pyinstaller 2.1 generated executable not running correctly Programming Software Development by sbaw … builtin # C:\Python27\lib\functools.pyc matches C:\Python27\lib\ import functools # precompiled from C:\Python27\lib\functools.pyc import _functools # builtin… cleanup[1] encodings.mbcs # cleanup[1] distutils.errors # cleanup[1] functools # cleanup[1] distutils.sysconfig # cleanup[2] heapq # cleanup[2] … deleting a label widget in Tkinter Programming Software Development by Peter_TARAS … code: [CODE]from rand_mat import RMO from Tkinter import * import functools version=" 0.00a " def showThem(up): vars=[] vars…=TOP, fill=X) mainmenu.add_command(label="Generate", command=functools.partial(showThem, up=up)) mainmenu.add_command(label="Reset"… Python CPU Performance Analysis Programming Software Development by cjohnweb …(__init__) 2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1 0.000 0.000 0.000…(ResponseError) 2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 68 0.001 0.000 0.001… MySQLdb interface problem Programming Databases by bhanu1225 …] 1 _heapq fpformat resource Audio_mac _hotshot ftplib rexec BaseHTTPServer _locale functools rfc822 Bastion _lsprof gc rgbimg CGIHTTPServer _multibytecodec gensuitemodule rlcompleter… Placing Transparent image over image Programming Software Development by gleam.uahmed … code [CODE] import fcntl, sys import sys import Skype4Py import functools import os import time from Tkinter import * import Image import… wxPython-- How do I delete buttons? Programming Software Development by dare599z …/python/threads/128350/648463#post648463[/url] [CODE] import wx from functools import partial PROG_VER = 1.0 class Main(wx.Frame): def… sleep after click Programming Software Development by Vkitor … is example of code :) [CODE]import tkinter as tk from functools import partial def klik(n): button[n].config(image=s… Help with Python Maya Programming! Programming Software Development by sabid import maya import sys import os from functools import partial import maya.cmds as cmds def customVer(FileName, … Class based polynomials with magic methods Programming Software Development by TrustyTony … old cmp style to new style by help of the functools.total_ordering, so now this snippet also serves as example of… Function from method: increment and decrement without function definition Programming Software Development by TrustyTony You can fix one parameter of function call by calling underlying method of fixed parameter instead of using functools.partial or lambda statement. Pygame problem Programming Software Development by code: #I meant memory card import pygame, sys,random from functools import partial def image(x=50,y=100,default=True,… Hard syntax error Programming Software Development by … means; and I am trying to make a copy of `functools.lru_cache` but with Most Used instead of Least Recently Used. Black Hole Variable(no type can't print stops evalutating) Programming Software Development by import os import web import traceback import datetime from functools import wraps ### Url mappings urls = [ '/', 'index', ] def addfolderhandler(f,root): … call function from an if Programming Software Development by davidbr …? import tkMessageBox import Tkinter as tk from Tkinter import * from functools import partial import time LARGE_FONT= ("Verdana", 12) start_app… Open frame from button Programming Software Development by davidbr … import hashlib import Tkinter as tk from Tkinter import * from functools import partial import ttk LARGE_FONT= ("Verdana", 12) start_app… ttk styles not applying in python 3 script Programming Software Development by Mickey_2 … import Frame, Label, Button, Style from random import randrange from functools import partial class Game: def __init__(self): self.window = Tk… Re: ttk styles not applying in python 3 script Programming Software Development by Gribouillis … import Frame, Label, Button, Style from random import randrange from functools import partial class Game: def __init__(self): self.window = Tk… Re: ttk styles not applying in python 3 script Programming Software Development by Mickey_2 … Tk, Frame, Label, IntVar from tkinter.ttk import Button from functools import partial from random import randrange class Game: def __init__… Re: ttk styles not applying in python 3 script Programming Software Development by Mickey_2 … Tk, Frame, Label, IntVar from tkinter.ttk import Button from functools import partial from random import randrange class Game: def __init__… web scraping with beautiful soup Programming Software Development by Geethu_2 … import Image, ImageTk from timeit import default_timer as timer from functools import partial # In[27]: # Identify all the possible links from… I wanted to delete my list and also in treeview Programming Software Development by AJAYSURYA … in advance from tkinter import ttk import tkinter.messagebox from functools import partial from PIL import Image from PIL import ImageTk… how to use winsound in a situation variable in python tkinter Programming Game Development by mangle200 … code i have import winsound import tkinter as tk from functools import partial # a quick way to make a callback function… how to end the tkinter program Programming Software Development by mangle200 … button named end import sys import tkinter as tk from functools import partial class Situation(tk.Frame): def __init__(self, master… Re: range and lambda issues Programming Software Development by Thropian functools looks like it could be useful thanks pyTony Re: An example of a threading background decorator (Python) Programming Software Development by chriswelborn … wrapper(): return f() return wrapper def decoratorwith(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(): return f() return wrapper @… This is correct documentation. And the function without `functools.wraps`: help(myfuncwithout) Help on function wrapper in module… Re: string formatting specifications Programming Software Development by Gribouillis …b]. This results in a cleaner code [code=python] import functools rabbits = { "flopsy" : 1.0/3,…name) for name in rabbits) # The use of functools.partial allows us to give a value to a …subset of # the template's arguments. rabbit_line = functools.partial(template.format, namewidth = nwidth, precision = 2, fill… Re: How do I declare a class member function in another class? Programming Software Development by jrcagle … understand. Because I don't have the module functools, I simplified a bit: [code="Python&… to self as first argument self.action = action # functools.partial(action, self) self.state = "ready"…to self as first argument self.action = action # functools.partial(action, self) self.state = "ready"… Re: object- oriented Program- some help. Programming Software Development by TrustyTony … for attr in self.attribs: setattr(self, name % attr.title(), functools.partial(func, self, attr)) def __str__(self): return ('Pet(' +…% (name, item) for name, item in self.__dict__.items() if 'functools' not in str(item)) + ')' ) def main(): prompt = 'Please… Re: range and lambda issues Programming Software Development by TrustyTony Use functools.partial: [CODE]import functools def f(x): print(x) thislist = range(10) actions = [functools.partial(f, x) for x in thislist] for action in actions: action() [/CODE] Re: How to tell if a button is clicked Programming Software Development by TrustyTony …self.keyboard.append(Button(octave, text = note.split('.')[0], command= functools.partial(self.play_note, note=note))) self.keyboard[-1].pack(side…='left') self.main_window.bind_all(key, functools.partial(self.play_note, key=key)) self.key_note[key] = note #…