Join Two tables as outer join Programming Software Development by Tank50 … is create two datatable from reading excel file and join ad "outer join",I got the coding from internet,and that…;,So I want to know how to join two tables as outer join. [CODE]DataRelation drel = new DataRelation("EquiJoin", dt1.Columns… Outer join returning more rows than in the table! Programming Databases by nithin.gujjar The two queries are returning two different no of rows.Outer join is not supposed to duplicate the rows in the first …,cc.cc_productname ,c.Client_panno,c.client_userid from clientcode cc LEFT outer join client c on cc.cc_panno=c.client_panno order by cc_clientcode… Left outer join Programming Databases by albertkao … FROM proposals P, proposal_appraisal c LEFT OUTER JOIN users b ON (c.Evaluator_ID = b.User_ID) LEFT OUTER JOIN submission_status d ON (c.Primary_Evaluation_Status_ID = d… Left Outer Join Programming Databases by Majestics … stations , so i am using s,sno =+ d.sno ( left outer join) on station but nothing is working right... Please give it… delete multiple tables using full outer join Programming Databases by nadiam …) $del_id DELETE contact, child, spouse FROM contact FULL OUTER JOIN child ON child_name = c_name FULL OUTER JOIN spouse ON s_name = name WHERE contact_id = $del_id… Fill in null values in outer join Programming Databases by boardtc … joining a select statement and a subquery with a left outer join. The subquery does a an average on one of the…,a.metric,a.value,b.average from tablea a left outer join ( select name,metric,round(avg(value)) as average from tablea… Re: delete multiple tables using full outer join Programming Databases by nadiam `FULL OUTER JOIN` is not supported by MySQL. Error in echoing mysql left outer join results Programming Web Development by Amaina … tableB. Here is the mysl query: select * from tableA left outer join tableB on tableA.tableA_id = tableB.tableA_id where tableB.tableA_id is… below <?php $con=dbConnect(); $query=select * from tableA left outer join tableB on tableA.tableA_id = tableB.tableA_id where tableB.tableA_id is… Re: Error in echoing mysql left outer join results Programming Web Development by cereal …;?php $stmt = $conn->prepare("select * from tableA left outer join tableB on tableA.tableA_id = tableB.tableA_id where tableB.tableA_id is… Multiple conditions in left outer join in LINQ Programming Software Development by Dimansu Hi, I want to left outer join 2 tables called a and b.In the Where clause … like this [CODE] var query = from a in data.A join b in data.B on == where… select with outer join Programming Databases by paradox814 … I have two tables, and I believe I need an outer join lets say these are them: [code] CREATE TABLE t1 ( xid… Re: Fill in null values in outer join Programming Databases by boardtc Of course the answer was to reduce the join criteria by eliminating the [I]a.metric=b.metric[/I] Re: Multiple conditions in left outer join in LINQ Programming Software Development by Dimansu Hi Thnx for replying.It was a mistake happened when i posted the code.Still I have the problem.I want to check a property of the table which is in the right hand side of the join i.e b.archived == false.Any method that I can use for it? Re: select with outer join Programming Databases by campkev don't use mysql buth this works in ms-sql: select t1.xid,t1.data1, t2.data2 from t1 right join t2 on t1.xid = t2.xid Mysql Query Help (JOIN) Programming Databases by fabzster ….store_id ,cards.card_number ,cards.issue_number FROM voucher LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT id_number ,name, surname, cell_number, register_status,….card_number ,cards.issue_number ,cards.date_issued FROM voucher LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT id_number ,name, surname, cell_number, register_status,… Re: Join Two tables as outer join Programming Software Development by serkan sendur try [url][/url] Re: Outer join returning more rows than in the table! Programming Databases by nithin.gujjar Thanks