94 Topics

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Member Avatar for cyberdaemon

Good day, I was stock in the middle of developing a simple application. All i want is to bind the data into gridview, everything is fine when i binding into a single table. i need to bind my gridview using two table. my stored procedure is wroking correctly. here is …

Member Avatar for BhuvanRam
Member Avatar for M-rhodes

Hi, I'am creating a single JFrame UI, that uses multiple JPanels (implemented through JTabbedPane). The problem I'am having is aligning the objects within each JPanel. In the first JPanel all of the objects are centrally aligned. I'am unsure of what to do to solve the problem. I have read the …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for AndreRet

I have the following code which works just fine... $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM test_prefixvehiclefeatures ORDER BY Feature ASC"); $count = 0; echo "<table border='1'> <tr> <th>Select a Feature</th> </tr>"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $count = $count + 1; echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>" . $row['Feature'] . "</td>"; echo "<td><img src='images/unchecked.png' …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for jspence29

I recently just added a grid layout, but I can't figure out how to make my links work. The grid that I used is the 1140 one at http://cssgrid.net/. I studied the source code of that website, and tried to make my page like theirs, but when I put everything …

Member Avatar for jspence29
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I was wondering if there is a way to make grid transition in visual studio using the language visual basic. Please help...

Member Avatar for joshl_1995
Member Avatar for udaraps

i hv the same problem with [B]VB 6.0[/B] & im using [B]MS ACCESS[/B] for the database. Pls help me to code my program as im unable to pass the values display in the text boxes to the data grid in the same form thnx in advance regards uda

Member Avatar for akgs
Member Avatar for sanghai45

What is grid base concept ? How do we make grid base game ? then what is Tilebased game ? What is the difference ? I know that bomberman,farmville etc are grid based game are they called tilebased also ? How do we create grid and place objects on it …

Member Avatar for vitaquous

Hi I am trying to create a background I like the way [Maxthon](http://i.maxthon.com/) built theirs it is simple and yet attractive. How did they do this? I am also using the 960 grid system, I have tried to create an image but the image messes up on the bottom by …

Member Avatar for vitaquous
Member Avatar for Skate Bart

I'm using a MSHFlexGrid (fgdVehicle) to input data from a database ( via a recordset (rsVehicle) ). You can either enter the data into the database in two ways : 1. From the database application 2. From a form. The problem is present in the second method. There are specific …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for savedlema

Hi friends! I'm looking for an easy way to enable a user of my app to print the contet of a GridView.However, I think an easy way will be to convert it into a Crystal Report or pdf (many people say to pdf is terrible), so, I'd like to convert …

Member Avatar for azapovjednik

Hello, can anyone explain to me this 960 grid psd file? I open it and see a web page picture and many grids and many layers... is it s functional website or those are just images?? please help me to understand this task... thank you

Member Avatar for azapovjednik
Member Avatar for Skate Bart

okay. Here's my problem. I have a form in which a Microsoft Hierarchical Flex Gid (fgdCompany) is used to display records taken from a database to relavent textboxes on the same form. When a record from fgdCompany is clicked, then the data in that record is shown on the textboxes. …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for johndmingione

Dear Reader, I would like to be educated on how to open an Excel Worksheet within a VSFlexGrid OR MSFlexGrid. The reason I give both as an option is because I want to explore which option is best, so if you have input on the Pros and Cons of using …

Member Avatar for Skate Bart

Okay, so here's my problem. I have a MS Hierarchical Flex Gird Control [fgdCompany] which is used to display records that are taken from a database. Everything works great but not the Delete button. What the delete button is supposed to do is when a record is selected in fgdCompany, …

Member Avatar for Skate Bart
Member Avatar for Vinn69

Hi, I am trying to generate a grid with days of the month in 1st row (i.e 1| 2 | 3 | 4 | till days in the selected month) and category of rooms from a database on 1st column. This is to check the status of the room booked. …

