Re: Improve HAVING BY performance Programming Databases by AndreRet …; for the same reasons I think it is time to greet all and thank you for your years of being a… Help to remove Goovorio. com? Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by lloafred Greet to all. I'm new around here. Desperately in need of any suggestion. I have tried various ways to rip off groovorio, it's still on the Chrome. Please Can Any one tell me How do I Greet a user with his name after....... Programming Web Development by Abdulrasheed_1 Please Can Any one tell me How do I Greet a user with his name after he submited His form into my Data base /please i need your help. Understanding ASP classes Programming Web Development by hollystyles … this ‘class can do for you. Public Sub Greet() Response.Write m_sGreeting End Sub ‘Cleaning up. ‘Unhand…BODY> <P> <% 'Call the Greet method oGreeting.Greet 'Destroy our object Set oGreeting = nothing %> &… this ‘class can do for you. Public Sub Greet() Response.Write m_sGreeting End Sub [/CODE] In this… Python Library from C++ Library: Linking issues with Boost Python Programming by David_94 … set(std::string msg);//{ this->msg = msg; } std::string greet(); // { return msg; } std::string msg; }; #endif // …string msg) : msg(msg) {} // added constructor std::string World::greet() { return msg; } void World::set(std::string msg) {… How do I check Programming Software Development by whoknows101 …FROM iofar.lib: PutStr, PutCrLf, GetDec, PutDec Internal procedures called: Greet, MoveDisc | ;****** BEGIN MAIN PROGRAM ************************************ DOSSEG .186 .model …registers from stack popf popa ; Return to caller module ret Greet ENDP comment | ******* PROCEDURE HEADER ************************************** PROCEDURE NAME : MoveDisk… IRC bot reading files and sending contents Programming Software Development by mang0 …/bin/env python """ - Phenny Sahana-Eden Greet Module (c) 2011 Nolan Lum <…fn = self.nick + '-' + + '.greet.db' fn = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~/.phenny'), fn…fn = self.nick + '-' + + '.greet.txt' fn = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~/.phenny'), fn… C++ pattern problem Programming Software Development by smeghead007 ….ignore(); char ch = getchar(); return 0; } /********************************************* ** Greet Function ** ** Description: Greets the user and asks them to…an option from the menu ** ** ** ** ** ** *************************************************/ int greet(int pattern) { int option; do { cout << … Re: C++ pattern problem Programming Software Development by smeghead007 ….ignore(); char ch = getchar(); return 0; } /********************************************* ** Greet Function ** ** Description: Greets the user and asks them to…an option from the menu ** ** ** ** ** ** *************************************************/ int greet(int pattern) { int option; do { cout << … Writing Applet ActionListener Mortgage Calculator Programming Software Development by anbarblue … implements ActionListener { Container con = getContentPane(); JLabel Greet = new JLabel("Estimate Mortgage Payments \n"…;Reset"); public void init() { Greet.setFont(headlineFontg); con.add(Greet); Mortgage.setFont(headlineFont); con.add(Mortgage);… How to compile and run a boost python program??? Programming Software Development by python.noob …++ functions that we want to expose to Python. std::string greet() { return "hello, world"; } int square(int number) { return…(getting_started1) { // Add regular functions to the module. def("greet", greet); def("square", square); }[/CODE] What should i do… GWT connect to a database(mysql) and modify it Programming Web Development by Melow …; @RemoteServiceRelativePath("greet") /* the 'greet' keyword it is also used in the web.xml…;greetServlet</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/webapp/greet</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> <!-- Default… LoadLibrary() Error Code: 126 Programming Software Development by ixmike88 …{ _ProcessCommands = ( ProcessCommands ) GetProcAddress( hInstLibrary, "Greet" ); _ProcessCommands( ); FreeLibrary( hInstLibrary ); } else … __declspec(dllexport) void Greet( void ); __declspec(dllexport) void Greet( void ) { … Re: GUI Programming Software Development by Akill10 …(ActionEvent e){ String name=answer.getText(); String greet="Hello,"+name; greeting.setText(greet); }[/CODE] it should be [CODE]public void… actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ String name=answer.getText(); String greet="Hello,"+name; greeting.setText… simple user input and print problem[tasm] Programming Software Development by minsu44 …TITLE simple proj DOSSEG .model SMALL .stack 100h .data GREET db "Hello, $" PNAME db "Name…n mov ah, 09h int 