all, the problem was client table had multiple rows with with same client_panno that's a logical error.We are not supposed to have it that way. Mysql Left join little problem Programming Web Development by joomphp hi! i have little problem with left join below script working but i want to add restriction field_id = …("SELECT a.user_id, Deriv1.Count FROM `jos_community_fields_values` a LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT value, COUNT(*) AS Count FROM `jos_community_fields_values` GROUP BY value… Mysql Join Query with Totals Programming Databases by fabzster Hi I have a join query which I use for a report ok I have….PortfolioName , Groups.StoreStatus , Groups.RepName , Groups.ProvinceName FROM tblpolicies LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT StoreId, StoreName, StoreManager, GroupName, StoreTarget, PortfolioName , StoreStatus, RepName, ProvinceName… Re: Mysql Join Query with Totals Programming Databases by smantscheff … [COLOR="Red"] , Groups.NumberOfPolicies [/COLOR] FROM tblpolicies LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT StoreId, StoreName, StoreManager, GroupName, StoreTarget, PortfolioName , StoreStatus, RepName, ProvinceName… Mysql Join Query using distinct Programming Databases by fabzster … DailyGroup.GroupName , DailyGroup.StoreName , DailyGroup.PortfolioName FROM tblpolicies LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT StoreId , GroupName, StoreName, PortfolioName FROM tblstores GROUP… Re: Join Two data tables Programming Software Development by Tank50 Hi I did what is adatapost is mentioned but problem its equi join,I want to join it as outer join ,coz if thre is no match record in dt1 table for dt2.Columns[0] then it give me exception.I want to join it as outer join. Thanks Tank50 Re: Join 3 tables Programming Databases by chmonalisa buddy, here it is select t2.loginname,t2.wrknum,t1.time,t3.description from table2 t2 left outer join table1 t1 on t1.loginname=t2.loginname inner join table3 t3 on t3.worknum=t2.worknum Thanks, Chaitanya. Re: Join table code Programming Databases by urtrivedi …, a.studname, b.address, from student a left outer join address b on a.studid=b.studid [/code] Following query…, a.studname, b.address, from student a inner join address b on a.studid=b.studid [/code] Re: Left outer join Programming Databases by smantscheff Please submit the table structure and some test data. Re: Left outer join Programming Databases by hielo I think this is what you are after: [CODE] select cfp_Id, P.proposal_id, P.institution_Name, sum(P.Task_Good_Idea + P.Task_Involve_Youth + P.Task_Involve_Partnerships + P.Task_Exploit_Digital_Medium + P.Task_Value_For_Money + P.Task_Theme + P.Task_Skills_Development + P.Task_LOC_Curriculum) as Task_Good_Idea from proposals P [COLOR="Red"… Re: Left Outer Join Programming Databases by Perry31 Hi majesctics, can u desc your tables so that it will be useful to know the column names and do proper query? Problem using JOIN with six tables Programming Databases by recursiveNugget … = tUsers.contact_id LEFT OUTER JOIN tDocumentsA ON tDocumentsA.user_id = tUsers.contact_id LEFT OUTER JOIN tDocumentsB ON tDocumentsB.user_id = tUsers.contact_id LEFT OUTER JOIN tDocumentsC ON tDocumentsC… Re: Problem using JOIN with six tables Programming Databases by recursiveNugget ….id) AS 'Doc_D' FROM tUsers LEFT OUTER JOIN tContacts ON = tUsers.contact_id INNER JOIN tDocumentsA ON tDocumentsA.user_id = tUsers.contact_id INNER… Doc_D ------------------------------------------------------------ contact5 16 16 16 16 [/CODE] When using LEFT OUTER JOIN I get the right people, but incorrect numbers (In the… Help With Left Join Programming Databases by _taz_ …help with a left outer join on a table and some queries (is it possible to outer join with queries?) here…] FROM ((TPTD INNER JOIN (Savings INNER JOIN ([MF PTD] INNER JOIN (Remain INNER JOIN (DPs INNER JOIN Clients ON DPs.ClientID …ClientID = ROH.ClientID;[/CODE] I want to outer join so that I have rows for every client even…