Checking hasNextLine() for a file scanner Programming Software Development by dmanw100 … = new File(fileName); Scanner dataFile = new Scanner(playerFile); while(dataFile.hasNextLine()) [/CODE] Why would datafile… Re: Checking hasNextLine() for a file scanner Programming Software Development by dmanw100 … Scanner dataFile = new Scanner(playerFile); //new Scanner dataFile while(dataFile.hasNextLine()) //while there is a next line { Player temp = new Player… Re: Checking hasNextLine() for a file scanner Programming Software Development by Rafael_9 In my experience, hasNextLine( ) goes crazy when the Scanner is created with `new Scanner (new File(...))` and there are non-ascii characters in the file (such as á, ñ, ..). As suggested, by creating the Scanner `new Scanner (new FileInputStream(...))` the problem disappears. Help with my GroupProgram Programming Software Development by cloud02 … called intns */ public void readFile(){ int index = 0; while (reader.hasNextLine()){ String[] temp = reader.nextLine().split(", "); // Store the… void checkInside(int number) throws Exception { String count; if ( scan.hasNextLine() == false ) { count = Integer.toString(number); FileWriter out = new … Re: Help with my GroupProgram Programming Software Development by cloud02 …called intns */ public void readFile(){ int index = 0; while (reader.hasNextLine()){ String[] temp = reader.nextLine().split(", "); // Store … void checkInside(int number) throws Exception { String count; if ( scan.hasNextLine() == false ) { count = Integer.toString(number); FileWriter out = new… Need help with the java code! Programming Software Development by zantex … { input = console.nextDouble(); // clear trailing newline from buffer if (console.hasNextLine()) console.nextLine(); return input; } catch (InputMismatchException e) { System.out.println… reading from a txt file Programming Software Development by polska03 …FileIO fio=new FileIO(s); while(fio.hasNextLine()) { if(fio.hasNextInt()==false){ throw new… not opened"); }else{ return scan.hasNextLine(); } }//hasNextLine public String getNextLine() throws Exception{ if(scan… Stack Implementation Programming Software Development by anirban007 …new FileReader("prefix.txt")); while(in.hasNextLine()) { prefix(in.nextLine()); } in.close();…"); in = new Scanner(fob); while(in.hasNextLine()) { String line = in.nextLine(); palindrome(line);…------Balanced Parenthesis check using Stack-----"); while(in.hasNextLine()) { String line = in.nextLine(); parenthesis(line… Need Help With a Java Program That Will Indent Code From Another Java File Programming Software Development by Brian_18 … Scanner jfile = new Scanner(new File(fileN)); while (jfile.hasNextLine()) { String text = jfile.nextLine(); if (text.contains("…new PrintStream(new File("words2.txt")); while (input.hasNextLine()) { String text = input.nextLine(); echoFixed(text, output);… FileInput/Output Stream on JTextField Programming Software Development by cathgodarve …quot;\n"; storeAll1=storeAll1+temp1; } while(fr2.hasNextLine()) { String temp2=fr2.nextLine()+"\n"; …storeAll2=storeAll2+temp2; } while(fr3.hasNextLine()) { String temp3=fr3.nextLine()+"\n"; storeAll3… Java - Arrays Programming Software Development by saurabh2007 …]; int[] stdt; int[] answer = answerKey(); while (inScan2.hasNextLine()) { String id1 =; ECHSid[temp] = id1…= inScan2.nextLine(); } String aa = inScan.nextLine(); while (inScan.hasNextLine()) { String id =; CitizenshipID[count] = id;… Parsing a file for Sets and Maps Programming Software Development by kweigand …Scanner in = new Scanner(new File(filename)); while (in.hasNextLine()) { String agentNum = in.nextLine(); String sub = agentNum.