Re: getopt - help Programming Software Development by ArkM As far as I know you need "t:" getopt option. May be I'm wrong (I don't like getopt ;)). See [url][/url] getopt - help Programming Software Development by TooMpa … The problem is I don't know how to get getopt to read -t and then take next char as an…; extern char *optarg; extern int optind, optopt, opterr; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "t")) != -1){ switch(c){ case 't… Re: getopt - help Programming Software Development by ArkM Nothing serious. I don't like a rigid and unclear (in my opinion) getopt loop (and option string too ;)). It's a matter of personal preferences only. Probably the getopt is the best solution in C, but in C++ it looks like a steam-engine in Tokkaido Line train... But it's the other story... Re: getopt - help Programming Software Development by stilllearning Yeah it should be "t:" and if t is an optional argument it should be "t::" why don't you like getopt ? getopt? Programming Software Development by toolbox03 how do I extract the arguments using getopt Usage: -P abc -S def -G xyz How do I extract the values abc, def and xyz? Re: getopt? Programming Software Development by jlm699 I don't know about getopt but all of those things are stored in the list stored under sys.argv [code=python] >>> import sys >>> sys.argv[0] >>> len(sys.argv)[/code] Try those lines and then you should be able to handle the command line arguments yourself. getopt python parser Programming Software Development by halamas … a word and replace it with another one using the getopt parser. The thing that I'm having troubles with is…<file name> " import sys import getopt count=False opts,extraparams= getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"hi:cmwr:e:n… Re: GetOpt::Long Programming Software Development by Murtan I found this code example [code=Perl] use Getopt::Long; my $data = "file.dat"; my $length = 24… => \$verbose); # flag [/code] at [url][/url] (The first page returned for google "…;perl getopt long") If you've read through that page and… GetOpt::Long Programming Software Development by Manny7 … of code, which testing arguments on command line: [CODE] use Getopt::Long; GetOptions( "verbose" => \$verbose, "get"… the code to adjust.. :/ (I have to use the module GetOpt::Long) Thank you for your tips. Re: GetOpt::Long Programming Software Development by d5e5 … use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling); my ($verbose, $get, $v, $g); GetOptions… Re: getopt - help Programming Software Development by ssharish2005 [QUOTE]filetype = ????; [/QUOTE] So if the flag matches, you can get the argument by the global variable optarg. That should hold pointer to the argument which you are looking for! [code="c"] filetype = optarg; [/code] ssharish Re: getopt? Programming Software Development by iamthwee If you have access to (the source code I mean) you could modify it to pipe the values to a text file perhaps. Re: How to use GetOpt Programming Software Development by sfuo …I am not 100% sure but after reading [on GetOpt here](…Using-Getopt.html#Using-Getopt) and [a GetOpt example here](…libc/manual/html_node/Example-of-Getopt.html#Example-of-Getopt) I would say the short answer is you… Help with getopt/getopts Programming Software Development by swmercenary … script which runs on AIX and LINUX. It currently uses getopt to parse command line options, and relies on syntax like… an argument and the argument is missing, getopt hangs (the usage statement following the getopt line is never reached). This would be… Re: How to use GetOpt Programming Software Development by rubberman … the examples: /* The following trivial example program uses getopt() to handle two program options: -n, with no…tfnd; nsecs = 0; tfnd = 0; flags = 0; while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "nt:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case… Word comparison - Vectors /Getopt Programming Software Development by anonymous1987 Please Help!!! My understanding of getopt is very limited. I do however realise that argv[0] …> list; vector <string>::iterator i; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, ":wpsaejivn:")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'w… How to use GetOpt Programming Software Development by choconom Hi, I need to use getopt for a program called like myprogram.c file1 file2 file3 -… must be provided). It would help if someone could explain getopt in simple terms as well, I feel like my brain… Re: Doubt regarding Getopt Programming Software Development by mitchems I like to use a different GetOpt [CODE] use Getopt::Std; getopts("f:d:r"); my $file=$opt_f; my $dir=$opt_d; my $ren_flag=1 if($opt_r); [/CODE] Would that work for you? Doubt regarding Getopt Programming Software Development by anraevlus18 … from local machine to a remote machine. I am using Getopt::Long to get the command line arguments. "-d"… Re: Doubt regarding Getopt Programming Software Development by d5e5 …]#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; my ($help, @dir, @rename_to); #-- prints usage if there is… Re: Doubt regarding Getopt Programming Software Development by d5e5 …]#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; my (@dir, @fil); #-- prints usage if there is an… Re: Doubt regarding Getopt Programming Software Development by anraevlus18 I think the problem was with the version itself. I downloaded the new version of Getopt::Long and now its working fine. Thanks for your support, all. Re: Doubt regarding Getopt Programming Software Development by d5e5 That's great. I didn't think of that (Getopt:Long version.) Please mark this thread solved (even though it was you that solved it. :)) Using getopt() Programming Software Development by ckwolfe …, char **argv){ int index, b, s; int c; while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "b:s:")) > 0) { switch (c… Re: Using getopt() Programming Software Development by andrewll2 …, char **argv){ int index, b, s; int c; while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "b:s:")) > 0) { switch (c… Re: Using getopt() Programming Software Development by ckwolfe …, char **argv){ int index, b, s; int c; while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "b:s:")) > 0) { switch (c… Re: GetOpt::Long Programming Software Development by Manny7 Uhh.. well how i can distinguish, if the user entered '-verbose' or '--verbose'??? This is the thing, what i don't know... :/ Re: GetOpt::Long Programming Software Development by Murtan Not to be rude about it, but why do you care if the user entered '-verbose' or '--verbose'? If they both make the output verbose, why should they care? Re: Help with getopt/getopts Programming Software Development by jim mcnamara I don't have a quick good answer, getopts only returns the first string of multiple arguments into OPTARG for a given option Here is a good discussion of argument handling: [url][/url] Re: Word comparison - Vectors /Getopt Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 Well, this line doesn't make any sense: list == argv[3]; Neither does this one: cout << *list << endl; Maybe you should explain what you think these lines are supposed to do, because it doesn't seem obvious to me (nor for the compiler). The variable `list` is a vector of strings, it doesn't make any sense to compare it …