Member Avatar for ZidaneXero

Hello Everyone So I have 2 datagridviews that compare information between them and if it does match it colors the rows in green and after its done all the white spaces colors the rows in RED, so the main thing is that i dont know how to print only the …

Member Avatar for CodeNinjaMike

So, basically im using the codea bove to generate coordinates for a grid, but I only want to generate coordinates for the "outer ring" of a square. SO imagine a grid of 7x7, I won't generate coordinates for the inner 5x5 square, only for the outer ring. Basically I drew …

Member Avatar for Jake Black

Hello I have wrote a c program to solve sudokus, and i would like to know if i can draw the grid and fill it using ncurses library. i just would like to know how to control the lines and borders of boxes in ncurses thank you very much

Member Avatar for sonicx2218

[Link Anchor Text](http://oi44.tinypic.com/bwfaf.jpg) Hey dudes! I'm pretty crummy with Java layouts, so I was wondering if anyone had time to help me. The rather crude drawing I made is the layout I had in mind. I wanted 3 rows, with 1 gridlayout on the top and bottom, and in the …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for djescobar

Hi Sorry i was doing a little program and i need helps i would like to something similar to that [url]http://i42.tinypic.com/2mys23d.png[/url] this is my code so far [code] private void makeFrame() { frame = new JFrame("Jubilee Estate Agency Property"); makeMenuBar(frame); Container contentPane = frame.getContentPane(); JLabel label = new JLabel(); contentPane.add(label); …

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Member Avatar for scarcella

Hey guys, i need to know if i can find a FREE excel like datagrid that will allow inline editing and has drop down boxes for some fields. Also filed may be able to collect their default data from a session variable. I have tried this: [url]http://azgtech.wordpress.com/2010/08/01/jqgrid-php-datagrid/[/url] Thanks, Marais

Member Avatar for azghanvi
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

hello ! i am working on a single page of asp ,and i am using ext js 4.0 with it . i have a grid of extjs , my task is to show records in that grid from mssql server 2008 , for getting records i am using webservice . …

Member Avatar for ccoder83

Hi, I have a grid, which contains cells that have several different properties. [CODE]struct fluidProperties1 { float foo; float bar; };[/CODE] and I create the grid as follows using a template [CODE]Grid2D<fluidProperties1> grid1;[/CODE] Now, I want to pass the array formed only by the values of foo, and not by …

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Member Avatar for Ntropy

Basically, i've been told to initialise a grid into the "canvas" section of this program i've made, I need to make a fine grid that stretches across the whole canvas horizontally and vertically, 10 x 10 pixels apart example of the code i'm editing to do this below... [CODE] class …

Member Avatar for Ntropy
Member Avatar for thinkingofaname

hey im using vc++ clr to build my application...im using the datagridview, but im having some problems with it because its quite poorly documented in C++..i want to know a couple of things. 1... how to change the color and text of a single row header cell as well as …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for hovestar

Hello I'm working on printing a grid of any size and labeling it numerically or alphabetically I have the code that creates the grid, but I have no idea how I would label it... Here is the code that crates the grid: [CODE] def grid(): y = 5 #int(raw_input("How tall …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for shandoosheri

Hi i need to view all files with their names and icons From a specific directory in a grid style inside my c# winform app Any help would be appreciated Thank you for your time

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for RLS0812

While correcting errors in someone else's code, I decided to completely rewrite the original script, and improve upon it. This is the basic code for making 3D arrays using dictionaries. [code] ar = { (x,y,z):0 # creating the array for x in range(3) for y in range (3) for z …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for ali.alipanahi

hi i have a data grid view in my form and so i want to use enter instead of tab is there some one can help me ?

Member Avatar for ccooldude

I have only started learning borland c++ programming a few months ago, I'm actually a math student, so my knowledge of c++ is pretty limited. I have an assignment where X represents an ant that moves around in a 7x7 grid box. It can move up, left, down or right …

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The End.