730 Topics

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Member Avatar for BILL S

Hi I am pretty much a Windows guy from the get-go. I bought SUSE Novell Linux however, I had trouble installing from the start and never quite figured out the issue as it seems overtly technical compared to Windows, I feel it isn't layman friendly. I did come across the …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for linux

I have a pretty old computer, and I also have a (much) better laptop. I'm just testing linux right now, and I was wondering if the following specs were OK to run on Gentoo... I already have the LiveCD AMD64 ISO Currently: > Dual 4.6 GB (WOW) HD's, one running …

Member Avatar for sn4rf3r
Member Avatar for kumarangopi

[COLOR=#000000][/COLOR] I have written a program in php.It works fine with internet explorer.How to make it run in unix environment.By the way do we get free unix software on net?If so please let me know the link.

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for Covinus

i want to try linux. I was wondering if anyone of you guys could give me a distro which give you a more Programmer interface. a distro which will give you more space to improve as a programmer. thanks in advance. btw im looking at the info about gentoo..

Member Avatar for Covinus
Member Avatar for TheNNS

Hi I'm wondering if there is a site out there that gives people FREE linux cd's. Something like Ubuntu's Shipit, it's for personal reasons. I've tried the free linux cd project, but it seems they've given up. If any one knows of any site, please let me know. Thanks:mrgreen:

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for jbennet

How would I go about maing my own linux distro for me and my friends (students)? Are there any good tutorials?

Member Avatar for TKSS
Member Avatar for nrobinson

Hi, I am a very beginner and have been told to sort this out for my company as the person that created the system has gone into the military. We currently have one domain with many sub-domains which is forwarded from domain company A to our Linux server which then …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for slacke

Hi I am trying write some rules for sendmail. I found an example for removing brackets from adress like:[CODE]"Fred Thompson <fred@somewhere.com>"[/CODE] The example rule file (/tmp/testrules) should look like this: [CODE] #Add S3 at top of file S3 R$ *$: < $1 >housekeeping<> R$+ <$*> <$2>strip excess on left R<$*> …

Member Avatar for Har31n6er

Hi all, my first real post here. I bought this rig: Gateway OEM PC 192 MB RAM (128MB PC130 SDRAM)(64MB PC130 SDRAM) 20gig HDD ATI RADEON 32MB SDR AMD Athlon 900 CPU Creative Sound card CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio Device CD1 =NEC DV-5700A CD ROM CD2 =LITEON CD-ROM LTN4865 PCI MODEM …

Member Avatar for Junyah
Member Avatar for TheNNS

I've read rumors about google working on their own linux distro. Can any one comfirm this?

Member Avatar for ajax-the-techie
Member Avatar for chaves2k

Is there a way where I can mail someone with changing who they see they mail is from in a sense, like i want it to show from - "John Smith" rather than they see from - "jsmith213@srtr324.com" to make it easier, I just want a simple command script, so …

Member Avatar for Ghostrider4444

At the moment, I've got an old computer with Windows 98 SE installed. Because I upgraded my hard disk, I needed to install a dynamic drive overlay. But now I want to install Linux (I don't know yet if I'll install Mandriva One, Ubuntu or Kubuntu). I've got a Maxtor …

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Member Avatar for John A

Debian Linux is what you might call very, very flexible because it runs on nearly any hardware configuration, from Motorola chips to PowerPC to the x86 structure. So whatever your machine is Debian Linux can most likely run on it. However, because installation is so different between different setups, this …

Member Avatar for rfw

I am using a book to install Linux on my PC. The book is "Linux for Dummies" by Dee-Ann LeBlanc. It came with a DVD with Fedora 5 on it. Installed Fedora to dual boot my PC. I have 120GB IDE drive for Linux and 160 Gb SATA drive for …

Member Avatar for jbennet

I need a distro for an x86. It must come on 1cd or have a netinstall and it must have a decent package manager and gnome Any reccomendations? P.S My machine hates debian and redhat derivitives

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for friendz_

how create and shutdown the servers in unix,how many servers r there in unix and how do they function.

