getAttribute returns NULL Programming Web Development by itzzmeyoyo …pass a value from servlet to jsp using setAttribute and getAttribute. My test code : Test1.jsp ======= [code]…quot; %> <% String up = (String)session.getAttribute("myText"); %> <html> &…the time iam getting null from getAttribute. [code] <% String up = (String)session.getAttribute("myText"); %>… Re: getAttribute returns NULL Programming Web Development by arunmagar instead of this <% String up = (String)session.getAttribute("myText"); %> try this <% String up = session.getAttribute("myText").toString(); %> The session attribute is of object we have to convert it to string . Re: getAttribute returns NULL Programming Web Development by ~s.o.s~ > try this [icode]<% String up = session.getAttribute("myText").toString(); %>[/icode]. ...which would anyways throw … Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getAttribute' of undefined Programming Web Development by nyuszi … the javascript code: error message: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getAttribute' of undefined (line 34) the problem: function check () {…= pontszam; } } function click(e) { klikk++; if ("id") == "fl") {"… Re: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getAttribute' of undefined Programming Web Development by LastMitch … just i: from this: if ((cellak[i].getAttribute("id")) != (kepek[i-1].getAttribute("id"))) to this: if ((cellak…[i].getAttribute("id")) != (kepek[i].getAttribute("id"))) I think that will work… Re: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getAttribute' of undefined Programming Web Development by ryantroop … you are starting at 1 you are essentially doing: null.getAttribute("id"); I don't know why you are… session.getAttribute caused "inconvertible types" exception Programming Web Development by Tu Dinh … no solution in Google. I tried to use `(boolean) session.getAttribute("IsValidUser")` to get the attribute of Session, but…;% String UserName = "" ;%> <% try { IsValidUser = (boolean) session.getAttribute("IsValidUser") ; //THIS IS WHERE THE ERROR CAUSED } catch… How to load array in JSP getAttribute Programming Web Development by ksbigfoot …page, I have: ArrayList tNames = (ArrayList) request.getAttribute("TitleNames"); I would like to do something …tNames.size();i++) { ArrayList tPics = (ArrayList) request.getAttribute("PicNames", tNames.getId()); for(int j=0…to do: ArrayList tPics = (ArrayList) request.getAttribute("PicNames", tNames.getId()); Help:problem with getAttribute( ) Programming Web Development by samrat_cs I am encountered with the Problem in using getAttribute() in JSP. In JSP, getAttribute( ) does not show value properly from Java Beans but after refrash it shows.There is no error in coding Java beans and JSP as well. I am using Tomcat 4.0.1. Is it problem of web server or anything else ? Please Help. Samrat HttpSession, session.getAttribute(), problem Programming Software Development by ARaza110 … to Java servlet sessions. I don't understand why the getAttribute() function of the session object is used before setAttribute(); Here… is the code: [code]Vector buylist=(Vector)session.getAttribute("Register"); if (action.equals("del")) { String… Why can't I use getAttribute on a DOMElement? D: Programming Web Development by GigsD4X [CODE] $doc=new DOMDocument(); $doc->loadHTML($str); $doc->getElementById("MainTable")->getAttribute("id");[/CODE] Displays the error Fatal error: Call to a member function getAttribute() on a non-object Oh and $str is the HTML of a page :p D: Am I doing something wrong? :o How to access list using set/getAttribute using ServletContextlistener. Programming Web Development by dinesh07.msc … to setAttribute dvdlist in initservlet. Meanwhile also i need to getattribute the dvdlist in; # Somebody help me in … PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); ServletContext context=getServletContext(); dvds=(List)context.getAttribute("dvdl"); // i get my list here.. try { int… Re: HTML GetAttribute - "href" Programming Software Development by moutanna Try this: [CODE] String address = (String) attribute.getAttribute(Attribute.HREF); [/CODE] instead of: [CODE] String address = (String) attribute.getAttribute("href"); [/CODE] Hope it helps. Re: HttpSession, session.getAttribute(), problem Programming Software Development by masijade … attritube. i.e. [code]ArrayList<String> bogus = session.getAttribute("bogus"); if (bogus == null) { bogus = new ArrayList<… Re: HttpSession, session.getAttribute(), problem Programming Software Development by mKorbel crossposted [url][/url] HTML GetAttribute - "href" Programming Software Development by spaniel …, int pos) { if (tag == Tag.A) { String address = (String) attribute.getAttribute("href"); list.add(address); System.out.println(address… createElement() and getAttribute() Programming Web Development by niche1 …"> function myFunction(anid) { var cssatr = document.getElementById(anid).getAttribute('style'); // get the value of "style" var htmlanid… Java Servlets: request.getAttribute always retun null. Programming by Prosatanos …: <%> String s = "msg"; if (s == request.getAttribute("Message")) { out.println("<p>Succesful… How to read file attributes with Java NIO Programming Software Development by dimitrilc … in this case. Its method signature is: public static Object getAttribute(Path path, String attribute, LinkOption... options) throws IOException This time… this method also takes the `String` form like the `Files.getAttribute()` method, but if we want to read all of the… Can someone point out how to solve this issue, kindly? Digital Media UI / UX Design by Q8iEnG …selected&&(!e.disabled:e.getAttribute("disabled")===null)&&(!e.parentNode.…function(){f.valHooks[this]={get:function(a){return a.getAttribute("value")===null?"on":a.…amp;&(o.attrHandle.href=function(a){return a.getAttribute("href",2)}),a=null}(),c.querySelectorAll&… javascript works in IE but not working in firefox Programming Web Development by sendkamal …= (table == this.last_sorted_table && column == lastSortCell)? table.getAttribute("ts_sortdir") : ((td.getAttribute("sortdir") == 'desc')? 'asc' : 'desc'); var …sort_column_index]); b = this.getInnerText(bb.cells[this.sort_column_index]); eval(td.getAttribute("ts_sortfn")) }; // the coding here is shorter but … can anyone make this tree table sort correctly? Programming Web Development by sendkamal …= (table == this.last_sorted_table && column == lastSortCell)? table.getAttribute("ts_sortdir") : ((td.getAttribute("sortdir") == 'desc')? 'asc' : 'desc'); var …sort_column_index]); b = this.getInnerText(bb.cells[this.sort_column_index]); eval(td.getAttribute("ts_sortfn")) }; // the coding here is shorter but … Collapsible table sorting problem Programming Web Development by sendkamal …(evt.srcElement) { //for IE var child = document.all[oMe.getAttribute("child",false)]; } else { //for Firefox var child… = document.all[oMe.getAttribute("child",false)]; } //get child element //if … Help with compiling a Servlet Programming Software Development by suretd … dispatcher = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/"+ (String)session.getAttribute("forwardTo")); dispatcher.forward(req, res); }…IOException, SQLException { String userID = (String)session.getAttribute("userID"); String stockSymbol = req.getParameter("… JSP Pagination Using Servlets JavaScript and Bean Programming Web Development by SagarSe7en …;).toString()); } else { session.setAttribute("limitStart", limitStart); } if (session.getAttribute("limitMax") != null) { limitMax = Integer.parseInt(session… Bing AI Fixed My Crawler Programming Web Development by borobhaisab … 'Meta Name: ' .$meta_name = $tag->getAttribute('name'); echo '<br>'; echo 'Meta Content…: ' .$meta_content = $tag->getAttribute('content'); echo '<br>'; $html_page_meta_names[] = $meta_name; $html_page_meta_descriptions… How to access variable of same page Programming Web Development by shilu2 …quot;htmlFor"},attrHandle:{href:function(g){return g.getAttribute("href")}}, relative:{"+":function(g,…(g,h){return(" "+(g.className||g.getAttribute("class"))+" ").indexOf(h)>-…;#")n.attrHandle.href=function(h){return h.getAttribute("href",2)};g=null})();s.querySelectorAll&… Google Maps v3, multiple filters Programming Web Development by Gloak …// var style = markers[i].getAttribute("style"); // var special_info = markers[i].getAttribute("special_info"); // create the…google.maps.LatLng( parseFloat(markersNodes[i].getAttribute("lat")), parseFloat(markersNodes[i].getAttribute("lng"))); var marker =… Unable to update or delete Mysql table by using servlet code Programming Web Development by Dinesh_9 …quot;post"><% String ok=(String)request.getAttribute("ok"); String msg=""; String a… s5=(String)request.getAttribute("s5"); s6=(String)request.getAttribute("s6"); s7=(String)request.getAttribute("s7"); … javascript color picker cookies, help needed Programming Web Development by AMADH …style") > -1 && thisLink.getAttribute("rel").indexOf("alt") == -1…length; i++) { thisLink = linksFound[i]; if (thisLink.getAttribute("rel").indexOf("style") > -1….length; i++){ thisLink = linksFound[i]; if(thisLink.getAttribute("rel").indexOf("style") > …