What package is the window.getSize() ? Programming Software Development by hakeemtunde … getting screen size i've being seeing onine calling window.getSize() in what package is the object located. // Get the size… int w = window.getSize().width; //what package is window.getSize() from? int h = window.getSize().height; //what package is window.getSize() from? int x… Re: What package is the window.getSize() ? Programming Software Development by JamesCherrill … guess its a top-level Swing component (JFrame, JDialog, JApplet...) getSize() is a method that's available for all Swing components… Stop mouse listener Programming Software Development by Alex_27 …if (bu1[i][j] == bx) { int size = bp3.getsize(); int f = (bp3.getsize())-1; bu1[i][j].setIcon(icond); if ((j-f… Implementing a grid system for sprites(C++) Programming Game Development by Xecantur …> #include <gfx/gfx_common.hpp> //the *getSize()'s you see returns a pointer to an SDL_Rect which…<Element>::iterator i; SDL_Rect * current = grid.begin()->getSize(); SDL_Rect * last = current; int count = 0, row = 0;… Compiler error, HELP! Programming Software Development by Spartan_MSU12 …fill); //functions double Area(); int Perimeter() const; int GetSize() const; void Grow(); void Shrink(); void SetBorder(char…SetBorder function SetFill(fill); // calls SetFill function } int Diamond::GetSize() const { return size; // returns length of a side… Re: My Lib management prog*****HELP ME**** Programming Software Development by Salem …return 0; /*!! main returns 0 for success */ } long int getsize(char a[]) { int file,size; #if 0 /*!! remove …else if((st+i)->token!=0) { bsize1=getsize("book.rrn"); size1=(bsize1)/sizeof(book); fp…quot;); scanf("%s",sno); bsize1=getsize("student.rrn"); size1=bsize1/sizeof(… draughts game movement problems Programming Software Development by benny2010 … image as a sprite greenSprite.SetCenter(greenSprite.GetSize().x/2,greenSprite.GetSize().y/2); //sets the centre for … image as a sprite redSprite.SetCenter(redSprite.GetSize().x/2,redSprite.GetSize().y/2); //sets the centre for…amp; j%2==0) { g[a].setRadius(greenSprite.GetSize().x/2); //sets the radius from green sprite g… My Lib management prog*****HELP ME**** Programming Software Development by Cool Nanu … 6: viewret(); continue; default: continue; } } } long int getsize(char a[]) { int file,size; file = open(a,O_RDONLY); …} else if((st+i)->token!=0) { bsize1=getsize("book.rrn"); size1=(bsize1)/sizeof(book); fp…no:"); scanf("%s",sno); bsize1=getsize("student.rrn"); size1=bsize1/sizeof(student… compiler errors wargame Programming Software Development by thunderbbolt …0) return null; numCards--; return deck[numCards]; } int getSize() { return numCards; } private void fill() { int … } Card playCard() { if (playPile.getSize() == 0) useWonPile(); if (playPile.getSize() > 0) return playPile.nextCard…to 0 } int numCards() { return playPile.getSize() + wonPile.getSize(); } private Pile playPile, wonPile; private … help with polynomials Programming Software Development by rkreed94 …)const; //const Polynomial & operator=(const Polynomial & p); int getSize(); //double eval(double arg) const; // evaluate polynomial for arg Polynomial…; i++) coef[i] = p.coef[i]; return *this; } int Polynomial:: getSize() { return size; } /*double Polynomial::eval(double arg) const // evaluate polynomial… Help Need for Resolving a C++ error C2664 Programming Software Development by acperson … fix this? Thanks so much! .\main.cpp(32) : error C2664: 'getSize' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'const char *[6]' to 'const…))] + " " + article[(1 + rand()%getSize(article))] + " " + noun[(1 + rand()%getSize(noun))] + "."; ... int getSize(const char* s) { int size… assign address of derived class to base class pointer. Can't make it work Programming Software Development by Euphan …) { list::iterator r = x.begin(); int size = x.getSize(); while ((size--) > 0) push_back(*r++); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- //…gt;::iterator r_it = rlist.begin(); release(); int size = rlist.getSize(); while ((size--) > 0) push_back(*r_it++); } return *… Menu and game not working properly. Please help Programming Software Development by sirlink99 … if (dbImage == null) { dbImage = createImage (this.getSize ().width, this.getSize ().height); dbg = dbImage.getGraphics (); } // save background… ()); dbg.fillRect (0, 0, this.getSize ().width, this.getSize ().height); // draw foreground on background dbg… reg eventhandling Programming Software Development by rajeshredy …100]; for(int i=0;i<move.getSize();i++){ axis[i]=(String) move.getElementAt(i);…100]; for(int i=0;i<move.getSize();i++){ axis1[i]=(String) move.getElementAt(i); … Re: Implementing a grid system for sprites(C++) Programming Game Development by Xecantur Update: its mostly working now, (github page has the latest), the Y value keeps getting reset to 0 though somewhere in the loop. Update 2: WOOT works now had to set Y again in that if(count != (gx - 1) block with i->getSize()->y = last->y; !! :P C++ operator overloading.....problem with compiling Programming Software Development by maggz … called