmeter,char **header,int…from extract_dml_info(char* description_fname,dml *record); to the fucntion read_delimeted(char *data_filename,char **delmeter,char **header,int … Ask about program Programming Software Development by Se7Olutionyg … ; pause_m(); } }// end for // call function pause //---------------------------------------------// //fucntion pause void pause_m(void) { cout << "\n\…pause_m(); } [/CODE] it kept saying that the fucntion pause is undeclare ? dont' know why ? anyhelps are… Re: Weird Problem Programming Web Development by fxm …=kaylors;1210656]I don't get what's wrong. [CODE] fucntion randy() if(num=>10){num=num%10;} <input… how to pass php array parameter into js function where i want its id to Programming Web Development by King_Of_lords I want to pass array value directly into the js fucntion which in loop and wanted to retrieve its query string …>" ."</tr>"; Here is js fucntion <script> function func() { var jsvar = <?php echo… tic tac toe in powershell Programming Software Development by shanenin …foreach ($i in $boxarrary){ Write-Host $i } } #this is the fucntion which draws to the board.It needs input as #starting…; 125 $Script:Whosx = 0 Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 1500 } } #this fucntion gets moves from player #updates human moves #calls writexo to… Re: Memory Problem After a certain limit Programming Software Development by Dream2code …(change) { ++words; change = 0; } } else { change = 1; } } return words; } /*************************************************************/ /*********A fucntion to check semicolon occurs in between the line***/ int str_semicl… Re: Memory Problem After a certain limit Programming Software Development by Dream2code …{ ++words; change = 0; } } else { change = 1; } } return words; } /*************************************************************/ /*********A fucntion to check semicolon occurs in between the line***/ int str_semicl(… Re: Memory Problem After a certain limit Programming Software Development by Dream2code …(change) { ++words; change = 0; } } else { change = 1; } } return words; } /*************************************************************/ /*********A fucntion to check semicolon occurs in between the line***/ int str_semicl… Re: Memory Problem After a certain limit Programming Software Development by Dream2code …(change) { ++words; change = 0; } } else { change = 1; } } return words; } /*************************************************************/ /*********A fucntion to check semicolon occurs in between the line***/ int str_semicl… data type convertion in C Programming Software Development by yacob_uk …. My example code uses it. The hlpe files referenced the fucntion ceilf as an external function, but its only returning a… BIG Function Help.. Programming Software Development by vartotojas … is not efficient but I need it done in one fucntion. It is supposed to be a function that draws a… help with parrallel arrays Programming Software Development by lsu420luv … ids judges scores and weighted scores. Then a print report fucntion comes and prints it all. I have not attempted to… def function(): help Programming Software Development by mruane …("") [/code] name of prompt equal the name of fucntion or could it be prompt_funct1? If so, when using if… Problem with inheritance Programming Software Development by SHWOO … the print function from personType. When I call the playerType fucntion print() with a playerType object only the playerType variables are… cant find the variable Programming Software Development by tralfas …); } } [/code] the problem im having is in the itemstate changed fucntion. it says that it cant find the variable e in… Help with prolog Programming Software Development by vladdy19 … Factorial of a number that is the output of another fucntion (exp bar) here's my program for (exp bar) [CODE… no matching function call Programming Software Development by hectic … is possible reason for it ,, i have the header file - fucntion prototype define as void search_s(std::string, bool& status) Re: no matching function call Programming Software Development by hectic NO, getline syntax is below getline(cin,stat,'\n'); cl.search_s(srch, stat); the above getline is the error generated by the g++ compiler the stat is defined as void search_s(string srch,bool& stat) as the fucntion prototype in the header file Int To String Programming Software Development by iaaan … passed in can be negative. When i use the abs fucntion, I can only enter 5 digits. My function is defined… passing file pointer around Programming Software Development by jobs … so that they can write to the file. In the fucntion declaration I just add: somefunc(FILE *file) ? and when calling… put checked radio ID separated by a delimiter into hidden field Programming Web Development by yenyen … button, when onclick i call two function. for the 2nd fucntion, i need to pass 1 kind of value that is… French Canadian that's ok eh? Community Center Say Hello! by wawaron … on this site trying to make my daughter's MP3 fucntion. My XP won't recognize my MMP8500B driver apparently because…