Help on Pesudorandom Java Code Programming Software Development by WesFox13 …; } public void setMulti(int multi) { this.multi = multi; } public int getMulti() { return multi; } public void setSeed(int seed) { this.seed = seed… Re: Help on Pesudorandom Java Code Programming Software Development by WesFox13 …; } public void setMulti(int multi) { this.multi = multi; } public int getMulti() { return multi; } public void setSeed(int seed) { this.seed = seed… Memcached queries per page? Programming Databases by Dani … number of queries to Memcached per page? We do use getMulti to try to fetch what we know we'll need… Re: Help on Pesudorandom Java Code Programming Software Development by javaAddict Don't write this: [CODE] return (((multi * seed) + incr) % modu); [/CODE] When you calculate the result store it into a variable. Then change the value of the seed with that variable and [U]then[/U] return it. Re: Memcached queries per page? Programming Databases by pritaeas Seeing nobody has replied yet, you may want to try this question on SO (if haven't done already). If you do and paste the link here, I can upvote (and I guess some others will too). Re: Memcached queries per page? Programming Databases by Dani I don't use SO. ;) Not because I'm against it. I'm just biased. ;) I'll just patiently wait here for an answer ........ la-de-da-de-da .....