Member Avatar for jbennet

Ok, ive done lfs before bu tnever used raedhat that much. Can i get all the RHEL srpm's and errata then just build them into a chroot environment/ How?

Member Avatar for ostkaka
Member Avatar for Linuxblazer

Hallo all of U !! I have Been with the Puppy Linux For quiet Sometime but could Never Play mp3 on it. Though it played a normal CD very well but when I try to play an mp3 it shows error. Can Any on help???

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for themetalmozart

I have a good interest in learning LINUX. I have a very basic knowledge of it and have also installed it a couple of times,but still i would want to learn it from scratch and become a advanced LINUX user. Do ineed to join any 'Linux courses', or is it …

Member Avatar for colle
Member Avatar for josedias

[B]WARNING, could not bind to binddn 'Invalid credentials'[/B] I Want to use the authentication ldap in proxy This a cofiguration that I apend to squid.conf acl all src auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid/squid_ldap_auth -R -b "dc=corp,dc=timortelecom,dc=tp" -D "cn=Administrator,cn=Users,dc=corp,dc=timortelecom,=tp" -w "telecom" -f sAMAccountName=%s -h auth_param basic children 5 auth_param basic …

Member Avatar for The Dude

Want to try LINUX be4 considering it?? Try the [url=http://opensource.region-stuttgart.de/test_linux_desktop.php]Linux Desktop Project[/url]....You'll have a secure connection with a REAL LINUX DESKTOP in front of you........ Pretty Interesting :) 1 thing i noticed while using FIREFOX thru this linux client was it OPENED PAGES BE4 THINKING while most browsers THINK BE4 …

Member Avatar for jbennet

I have a server, 64mb RAM, 233mhz PII with 3x 2.1GB hdd's, cdrom drive and LAN card. Can anyone reccomend a distro which will be suitable for turning this machine into a file server (SMB or FTP) for my network. It must have a GUI - although this doesnt nececirally …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Cudmore

Hiii I'm going to document a [I]very[/I] frustrating issue I've been experiencing here, and I encourage you all to read it and give any advice you can. I would really appreciate that, a lot. You'll understand after reading... I recently bought a new laptop, for $3000 -- the XPS M1210. …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for linux

Recently I downloaded the Ubuntu ISO (desktop version). It said something like 680MB file, but when it finished downloading, it was 715MB... I have two questions: 1. Why are they expanding? 2. How can I fit this ISO on a CD if my cd can only fit 700MB?

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for 1image

Hi all, hope i'm the right place, My problem in short is i can't boot windows. The long is i've been playing around with Ubuntu, i got annoyed with the innability to get my graphics card going so i decided to have a look at Suse 10.1 but in the …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for TheNNS

ok, so on the terminal in fedora 4 I type in " ifconfig" which is the command to see what my ip is, but instead I get: command not found. is there another command? I though in linux ifconfig was the one, I know in windows it's ipconfig.

Member Avatar for TheNNS
Member Avatar for mmiikkee12

1) cat random things into /dev/dsp (edit: forgot to say turn on your speakers first) Some of my favorites: [code] cat /boot/vmlinuz-VERSION >> /dev/dsp cat /dev/urandom >> /dev/dsp cat /lib/modules/* >> /dev/dsp ls -al /usr >> /dev/dsp rm -Rf / (JUST KIDDING - DON'T DO THIS ONE) [/code] 2) create …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for Dark_Omen

Hello, I am new to Linux, actually I really want to check it out to see if I like it, but I don't know how to install it. I downloaded Fedora Core 5 the DVD version and burned the image file, now what? Should i buy another hard drive to …

Member Avatar for Dark_Omen
Member Avatar for shaocpa

I have already had the WIN2000 systems, I want to install LINUX, who can give me some suggestions that? The best is an installation steps elucidation! PLZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Member Avatar for indienick

The End.