now"; cap = rhs.getCap(); arraySize = rhs.getSize(); dynarray = new T[cap]; for(int i=0; i… <rhs.getSize(); i++) { dynarray[i] = rhs[i]; } } //Copy assignment…template<class T> int dynarray<T>::getSize() const { return arraySize; } // return if array is… What am I doing wrong. Programming Software Development by Carwy …[x] - '0'; x++; } } //returns the size of each number int getSize() { return size; } //Returns each number. int getNumber() { return num[size… total; int *tempNumber; int size1 = numbers1.getSize(); //Sets size1 to numbers1.size; int size2 = numbers2.getSize(); //Sets size2 to numbers2.size; int… Why won't my asteroids do anything?! Programming Software Development by skatamatic … return Asteroid.Size.Tiny; } } public int GetSize(Asteroid.Size _size) { switch (_size) { case…siz = GetRandomSize(); gp.AddEllipse(0, 0, GetSize(siz), GetSize(siz)); Asteroid asAst = new Asteroid(gp,… Inventory 6 error: NumberFormatException Programming Software Development by hmarie88 …;) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { if (index == 0) { index = ProductInventory2.getSize() - 1; } else { index--; } repaint(); } }; private JButton previousButton = new JButton(previousAction… Re: Inventory 6 error: NumberFormatException Programming Software Development by hmarie88 … evt) { if (index == 0) { index = ProductInventory2.getSize() - 1; } else { index--; } repaint(); } …in_stock, price ); addProductToInventory2(newProduct); index=ProductInventory2.getSize()- 1; } catch (Exception addException) {… Array Assistance Programming Software Development by Chillin2 …(Camera new_Camera) { Camera[] new_inventory = new Camera[getSize() + 1]; // old array to the front of…= 0.00; for (int i = 0; i < getSize(); i++) { tot += inventory[i].calculateValue(); } return tot; … void sortInventory() { Arrays.sort(inventory, 0, getSize()); } } // program that displays the value … Java applet not working on windows 7 Programming Software Development by MasterOfNothing …; } int z=(int) ((bgImage.getHeight()-(font1.getSize()*1.5+font2.getSize()*1.5*lines))/2-font2.getSize()); overlayedImage=overlayImages(bgImage, imageA, ((bgImage.getWidth…=(int) ((bgImage.getHeight()-(font1.getSize()*1.5+font2.getSize()*1.5*lines))/2+font1.getSize()*1.5+font2.getSize()*1.5*v); textImage=op… Re: reg eventhandling Programming Software Development by rajeshredy …100]; for(int i=0;i<move.getSize();i++){ axis[i]=(String) move.getElementAt(i);…100]; for(int i=0;i<move.getSize();i++){ axis1[i]=(String) move.getElementAt(i); … sand game problem with graphics Programming Software Development by nikolaos … component) { BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(component.getSize().width , component.getSize().height , BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics ig = image.…quot;); //BufferedImage bimage = (BufferedImage)getContentPane().createImage(getContentPane().getSize().width, getContentPane().getSize().height); if (x>= width-2 || x… Grocery Store Simulation obj won't initialize Programming Software Development by Alyssa_2 …> int Passenger_Queue<NODETYPE> :: getSize(){ return current_queue -> getSize(); } template <typename NODETYPE> string… arrival, new queue size is " << current_queue.getSize() <<endl; } } } template <typename NODETYPE&… method not running? Always returns 0. Programming Software Development by Argo54325 …that gets the size of the file [code=c++] int getSize (istream& file) { int num = 0; char …++] int bookSize = 0; int msgSize = 0; //msgSize = getSize(msgIn); //msgIn.clear(); //msgIn.seekg(0, ios::beg); bookSize…> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int getSize (istream& file) { int num = 0; char c… Chat client and server, save messages and delete Programming Software Development by pjpro …{ //Select an index. if (index == saveList.getSize()) { //removed item in last position index--; }…{ //Select an index. if (index == saveList.getSize()) { //removed item in last position index--; }… Dynamic Array help Programming Software Development by jmcorpse … namespace std; typedef int* IntArrayPtr; void getSize(int& size1, int& size2);//Function declaration … from one function to another getSize(size1, size2);//Funcion call for getSize createArrays(size1, size2);//Function call…Function call for fillArrays return 0; } void getSize(int& size1, int& size2)//Function definition… Re: Dynamic Array help Programming Software Development by jmcorpse … namespace std; typedef int* IntArrayPtr; void getSize(int& size1, int& size2);//Function declaration for…passed from one function to another getSize(size1, size2);//Funcion call for getSize int *a = new int[size1…);//Function call for fillArrays return 0; } void getSize(int& size1, int& size2)//Function definition for… Re: Dynamic Array help Programming Software Development by jmcorpse …57;//Constant for the ASCII character 9 void getSize(int& size1, int& size2);//Function declaration…passed from one function to another getSize(size1, size2);//Funcion call for getSize int conInput1[size1]; int conInput2[…();//Calls the repeat function return 0; } void getSize(int& size1, int& size2)//Function definition …