8 Topics

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Member Avatar for anisha.silva

Hi, i have a string that i want to match to a regular expression. The string is methodName(paraT1 para1, paraT2.name2 para2, paraT3.name3 para3) Inside the () there can be multiple of "aaa.bbb ccc" and "ddd eee" patterns The regular expression i wrote was : (\w*)(\s*)\((((\w*\.\w*)\s*(\w*))|((\w*)\s*(\w*)))(\s*\,\s*(((\w*\.\w*)\s*(\w*))|((\w*)\s*(\w*))))*\) and the I get the …

Member Avatar for srider1969
Member Avatar for hwoarang69

How can I use seleium test case in groovy? such as clinking on links. test case <html> ... <body> <table> <tr> <td>open</td> <td>https://url.web:8010/</td> </tr> <tr> <td>clickAndWait</td> <td>link=service=homeLink</td> </tr> <tr> <td>clickAndWait</td> <td>link=name=contentLink,service=Queue</td> </tr> <tr> <td>clickAndWait</td> <td>link=BackLink</td> </tr> ... groovy script // Setup credentials def String[] credentials = new String[2] credentials[0] = …

Member Avatar for hwoarang69

how to create groovy client? getting an error, below. ** # start up jboss with following paremater: # ** set JAVA_OPTS= -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=localhost -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl=false -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate=true -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.password.file=C:\Java\jdk1.7.0\jre\lib\management\jmxremote.password -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.access.file=C:\Java\jdk1.7.0\jre\lib\management\jmxremote.access" ** # test jboss is started: # ** http://localhost:9990/ username: abc password: abc1# ** # Groovy script: # ** import javax.management.ObjectName import javax.management.remote.JMXConnectorFactory as …

Member Avatar for hwoarang69
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

Hi, I am trying to read a html page and convert into xml and copy the content into a txt file in the local drive. The code below is to read the html page: def cleaner = new HtmlCleaner() def node = cleaner.clean(address) // Convert from HTML to XML def …

Member Avatar for anisha.silva

Hi, Im just new to this language and I would like to know what does this groovy regular expression match too. I was not able to figure it by online articles.if some would would give an explanation i would greatly appreciate. the 3 regular expressions are : static propertyPattern = …

Member Avatar for anisha.silva
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

Hi, i am new to groovy language. I was wondering if there will be anyone who will be able to help me understand the below code. static analyzeAPI(pkgname) { def refs = Yaml.load(new File(output_base + "/${pkgname}_PackageRefs.yml").text) refs.Classes.each { analyzeClassRef(pkgname, it.name) } } static analyzeClassRef(pkgname, name) { println "=== Analyze class …

Member Avatar for anisha.silva
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

Hi, I am implement a plugin project in eclipse in java language. I have a parse which is in s simple txt file. Below is the txt for the parser. id=app1 [String] #type=app [String] mainView=top name=First App [String] children: size=1 === child[0] === class=View id=top [String] #type=View [String] #line=8 [Integer] …

Member Avatar for EddieC

With the release last week of [Groovy 1.7](http://groovy.codehaus.org/), developers using the object-oriented scripting language for Java gained access to anonymous inner classes and nested classes, annotations, SQL and other features that could simplify development when mixing Groovy code with Java. Groovy's [Eclipse community](http://groovy.codehaus.org/Eclipse+Plugin) yesterday released Groovy-Eclipse 2.0.0, a nearly rewritten …


The End.