illegal start of expression Programming Software Development by magikkar2nd …localException) { reportException(localException); } return null; } public static Method getMethod(Class paramClass, String paramString, Class[] paramArrayOfClass) { try { Method…paramClass2, Class paramClass3, Class paramClass4, Class paramClass5) { return getMethod(paramClass1, paramString, new Class[] { paramClass2, paramClass3, paramClass4, … Login to by providing username and password by jsp Programming Web Development by Swetadri …;challenge=" + challenge); } public void loginNormal() throws Exception { GetMethod get = new GetMethod("….out.println(str1); } } public void loginMD5() throws Exception { GetMethod get = new GetMethod("… Re: problem with reflection Programming Software Development by Ezzaral … is getting a no-arg method and "getMethod" is getting this method [icode]getInstance(String…icode] with this line [code]Method getMethod = Class.forName(ClassName).getMethod("getInstance", new Class[]{Class.… you need to use [code]Method getMethod = Class.forName(ClassName).getMethod("getInstance", new Class[]{java.… C# IE Toolbar talking to C++ BHO Programming Software Development by banderson777 … allow public access to the method, or what. mthInv = typExternal.GetMethod("toggleActiveState"); if (mthInv != null) mthInv.Invoke(pvarPBHO, …null); else MessageBox.Show("GetMethod returned NULL."); } else MessageBox.Show("GetType returned NULL… problem with reflection Programming Software Development by ajithraj … Method idMethod = Class.forName(ClassName).getMethod(FunctionName,null); Method getMethod = Class.forName(ClassName).getMethod("getInstance", new Class[]{Class….forName("java.lang.String")}); Object object = getMethod.invoke(Class.forName(ClassName()),new Object[]{dboption}); lists = … Problem in reflecting a Method Programming Software Development by javaAddict …/docs/api/java/lang/Class.html#getMethod(java.lang.String,%20java.lang.Class...)"]Class.getMethod(String name, Class<?>... parameterTypes…)[/URL] like this: [CODE] obj.getClass().getMethod(methodName, Class.forName(methodType)) [/CODE] My problem is that the… Invoking Programming Software Development by Rete … turn the object //into a method. [B]Method run = getclass.getMethod(methodname, parametertypes);[/B] String result; Object[] params = {"hello"… I run this line of code: [B]Method run = getclass.getMethod(methodname, parametertypes);[/B] I get a: [COLOR=Red]java.lang… object reference not set to instance of object+axis2 Programming Software Development by amitabhtripathi …messageClass,null); java.lang.reflect.Method m = exceptionClass.getMethod("setFaultMessage", new java.lang.Class[]{messageClass});…java.lang.reflect.Method m = exceptionClass.getMethod("setFaultMessage",[/code] Re: Problem in reflecting a Method Programming Software Development by ~s.o.s~ …(final String[] args) throws Exception { Method m = new Test().getClass().getMethod("doForInt", int.class); System.out.println(m.invoke… Re: Problem in reflecting a Method Programming Software Development by ~s.o.s~ …("TYPE").get(null); Method m = new Test().getClass().getMethod("doForInt", klass); System.out.println(m.invoke(new… Unable to login to a website tried both httpclient and defaulthttpclient Programming Software Development by akshaymirji … not logging in...[code]1) HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); GetMethod get = new GetMethod(""); System.out.println… Problem passing args from invoke(obj, args[]) command Programming Software Development by TheWhite … using the following for the method with no arguments: getClass().getMethod("command_hello").invoke(this); Works! Great! But the moment… I try getClass().getMethod(cmds.get(cmd)).invoke(this, "Bob"); I get… Re: Problem passing args from invoke(obj, args[]) command Programming Software Development by TheWhite …. Hopefully this will get indexed and help someone else :) -------------- Method getMethod(String name, Class<?>... parameterTypes), where name is the… string and the argument is String person, I needed: getClass().getMethod(cmds.get(cmd), String.class).invoke(this, "Bob"… Re: Problem passing args from invoke(obj, args[]) command Programming Software Development by TheWhite … with no parameters. I did something clever to match the getMethod paramaterTypes to that of the ones I am using for… invoke by doing: String sender = "Bob"; this.getClass().getMethod(cmds.get(cmd),sender.getClass()).invoke(this, sender); That way… How can I emit a call to a delegate whose type is unfinished at the time of the emit? Programming Software Development by blackblizzard … [code=C#] MethodInfo invokeMInfo = typeof(DirectReadAccessor<MyClass>).GetMethod( "Invoke", // Name of the method. BindingFlags.Instance…typeBuilder);[/code] But if I try to call [inlinecode]GetMethod("Invoke", ....)