Re: Dll problem Programming Software Development by karthik.datt GetProcAddress() is returning 0 so iam not able to call the function.. what may be the possible reasons ??? GetProcAddress and function pointers Programming Software Development by GeekByChoiCe …GetLastError Lib "kernel32" () As Integer Private Declare Function GetProcAddress Lib "kernel32" (ByVal ModuleHandle As IntPtr, <[In… handle: " & mHandle.ToInt32(), GetLastError) Dim addr As IntPtr = GetProcAddress(mHandle, "InsertDateTime") logIt("InsertDateTime address " &… GetProcAddress returns NULL after event is triggerred Programming Software Development by murderotica … be called. [CODE] void CSample::buttonClicked(){ if(hLib){ pSampleFunc = (SampleFunc)GetProcAddress(hLib, "Sample"); if(pSampleFunc ){ pSampleFunc (iVar, cVar); } FreeLibrary… GetProcAddress returns 0 why? Programming Software Development by triumphost …::cout<<"DLL Loaded"; CThread* TThread = (CThread*)(GetProcAddress(h, "Threading")); if (NULL != TThread) { std::cout<… Re: GetProcAddress returns 0 why? Programming Software Development by triumphost …;<"DLL Loaded.\n"; CThread TThread; TThread = (CThread) GetProcAddress(h, "Threading"); if (NULL != TThread) { std::cout<… Function pointer from GetProcAddress() without typedef Programming Software Development by Frederick2 …the return address obtained from the Windows Api function GetProcAddress() without using a typedef. I’m aware that…it and obtain the address of the Prt function with GetProcAddress()… [CODE=C] //Begin dllHost.cpp #include <…quot;dllWork.dll"); if(hIns) { pFn=(FNPTR)GetProcAddress(hIns,"Prt"); <<<note use … Need help with writing a run time DLL and GetProcAddress Programming Software Development by carbonfinger …(hinstLib != NULL){ encryptFunPointer = (cryptFunPointer) GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "encrypt"); decryptFunPointer = (cryptFunPointer) GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "decrypt"); } else{ …out a very basic encryption. I think GetProcAddress for encryptFunPointer isn't finding the encrypt functions… Re: Function pointer from GetProcAddress() without typedef Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon …("dllWork.dll"); if(hIns) { pFn = (void (__cdecl *)(char *))GetProcAddress(hIns,"Prt"); pFn(szMsg); FreeLibrary(hIns); } system("… Re: Function pointer from GetProcAddress() without typedef Programming Software Development by Frederick2 … hInstance=LoadLibrary("DllTest.dll") If hInstance Then dwAddr=GetProcAddress(hInstance,"Fx") Call Dword dwAddr Using ptrFx FreeLibrary… Re: Function pointer from GetProcAddress() without typedef Programming Software Development by bitluni [CODE]*(FARPROC*)&YourFunction = GetProcAddress(dll, "YourFunction");[/CODE] Re: Need help with writing a run time DLL and GetProcAddress Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 … your function pointer. The type of the pointer returned by GetProcAddress is `void*`, and then you cast it to what it…. If you are getting a NULL pointer out of the GetProcAddress call, it means that functions with that name could not… Re: Access Violation - GetProcAddress Programming Software Development by jammmie999 … [code] //from this (expected, should work) PluginEntry Entry = (PluginEntry)GetProcAddress(Test, "PluginEntry"); //with export C PluginEntry Entry = (PluginEntry…"_PluginEntry@0"); //without export C PluginEntry Entry = (PluginEntry)GetProcAddress(Test, "?PluginEntry@@YGXXZ"); [/code] It now works, yay… Loading the Library with LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress() Programming Software Development by ObscureOne … I am calling LoadLibrary is that I want to call GetProcAddress( ) next. But without the library getting loaded I can't… Writing GetProcAddress return value to txt file Programming Software Development by kk33 … dwPid = GetProcessIDFromName(exe); hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, false, dwPid); HANDLE address=GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("KERNEL32.DLL"), "LoadLibraryA"); CloseHandle(address… Access Violation - GetProcAddress Programming Software Development by jammmie999 …;\\LoremIpsum.dll"); HMODULE Test = LoadLibrary(DLL); PluginEntry Entry = (PluginEntry)GetProcAddress(Test, "PluginEntry"); Entry(); FreeLibrary(Test); [/code] yet on… Using a VB6 RunPE DLL in VB.NET? Programming Software Development by vaq …+ .lpAddressOfFunctions + lNumbAdd * 4, 4 GetProcAddress = lFunctAdd + lBase If GetProcAddress >= lVAddress And _ GetProcAddress <= lVSize Then Call ResolveForward(GetProcAddress, lMod, sProc) If Not… delegate problem: invoke without parameters Programming Software Development by jochem23 GetProcAddress(AddressOf printSignOffInit) PrnFunc.Run = GetProcAddress(AddressOf printSignOffRun) PrnFunc.Exit = GetProcAddress(AddressOf printSignOffExit) PrnFunc.Status = GetProcAddress(AddressOf…4016-87B7-7D7FBBC6EE08"' PrnFunc.Exit_Renamed = GetProcAddress(AddressOf printSignOffExit) 'UPGRADE_WARNING: Add a … Infected by, adoginhispen,and more... Hardware and Software Information Security by AndyBT …[1548] @ C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll [KERNEL32.dll!GetProcAddress] [0060FB30] C:\Program Files\COMODO\Firewall\cfp.exe IAT…cfp.exe[1548] @ C:\WINDOWS\system32\PSAPI.DLL [KERNEL32.dll!GetProcAddress] [0060FB30] C:\Program Files\COMODO\Firewall\cfp.exe ---- Devices… c++ calling a dll Programming Software Development by kartheepanmirra …); CopyMemory ptrCopyMemory; ptrCopyMemory = (CopyMemory)GetProcAddress(hGetProcIDDLL,"CopyMemory"); typedef UINT … InitDecompression)(); InitDecompression ptrInitDecompression; ptrInitDecompression = (InitDecompression)GetProcAddress(hGetProcIDDLL,"InitDecompression"); //ReturnVal = ptrLockWorkStation… using SetWindowsHookEx to monitor windows events Programming Software Development by carrythe1 … HOOKPROC hkprcCBT; static HHOOK hhookCBT; hkprcCBT = (HOOKPROC)GetProcAddress(hinstDLL, "CBT"); hhookCBT = SetWindowsHookEx( WH_CBT,… HOOKPROC hkprcGETMSG; static HHOOK hhookGETMSG; hkprcGETMSG = (HOOKPROC)GetProcAddress(hinstDLL, "GETMESSAGE"); hhookGETMSG = SetWindowsHookEx( WH_GETMESSAGE,… Re: marshalling C++ structures from a dynamically loaded DLL Programming Software Development by skatamatic …;kernel32.dll")] public static extern IntPtr GetProcAddress(IntPtr hModule, string procedureName); [DllImport("…quot;); iOp.pCounterReset = NativeMethods.GetProcAddress(pDll, "DRV_CounterReset"); iOp.pCounterStart = NativeMethods.GetProcAddress(pDll, "DRV_CounterEventStart"… Run-time linking of native .dll functions Programming Software Development by dougy83 …(ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As Int32 Private Declare Function GetProcAddress Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal hModule As Int32…") Return Else dll_loaded = True End If msgfn = GetProcAddress(dll_handle, "msg") 'can't check return value… Translate C/C++ Code to python Programming Software Development by Stefano Mtangoo …(hDLL, TEXT_BEENCODECHUNK); beDeinitStream = (BEDEINITSTREAM) GetProcAddress(hDLL, TEXT_BEDEINITSTREAM); beCloseStream = (BECLOSESTREAM) GetProcAddress(hDLL, TEXT_BECLOSESTREAM); beVersion = (BEVERSION) GetProcAddress(hDLL, TEXT_BEVERSION); beWriteVBRHeader= (BEWRITEVBRHEADER) GetProcAddress(hDLL,TEXT_BEWRITEVBRHEADER); // Check if… Hooking & using dll functions Programming Software Development by R3AL …hInst = LoadLibrary((LPCWSTR)"user32.dll"); DLLFunc = (DWORD)GetProcAddress(hInst, "PostMessageA") + 5; } } break; … = LoadLibrary((LPCWSTR)"user32.dll"); DLLFunc = (DWORD)GetProcAddress(hInst, "PostMessageA") + 5; } break; case… Can't build ! Programming Software Development by KasmIR …quot;); if(!NtAllocateVirtualMemory){ fprintf(stderr, "GetProcAddress() failed"); exit(1); } ZwDeviceIoControlFile… = (int)findSysBase(findKernelVersion()); HalDispatchTable = (int)GetProcAddress(hKernel,"HalDispatchTable"); HalDispatchTable -= (int)hKernel… error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol Programming Software Development by chavez …( dwReason ) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: { // hook GetProcAddress, CreateWindowExA, GetCursorPos and SetCursorPos InterceptDllCall( "kernel32.… DWORD dwOldProtect, dwOldProtect2; void *pOldFunction; if( !( pOldFunction = GetProcAddress( GetModuleHandle( szDllName ), szFunctionName ) ) ) return( NULL ); … marshalling C++ structures from a dynamically loaded DLL Programming Software Development by DarthPJB …else { hModule = 0; } //capture library handle if (hModule != 0) { Function_ptr = GetProcAddress(hModule, "Function"); Function_Deligate = (Function_del)Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(Function_ptr, typeof… How To Call exact api in vendors dll.. Programming Software Development by Kshawn … from my dll i called vendors dll.. I used loadlibrary()/getprocaddress() is working but is there any possiblities with out…"); if (hinstLib != NULL) { printf("sucess"); ProcAdd = (MYPROC) GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "BUICInit"); printf("add2(3): %d"… Re: Using shared_ptr with LoadLibrary() for DLLs Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 …FreeLibrary); // get the function pointer CreateFoo = (fpFunct1)(GetProcAddress(spHDL.get(), "CreateFooClassInstance")); However, this … <typename FuncPtrType> FuncPtrType GetProcAddress(const char* procName) const { return (FuncPtrType)(GetProcAddress(h_inst, procName)); }; }; And then… Re: Using shared_ptr with LoadLibrary() for DLLs Programming Software Development by Elixir42 …me the error: `error C2783: 'FuncPtrType CDLLLoader::GetProcAddress(const char *) const' : could not deduce template…argument type like: CreateFoo = spDLL->GetProcAddress<fpFunct1>("CreateFooClassInstance"); but… me this error: `error C2780: 'FuncPtrType CDLLLoader::GetProcAddress(const char *) const' : expects 1 arguments -…