899 Topics

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Member Avatar for squeak24

I have two apps that are both open source, I am using Swift on iOS. I want to incorporate one into the other. The main App is a radio station, the second is a news feed. I want the news feed as a "sub project". After a few days of …

Member Avatar for ashishparihar

I Have three form Home.aspx and Login.aspx Details.aspx on home.aspx i have two iframe in iframe one i open login.aspx in Login.aspx i have a button btnChangePage now i want to assign src property of second iframe dynamically ( src="details.aspx" ) on btnChangePage_Click Please if u have any suggetions please …

Member Avatar for AKshay_13
Member Avatar for Niloofar24

Hello! Can you give me an example of Button widget in Kivy language? I can creat the button but don't know how to use it's callback. I mean how can i set a command for the Button in Kivy?

Member Avatar for M_12
Member Avatar for skullscript

Hi Everyone, I am having a strange problem on my webpage. I am getting this Black shade whenever i type or focus my cursor on a select or text field. the strange thing is its only happen on a specific page and not to the entire system that i am …

Member Avatar for skullscript
Member Avatar for abders

Hello, I was testing a class in a GUI, and that error message showed up. Please help. Code: [CODE]from Tkinter import * class Application(Frame): def __init__(self, master): super(Application, self).__init__(master) self.grid self.create_widgets() def create_widgest(self): self.bttn1 = Button(self, text = "I do nothing!") self.bttn1.grid() self.bttn2 = Button(self, text = "Me too.") self.bttn2.grid() …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for sirlink99

Hello, I am working on a simple timer toolbar app in swift for macOS and I am experiencing a visual bug. Basically, I should be able to add any number of timers to the main screen and they should stack on top of each other. Once the space is filled …

Member Avatar for Trevor_5

below is the code i have and i am getting an unhandled IOException in the inputstreams: import java.nio.file.*; import java.io.*; import static java.nio.file.AccessMode.*; import static java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption.*; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*; public class FinalProject extends JFrame implements ActionListener { JLabel guess = new JLabel("Guess the …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Jollyyy100

Hi, i'm using vb.net and i have connected a database to it. As per my interface i should add, delete,go back,go next and save my records. All the buttons work apart from delete. The problem is i do not know the codes for deleting a particular record during the run …

Member Avatar for anashidayat
Member Avatar for vegaseat

You can put an image and text on a Tkinter button widget. This small code shows you how. The GIF image file you want to use for the button should be in the working directory, or you have to give it the full path. Incorporate the Python Image Library (PIL) …

Member Avatar for neon_3
Member Avatar for ram_10

Hello, I'm trying to read a serial port data from a controller and plot it using chart. I could read the data from the controller and see the data in a textbox earlier. Now I'm trying to use a chart along with the textbox. There are complication when I'm trying …

Member Avatar for ram_10
Member Avatar for Kittipat
Member Avatar for programmingnoob

im having a problem controlling a stepper motor using a microcontroller..what i did is that i test it with my board coz it has led's to check whether its working or not..we are tasked to make a program in c++ that would make a variable reluctance stepper motor work. If …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for nadiam

Hi, i have a datagridview : grd_ol and i added a button to it: Dim btnColumn As New DataGridViewButtonColumn() btnColumn.HeaderText = "Invoice" btnColumn.Text = "View Invoice" btnColumn.UseColumnTextForButtonValue = True grd_ol.Columns.Add(btnColumn) the table sort of looks like this: | ORDER_ID | CUSTOMER_ID | STAFF_ID | ORDER_DATE | TOTAL(RM) | INVOICE | …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for nadiam

Hi. Im using vb 2010. I want to dynamically add textboxes to my form by clicking on a button. I've google searched and so far this code worked: Private Sub btn_addline_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_addline.Click Dim txtB1 As New TextBox Dim i For i = …

Member Avatar for Xavier_5
Member Avatar for Crazyscript77

Hi all, Ive been looking to convert one of my programs to include a GUI, and am having issues with the timing aspects of it. Ive included a mock scenario of what my problem is below: Ive defined my GUI as an object via a class, and am using the …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for BryanA917

