899 Topics

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Hi guys. I just having a little problem about creating a good console GUI for our homework. My program is just a simple shopping cart program where in we were asked to create a GUI that asks for the user if he is either a ADMIN user or a CLERK …

Member Avatar for rushikesh jadha
Member Avatar for TF401

Hi, I want to know what Windows language can make ALMOST all sorts of automations like : [I]- sending keys, to a focused window ; - sending mouse clicks to specific coordinates in a window ; - finding if a window exists, by name ; - set it to be …

Member Avatar for TF401
Member Avatar for creative_m

Hi, I want to make a small game,but I need help with Ruminate GUI (XNA 4.0).My question is how to put buttons in a panel that appears when the course goes over its location - let's say on the left of the screen. I have written some code but I …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for stakeMyHeart

im creating a prototype for a hotel using netbeans ide 7.0. I used the drag and drop in designing the buttons, panels, label etc... then what i want to happen is when the button is clicked a jpanel/ jframe that i did will appear. How would i do that? I …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for jbutardo

Hi, I just have a program that needs a dialog box, but I have problem since I want the dialog box to do something. for example, I have a javascript dialog box that would create a message "You have an error, Do you want to save the Log File", Then …

Member Avatar for jbutardo
Member Avatar for WolfShield

Okay, I have been thinking about writing a GUI toolkit recently, and after doing some searching on the web, I haven't found much on it it's self. But I believe I have the basic idea down, and I was wondering if you guys who maybe know about this could let …

Member Avatar for WolfShield
Member Avatar for xzero1

Hi all, I am a beginner in Java, making GUI in blueJ. I want to use CheckBoxList for multiple selection from a list for users.. I just want to learn how to make one of that. I saw some codes here .They use some sort of CheckListRenderer. I am also …

Member Avatar for xzero1
Member Avatar for PoovenM

Good day :) I'm trying to display some Unicode text (Выход) on a Button. C# uses UTF-16 encoding but I'm reading my data from a UTF-8 encoded file so I take the necessary steps to ensure that I've read the data correctly. In debug mode I see that the string …

Member Avatar for PoovenM
Member Avatar for BharatBodage

Dear sir, I need your help for VB.net 2008. Currently i am MCA student. I have develope a small apllication. I required help for Browse button & Print button. Browse button can accept path of image from any drive & of any type. And print button gives command of print …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for themmings

Hello, I have a project to complete where I need to create a system that stores Clients, Stock and Invoice data through a GUI. I need to be able to store multiple unique records of 'Client' in an array that allows me to edit, delete & navigate through them one …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for UEofMusic

I just recently bought a Compaq presario for repair off ebay. I just got it today and began looking at it for problems. I took the power button cover off and found there's no button board. I also found there was a soda spill on the keyboard. So I bought …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for shaun.b

Hi, I am in the middles of developing a new application and i am wanting something a little different to the windows tab interface, although i am wanting to keep the tab container functionality. I want to have images as well instead of text on the tab headers, i have …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for warlord902

I have 4 buttons on my page and I want each one to make a different http post request on clicking them. I tried using form for each of them but that make them appear in different lines but I want all of them to be horizontally aligned. Is there …

Member Avatar for hindu times

Hi there, I'm having a little bit of trouble modify my colleagues old website (a new one is being made currently, but I'm tasked with fixing some issues with the current one). Look at the blue buttons saying Previous and Next on the bottom of this page: [url]http://www.electrix.co.uk/view_products.php?offset=10&id=86[/url] In IE7 …

Member Avatar for danb737
Member Avatar for WolfShield

So today I made a realization in my programming hobby, I LOVE making the User Interfaces of programs. The core stuff I usually lose interest in, but I could program GUIs all day long and not get tired of it. This made me quite happy to finally realize. So, my …

Member Avatar for WolfShield
Member Avatar for pwolf

i finally started having a look at gui yesterday, and tried to do some things with PySide, however i have the following problem; Whats wrong with this code? [CODE] !/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys from PySide.QtCore import * from PySide.QtGui import * class Form(QDialog): def __init__(self, parent=None): …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for Cenchrus

