752 Topics

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Member Avatar for josh_diego

Hello, I was wondering about API standards. I want to embed games on my website but log in my server the score visitors will do. I couldn't find any API that allows such thing (or a gaming platform which "pings" back the score to my server) I would like to …

Member Avatar for vinayakgarg

Hello I am developing my first game in Allegro. Till now i found it easy to use. But now i read that for running a game allegro.dll is required on computer. Tell me if it is correct. Also many people say that SFML is better than Allegro, since the latter …

Member Avatar for vinayakgarg
Member Avatar for superirale

I want to Develop a 2d rpg game with java,how do i start and what do i need to know? I have been using java for two years.my team consists of two programmers and one graphic artists

Member Avatar for Peram

I already know how to use fstream. I know to save the value variables to a file, and I also know how to make the program display the information in the file, but my problem is that it saves the content of the variable, not the variable itself. Here's what …

Member Avatar for Peram
Member Avatar for skorm909

I'm making a shop for my game, I opened a Fresh thing of code for this so this is the only code I'm running, I just want to get this to work before I put it into my actual game. anyway what the problem is, is that no matter what …

Member Avatar for Sodabread
Member Avatar for skorm909

I'm making a simple text RPG game that I will later (once i get the code running well in the text version) put it to graphics and so on. Basically what this code is doing is, there's a monster that the user just killed. based on that monsters level that's …

Member Avatar for sfuo
Member Avatar for lprk94

Hey everyone! So, I'm making a hangman game. I'm at the very beginning stages so I just have a String array and just to make sure it works correctly I want to print a random word from the array - simple, right? I am running into an error - the …

Member Avatar for lprk94
Member Avatar for newsguy

For anyone who [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/22077/1168/"]doubted[/URL] that the iPhone was to be [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4622.html"]taken seriously as a games platform[/URL], and there have been many, the release today of Grand Theft Auto as an iPhone app should seal the deal that the iPhone is the real thing as far as being a games console …

Member Avatar for Appspy
Member Avatar for Lance5057

Ok so I have a game setup that allows the 8 to move around inside a small room. It works fine except that every keypress lags one "frame" behind. So whenever a key is pressed it does the last keypress that was given. How do I make it react immediately …

Member Avatar for daviddoria
Member Avatar for skorm909

I'm coding a game right now and everything works great that i want to have working right now, but there's a minor bug that i know of. this is that when the player enters their name, and the name has spaces, the code just closes. here's the part of code: …

Member Avatar for skorm909
Member Avatar for sandeep789

I am Sandeep Dave. I am animator and designer. I am flash game (cooking games, dress up game, escape game, shooting game, any flash game developer).

Member Avatar for lamxuan
Member Avatar for adityagarwal

[CODE]public void takeGuess () throws IOException { temp=" "; Hangman obj = new Hangman(); System.out.println ("Enter a character or type in 'hint' for a hint!"); DataInputStream input=new DataInputStream(System.in); temp= input.readLine(); if (temp.length()==1) { guess=temp.charAt(0); if ((guess >= 'a' && guess <='z') || (guess >='A' && guess <='Z')) {System.out.println();} else {System.out.println …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky
Member Avatar for ragnarok511

Hi, I am about to get a PS3. I know that you install Linux distros for the system. Anyways, I would like to play XBox 360 games on my PS3. Does anyone know any good emulators for that?

Member Avatar for WASDted
Member Avatar for kshaaban

Hey everyone! I have been working on some c++ code which point tracks a user and extrapolates their co-ordinates within 3D space. i have the co-ordinates in c++ stored as variables and would like to use these variables within the Blender game engine to position an object within the scene. …

Member Avatar for kshaaban
Member Avatar for nanderv

Hi, I'm creating an rts game. I'm looking for a way to store unit data. I thought, I'll make a struct for all the required data, and make a multidemensional array of them (one dimension is the different players, the other is the units). The length in both direction is …

Member Avatar for nanderv
Member Avatar for dhawalruud

[code] #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<iomanip.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<fstream.h> #include<string.h> int n=0; // current no. of players ( to add to next one) int num=0; // total number of players class date { public: int dd; int mm; int yy; }; class players { public: char name[30]; date dob; char userid[30]; char …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for Mkaveli

Hello im trying to create a character with pre devined animations. The characters parts must be changeable. I was wondering if there is a way in JAVA to create some sort of skeleton animations and add graphics to the skeleton. P.S. I was wondering if someone knows a good book …

Member Avatar for quuba
Member Avatar for fierykido

Not sure if this is the right place for this, but i need help dealing with my toshiba qosmio F50 which blacks out after a while ( 5- 15min) of gaming ( i was playing runescape). The screen turns black, you can't see anything at all. the power is still …

Member Avatar for sirlink99

I am in a java programming class but my teacher doesn't teach anything so could someone please explain to me how to import a picture into the applet and give me an example of a simple script that just imports a picture. I have learned how to use the mouse …

Member Avatar for kramerd
Member Avatar for MeandJava

Hello everybody, I'm stuck with my Java program. This is the point. When a user had tried for nine times, the user has the choice to restart Hangman or close the program. But when they hit the y or n key during the game, it's just one of the 26 …

Member Avatar for leiger
Member Avatar for 3FLryan

Hello All: I used to be an avid gamer (since I was 7 or 8 years old until recently, and I am now 24). I played anything but my greatest love was turn-based strategy. Games just weren't doing it for me any more - I felt like I could "see …

Member Avatar for 3FLryan
Member Avatar for yellowbelly

I have found a website where you can play Super Nintendo online for free. It is: [URL="http://www.playnintendo.org"]PlayNintendo.org[/URL] One of the best things about this site is you can also save your game progress.

Member Avatar for Diamonddrake
Member Avatar for azzman

This is what I have so far. This is a two player game. I need to make it a one player game (player vs. computer). I am also trying to make the computer smart.. for example, if there is an open corner, then it should take that spot. Basically, the …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for Frensi

Hi guys, I've had this problem with my computer. Every time i play a game my whole system crashes and blue lines come down the screen, it happens about 10 - 20 minutes into the game. Thing is this happened about 6 months ago, one day when it crashed i …

Member Avatar for Rik_
Member Avatar for Spudgunner

Hi I'm beginning a new game project involving Event data cards. Most have common types of data. They fall broadly into three types: terrain, movement or fire. Although there are some special event cards or modifier cards but on the whole, similar data on the most part. Except the fire …

Member Avatar for Spudgunner
Member Avatar for happygeek

If you have never played Angry Birds before, here's the skinny: use a giant rubber band to slingshot a variety of birds (some of which explode, drop egg bombs, multiply in flight, speed up like a rocket, well you get the idea) at a bunch of pigs hiding in a …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for yari

I really need help with this...i'm trying to make a game that where user guesses a word and it tells the user 1: the right number of letter in the right place 2: the number of letter that is right in the wrong place but when i test it out, …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for hateme_devon
Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for jamesyrawr

Ok for my uni project im wondering if its possible to make a simple game where by the user must click a button ten times to win. the button has to move after every click to a random point on the screen. Does anyone know if there are any tutorials …

Member Avatar for sharathg.satya
Member Avatar for Glass_Joe

[ATTACH=LEFT]17025[/ATTACH]If there are two things I enjoy in life, it’s mob movies and shooting people in video games, so naturally, I was excited to play [I]Mafia 2[/I], the recently released mobster offering from 2K Games. This excitement was soon shot down like Spider in [I]Goodfellas[/I]. You play as Vito, the …

Member Avatar for PCSAWICK829

The End.