[/inlinecode] on [inlinecode]directReadAccessorType[/inlinecode]… Re: How can I emit a call to a delegate whose type is unfinished at the time of the emit? Programming Software Development by blackblizzard In case anyone is insterested, they answered this for me at stackoverflow. The following call works: [CODE=c#]TypeBuilder.GetMethod(directReadAccessorType, typeof(DirectReadAccessor<>).GetMethod("Invoke"));[/CODE] .Class Expected Error Programming Software Development by padmaanand …("The elements in array are "+ a[i]); } } void GetMethod() { BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; try { System… static void main(String args[]) { ArrayGet aa=new ArrayGet(); aa.GetMethod(); } } [/CODE] This is my Code i am trying to find… Problem with the servlet Programming Web Development by mith_cool …>"); out.println("your method was "+ request.getMethod()); out.println("</body></html>"…>"); out.println("your method was "+ request.getMethod()); out.println("</body></html>"… LuaInterface dll in WinForms Programming Software Development by LuaMan …lua.RegisterFunction("MoveMouse", formStuff, formStuff.GetType(). GetMethod("MoveMouse")); //Registers the mouse moving event…lua.RegisterFunction("LeftCLick", formStuff, formStuff.GetType(). GetMethod("LeftClick")); } [DllImport("User32.dll&… Re: LuaInterface dll in WinForms Programming Software Development by LuaMan ….RegisterFunction("MoveMouse", this, this.GetType(). //<-- problem fixed GetMethod("MoveMouse")); //Registers the mouse moving event lua.RegisterFunction… Re: calling method from super class Programming Software Development by smacdav …method from vehicle,is this the way (truck)object1[1].getMethod()[/QUOTE] If you want to use the method from …then cast the object as a vehicle: ((vehicle)object1[1]).getMethod(); Notice the extra set of parentheses there; without them you…, as Java will believe that you want to run getMethod() and then convert the result into a vehicle. Force-clicking a link in Webbrowser not working? Programming Software Development by Xcelled194 …obj = el.DomElement; //System.Reflection.MethodInfo mi = obj.GetType().GetMethod("click"); //mi.Invoke(obj, new object[0]); …of Click. [*] System.Reflection.MethodInfo mi = obj.GetType().GetMethod("click"); mi is always NULL. [/LIST]… reflecting: Creating a new object of a reflected class via code Programming Software Development by FALL3N …con.newInstance("Hello World!"); Method methd = (typed.class).getMethod("hashCode"); System.out.println(obj); int hash = …con.newInstance("Hello World!"); Method methd = (typed.class).getMethod("hashCode"); System.out.println(obj); int hash = … Good example of how to use a console Programming Software Development by Michael_9 ….RegisterFunction("writeL", Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId, GetType(Module1).GetMethod("runLine")) lua.RegisterFunction("readL", …Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId, GetType(Module1).GetMethod("runReadLine")) '' lua("cmd") = … Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Programming Web Development by Maideen …ListRenderingExtensions As System.Reflection.MethodInfo = m_previewService.FieldType.GetMethod("ListRenderingExtensions", Flags)"* pls help …Dim ListRenderingExtensions As System.Reflection.MethodInfo = m_previewService.FieldType.GetMethod("ListRenderingExtensions", Flags) Dim previewServiceInstance As Object… heart rate zephyr Programming Mobile Development by sash89 ….bluetooth.device.extra.DEVICE").toString()); Method m = BluetoothDevice.class.getMethod("convertPinToBytes", new Class[] {String.class} ); byte[] pin = (…byte[])m.invoke(device, "1234"); m = device.getClass().getMethod("setPin", new Class [] {pin.getClass()}); Object result = m… Object help Programming Software Development by Rete …, I can't run it. The problem is because [B]getMethod(String name, Class[] parameterTypes)[/B] requires Classes and [B]invoke… Making apps with future extensions Programming Software Development by Cudmore … use the interface like that. And I tried using *.getClass().getMethod(...).invoke(...); ...but I got an some other error, like, the… Re: Making apps with future extensions Programming Software Development by Cudmore … loaded = Class.forName ("TestExtension"); System.out.println ( loaded.getMethod("retClassName").invoke(loaded) ); } catch (Exception ex) { System.err… Type mismatch: cannot convert from int to ResultSet Programming Web Development by OmarAli84 …;> </td> </tr> <% if(request.getMethod().equals("POST")) { DBConnection db = new DBConnection(); Connection con…