I like art and I like web development. I've been out of the loop the last two years and coming back, I see tons of new in-browser abilities. I don't know advanced code but wonder if the Internet can handle serving an adjustable (with scaling limbs), posable mannequin (like those …

Member Avatar for gentlemedia
Member Avatar for tkpanther

Hello, it is me once more. I am using Python 2.3, and I must use Zelle's graphics class (and I must agree with many of you. Tkinter is much better). We have been tasked with creating a Graphical Scientific Calculator. In addition to the normal operators, it must contain the …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for nitin1

Hi, I have one CSS. .buttonSize { min-width : 58% } Actually, I have two buttons, with text "Hovers" & "Copy". My button without any css taking spaces which can wrap the text size. This way size of two buttons is not same. What I tried: a) I have hacked …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for mitu1997

<html> <head> <style> .button { font-size: 1em; padding: 10px; color: #fff; border: 2px solid #06D85F; border-radius: 20px/50px; text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; transition: all 0.3s ease-out; } .button:hover { background: #06D85F; } .overlay { position: fixed; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); transition: opacity …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for nagarjuna9

how to save that text boxes data into database ,by using this button evet,please tell me iam fresher. < protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Page.IsPostBack) Session.Remove("clicks"); } protected void Button2_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e) { int rowcount = 0; rowcount = Convert.ToInt32(Session["clicks"]); rowcount++; Session["clicks"] = rowcount; for (int …

Member Avatar for nagarjuna9
Member Avatar for karin21

hi there guys! how can i add textbox using button? i know that it can be done using javascript but i was required to use php. Is it possible to do it in php? thanks

Member Avatar for melodangdang
Member Avatar for jonsan32

I'm trying to create a navigation menu that is a table of 4x5 boxes. The top 4 should have radio-style behavior that brings up a different set of 16 boxes below it when clicked. I'm also trying to have a default set of boxes that display pictures when the page …

Member Avatar for dlmagers

I am trying to display scores by what the user is requesting either 'Average','Total',or 'Both'. The following is my code for the loop_tester.php and below that is the code for my index.php. I am trying to add a switch statement to the index.php file that will sets values for only …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for davy_yg

<button type="button" class="button" href="adminform.php">ADD ADMINISTRATOR</button>

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for Jiby_1

Is it possible to upload a file in php without form tag browse button and upload button. if particular file exist in folder i want to upload that file to server..how it is possible

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for Martin_11

<div id='ad' style='position:absolute; left : 174px; top : 14px; width : 597px; height : 740px;'> <div style="opacity: 1.0;"> <script async src="//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"></script> <!-- 500-400 --> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:inline-block;width:500px;height:300px" data-ad-client="ca-pub-********" data-ad-slot="*****"></ins> <script> (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); </script> </div> </div> <script type='text/javascript'><!-- window.onscroll = function () { //hope this works, havent tested …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Ma Katrina

Hello. I am trying to add new button during runtime. Here is the scenario: when I click 'Food' button, the fields from food column in MySQL database will appear as button. #newbieproblems

Member Avatar for Raul Perez
Member Avatar for cambalinho

the window have a icon, on caption\title bar. that icon show us the System Menu(mouse right button). my objective is add to it the Allways on Top option. using a program, on background, i can do it. but i will have another program on process's. so is there another way …

Member Avatar for cambalinho
Member Avatar for migold

How to use one button to insert true into column Status and when clicked the second time will update column Status with false This is the table clicked the first time ====================================================== UserName | Status --------------------------------------------------------------- Steve1 | false ---------------------------------------------------------------- This is the table clicked the second time ============================================================ UserName …

Member Avatar for AleMonteiro
Member Avatar for jemartalaban_1

hi, can u help me, what can i do to print a form, example: in form1 there is a button that will print the form2 that has registration form. it is possible or other ways? please help

Member Avatar for tmccmt

The End.