21h mov dx, OFFSET GREET ; print Hello, mov ah, 09h int 21h mov… i have an error whenever i create an object oriented Programming Software Development by gelmi …Linq; using System.Text; namespace ObjectOriented { class Greet { public void Hello() { Console.WriteLine("Hello…static void main(String[]args) { Greet test = new Greet(); test.Hello(); } } } Re: i have an error whenever i create an object oriented Programming Software Development by gtsiga … { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Greet test = new Greet(); test.Hello(); } } class Greet { public void Hello() { Console.WriteLine("Hello World… Re: My final java program, need help. Programming Software Development by 2scoopdelux …symbol symbol : variable weight location: class Final4 String greet = "Your dog is of " + …actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String breed = answer.getText(); String greet = "Your dog is of " + weight …+ " breed."; greeting.setText(greet); if(answer < lw ) { System.out.… Re: My final java program, need help. Programming Software Development by 2scoopdelux … find symbol symbol : variable weight location: class Final4 String greet = "Your dog is of " + weight … void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String breed = answer.getText(); String greet = "Your dog is of " + weight + &…quot; breed."; greeting.setText(greet); if(answer < lw ) { System.out.print("… Re: GUI Programming Software Development by churva_churva …(ActionEvent e){ String name=answer.getText(); String greet="Hello,"+name; greeting.setText(greet); } }[/CODE] It has problem the errors ----jGRASP… find symbol symbol : variable greeting location: class JHelloFrame greeting.setText(greet); ^ 14 errors ----jGRASP wedge2: exit code for process is 1… Greeting Your Members & Guests Programming Web Development by mikeSQL [B]Intro[/B] This tutorial shows how to greet your visitors depending on what time of day it is. … tell what time of day it is so we can greet our viewers properly. Now that we have grabbed our time… Sessions: cookies and use_trans_sid Programming Web Development by Venom Rush … session variable is set if (isset($_SESSION['user'])) { // if set, greet by name echo 'Hi, '.$_SESSION['user'].'. <a href="… session variable is set if (isset($_SESSION['user'])) { // if set, greet by name echo 'Hi, '.$_SESSION['user'].'. See, I remembered your… My final java program, need help. Programming Software Development by 2scoopdelux …); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String breed = answer.getText(); String greet = "Your dog is of " + breed + " breed."…;; greeting.setText(greet); } public static void main(String[] args) { Final2 frame = new Final2… Re: My final java program, need help. Programming Software Development by 2scoopdelux … e) { br = Integer.valueOf(greeting); String breed = answer.getText(); String greet = "Your dog is of " + breed + " breed."…;; greeting.setText(greet); if(breed < lw ) { System.out.print("Your dog… Re: My final java program, need help. Programming Software Development by adams161 [code] br = Integer.valueOf(greeting); String breed = answer.getText(); String greet = "Your dog is of " + breed + " breed."; …greeting.setText(greet); if(breed < lw ) { System.out.print("Your dog… Re: My final java program, need help. Programming Software Development by adams161 …. [code] br = Integer.valueOf(greeting); String breed = answer.getText(); String greet = "Your dog is of " + breed + " breed."…;; greeting.setText(greet); [/code] in your first line you are treeting greeing like… Chatbot -text gets double processed Programming Software Development by neoxyn …length, (LPARAM)text); char key[] = "!hibot"; char greet[] = "hey!"; char* greetfound; greetfound = strstr(text,…); if(greetfound !=0) { SendMessage(childedit, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)greet); PostMessage(childedit, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_RETURN, 0); } cout <<… Reading and writing external files Programming Software Development by CrazyPixel … problem is: after I run any of the User or Greet functions, they end up skipping all the functions they were… opcString[10]; char setColorString[] = "color"; char setGreetString[] = "greet"; char setUserString[] = "user"; char exitString[] = "exit… GUI Programming Software Development by churva_churva …(ActionEvent e){ String name=answer.getText(); String greet="Hello,"+name; greeting.setText(greet); } }[/CODE] MAIN [CODE] public class JHelloDemo { public… Eclipse not finding my js file?? Programming Web Development by Eric Cute …; type="submit" value="submit" onClick="greet()">Submit</button> </form> <…;/html> [/CODE] this is my JS File [CODE] function greet() { alert('Hello'); } [/CODE] When I click the submit button nothing…