gdchart Programming Web Development by davy_yg Hello, I wonder how to install GDChart in Windows XAMPP PHP ? Thanks. Re: gdchart Programming Web Development by pritaeas If you have installed PEAR, use the package installer that comes with it. Re: gdchart Programming Web Development by davy_yg I don't have PEAR installed yet. Nevermind, I use other alternatives like google chart. I have this: chart.php <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> google.load(&… Re: gdchart Programming Web Development by pritaeas Look at or before line 59. Something is wrong there. I can't say if you don't show your code, you should know that by now. Re: gdchart Programming Web Development by davy_yg line 59 is <html> Re: gdchart Programming Web Development by davy_yg This is the code above it: while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2)) { echo "<br>".$row2['date']."&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp".$row2['time']; } //php_info(); <html> <head> Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in C:\xampp\htdocs\Innovation\script_shop\… Re: gdchart Programming Web Development by pritaeas You did not close the php block with `?>` Re: gdchart Programming Web Development by davy_yg I actually did. Right after </html> ?> Re: gdchart Programming Web Development by pritaeas You need to close it before <html> You can't just mix HTML and PHP at will. Re: PHP charts / graphs Programming Web Development by Banderson I usually use GDChart if I need to generate a graph or chart in PHP. Also if you need have a way to manipulate the chart in a browser you could use PHP to update the values or you could use JQuery. What you use depends on the type of manipulation you require. The Extension is Here: Re: bar graph in Php Programming Web Development by kireol you can draw them yourself, use a php library like gdchart [url][/url] or jpgraph [url][/url] or do them in jquery [url][/url]