wxPython, biding events to a wx.GenericDirCtrl Programming Software Development by stefh …... I'm trying to bind events to a wx.GenericDirCtrl. I've visited more than 20 web sites but …http://www.wxpython.org/docs/api/wx.GenericDirCtrl-class.html"] docs/api/wx.GenericDirCtrl-class[/URL]), in other case i…! Here is my code: [CODE]#The tree filesNav = wx.GenericDirCtrl(self.nBpane2, 210, dir=hp, pos=wx.DefaultPosition, size=wx… WxRuby help TreeCtrl events Programming Web Development by a-lago …(event) @dir_dialog = Dialog.new(nil, :size => [400, 400]) @dir_view = GenericDirCtrl.new(@dir_dialog, :size => [390, 340], :dir => ENV["… WxRuby help TreeCtrl events Programming Web Development by a-lago …(event) @dir_dialog = Dialog.new(nil, :size => [400, 400]) @dir_view = GenericDirCtrl.new(@dir_dialog, :size => [390, 340], :dir => ENV["… Image File Tagging App in Python/wxPython Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim …, wx.ID_ANY) sizer_2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.folders = wx.GenericDirCtrl(self.split2_pane_1, wx.ID_ANY, style=wx.DIRCTRL_DIR_ONLY) sizer_2.Add(self… Re: wxPython, biding events to a wx.GenericDirCtrl Programming Software Development by TrustyTony Isn't it self not event? How could event have such method? Re: wxPython, biding events to a wx.GenericDirCtrl Programming Software Development by stefh Thanks a lot pyTony! Solved... [CODE]def OnSel(self, event): item = filesNav.GetFilePath() print item[/CODE] Re: WxRuby help TreeCtrl events Programming Web Development by a-lago sorry for posting twice I dont know why it hapened but this is the good one the other one I would apreciate if someone told me how to delete it Re: Image File Tagging App in Python/wxPython Programming Software Development by logicslab Sir, What's the purpose of Image File Tagging ? Re: Image File Tagging App in Python/wxPython Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim When my wife says, "can you find me the picture of Adam and Cooper at Shebandowan" I can bring up an "Everything" search window and type in those three terms. It immediately shows me all pictures that have those terms in any order in the file name. Try doing that without file tagging. Think of it like hashtags but for local … Re: Image File Tagging App in Python/wxPython Programming Software Development by kimwel Thanks for this solution. I also have the same case.