Hey guys, I'm looking for a python library that can. 1. Act as a simple paint editor. 2. calculate top, bottom, left, right most points of a picture I'm trying to make a simple handwriting recognition software based on the number of permutations possible for simple endpoints. Example: psudocode for …

Member Avatar for CountryWench

My Dell Latitude D630 power button stopped working after I had removed the keyboard to replace it. Turns out the one sent to me was incorrect, so I put the old keyboard back on to wait for a new one. I put the power button cover strip back on and …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for eng_mary

Hi everybody I'm trying to write such a code: [CODE] import pps.PPSFrame; public class X extends PPSFrame{ ..... } [/CODE] Of course there's no such pps package in java. Where can i find it ? or at least PPSFrame.class ? Regards,

Member Avatar for eng_mary
Member Avatar for FriXionX

I have a problem with an image I want to be clickable. I have writing to the far left of this - with a bottom border (width 800px) so it has a line throughout most of the website. I also want this clickable button to be above the border on …

Member Avatar for seonetsmartz
Member Avatar for edz_berlin

i'm newbie in php. need more help to finish my project..i have 3 page: 1st page : status button(i'm using image button for each status and have 5 status button) code for image button: [CODE] <a href="negeri-semak.php" ><INPUT TYPE="image" value="" src="pictures/icon/image005.gif" width="230" height="37" border="0" id="RAKAN MUDA" onclick="javascript:this.form.submit()" name="BTN" alt="RAKAN MUDA"></a> …

Member Avatar for pzuurveen
Member Avatar for Karlwakim

Hi everybody, I am new c++ and a few days ago I downloaded Qt for gui developing, I found some videos about it but I need something more advanced. Videos from basic to advanced ?? If i watch all of [URL="http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2D1942A4688E9D63&feature=plcp"]these[/URL] , will it be enough to make professional apps …

Member Avatar for Karlwakim
Member Avatar for khizer03

in a form i have a listbox which has many items and one button,when we execute the project and while execution when i click a items from the listbox it will display the clicked item on the button but the problem i have is how to display the same clicked …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for thejoker011

hello everyone... i need some good open source Graphs and Charts gui(2d and 3d) for java. Please suggest me some.

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for akingcool

I am trying to design a file reader with some sort of GUI so I decided to use JOptionPane. I am a complete noob trying to learn java. So far, I have managed to make my program produce a pop up for the file location, and also an error message …

Member Avatar for mKorbel
Member Avatar for MrBillyUK

Hi all! I am having some trouble displaying the whole of a file within a JTextArea. The problem is that every new line of code that's read is showing within its own JTextArea rather than the text being displayed within a single JTextArea. I assume that the problem is something …

Member Avatar for MrBillyUK
Member Avatar for Karlwakim

Hi everybody, i need your help choosing the best library for making GUI applications in c++ I dont want to use Visual c++. Please advise me. And where to download Qt ? Where to put the headers in order to use them ??? Note : I am using Netbeans with …

Member Avatar for Karlwakim
Member Avatar for epicbeast9022

Hello everybody I [I]thought[/I] I understood inheritance but it turns out I don't. I am creating an SDL/OpenGL mini-GUI library. I have a master class, GUIComponent, with subclasses such as TextLabel under it. I have a vector called guiList that is initialized as [ICODE]std::vector<GUIUnit*> guiList[/ICODE] (it's extern'd and initialized elsewhere; …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for GreaseJunkie

Hi everyone, thanks for reading this. I am trying to write some code so that a vote button won't allow a person to vote unless they are registered and logged in. I have this written, but it's not outputting properly. I'm pretty sure I am not encoding the URLS properly …

Member Avatar for GreaseJunkie
Member Avatar for esesili

Hello all, I want to write a qui program which opens and reads a text file when pressed Open File button. So far, when I click the button Open File Dialog works and I can choose the file to read but I do not know how to read it line …

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The End.