… out = new PrintWriter("readfile.txt"); while (sc2.hasNextLine()) { Scanner s2 = new Scanner(; @SuppressWarnings("… Need a Method That Will Split a Java File Into Lines By {, }, ;, and // Programming by Brian_18 …new PrintStream(new File("words2.txt")); while (input.hasNextLine()) { String text = input.nextLine(); echoFixed(text, output);…new PrintStream(new File("words2.txt")); while (input.hasNextLine()) { String text = input.nextLine(); echoFixed(text, output); … TicTacToe equivalent with a twist using socket programming in Java Programming Software Development by M_27 …private void processCommands() { while (input.hasNextLine()) { var command = input.nextLine(); … private void processCommands() { while (input.hasNextLine()) { var command = input.nextLine(); … Hey check out my prog. It has an error can u find it? Programming Software Development by buggytoast … Scanner in = new Scanner(inFile); while (in.hasNextLine()) { Scanner lineScanner = new Scanner(in.nextLine());… Scanner in = new Scanner(inFile); while (in.hasNextLine()) { Scanner lineScanner = new Scanner(in.nextLine()); lineScanner… Source Code that don't work? Programming Software Development by buggytoast … Scanner in = new Scanner(inFile); while (in.hasNextLine()) { Scanner lineScanner = new Scanner(in.nextLine());… Scanner in = new Scanner(inFile); while (in.hasNextLine()) { Scanner lineScanner = new Scanner(in.nextLine()); lineScanner… Stuck: Exception Handling and reading text from file Programming Software Development by LevelSix … number of words */ public int getWordCount() { while (in.hasNextLine()) { for(int i = 1; i <= in.nextLine…the number of lines */ public int getLineCount() { while (in.hasNextLine()) { lines++; } return lines; } /** Gets the number of… Re: Stuck: Exception Handling and reading text from file Programming Software Development by LevelSix …boolean done = false; while (!done) { if (in.hasNextLine() == true) { for(int i = 1; i …() { done = false; while (!done) { if(in.hasNextLine()) lines++; else lines = 0; } return lines; }… Re: Stuck: Exception Handling and reading text from file Programming Software Development by LevelSix …(reader); boolean done = false; while (!done) { if (in.hasNextLine() == true) { lines++; while(in.hasNextLine()) { int j = 0; int i = 1; file = in… Re: Stuck: Exception Handling and reading text from file Programming Software Development by LevelSix …done = false; while (!done) { while(in.hasNextLine()) { lines++; int j = 0; int i…num = array.length; chars += num; if(in.hasNextLine() == false) done = true; } } }… Re: Stuck: Exception Handling and reading text from file Programming Software Development by sayedjustetc … number of words */ public int getWordCount() { while (in.hasNextLine()) { for(int i = 1; i <= in.nextLine…the number of lines */ public int getLineCount() { while (in.hasNextLine()) { lines++; } return lines; } /** Gets the number of… Re: Stuck: Exception Handling and reading text from file Programming Software Development by LevelSix …done = false; while (!done) { while(in.hasNextLine()) { lines++; words++; int j = 0;…= array.length; chars += num; if(in.hasNextLine() == false) done = true; } }… Error Scanner Loading Programming Software Development by killerqb … URL(filename); load1 = new Scanner(theFile.openStream()); while (load1.hasNextLine()) { String tempName = load1.nextLine(); while (tempName.length() …); try { Scanner load = new Scanner(theFile1); while (load.hasNextLine()) { String tempName = load.nextLine(); while (tempName.length() … Linear and Binary Search not working! :( Programming Software Development by clem998 …("unsorted.txt")); int loc = 0; while(file.hasNextLine()){ s[loc++] = file.nextLine(); } System.out.println("…("sorted.txt")); int loca = 0; while(file2.hasNextLine()){ j[loca++] = file2.nextLine(); } System.out.println("… Not Counting spaces Programming Software Development by vampgirl13 …(file); //Reads the lines off the file while (scan.hasNextLine()) { if (scan.hasNextLine()) { String line = scan.nextLine(); myCollection.add(line); } } // Prints out… Java tuturia printing a string in reverse from file using while loop and IO try/catch Programming Software Development by jamesonh20 …= new Scanner(myReader); while (myScanner.hasNextLine()){ String textLine = myScanner.nextLine(); System… new Scanner(myReader); while (myScanner.hasNextLine()){ String textLine = myScanner.nextLine();… [beginner] About Class Input Programming Software Development by geasssos …;false</code> otherwise. */ public boolean hasNextLine() { boolean returnValue = false; try { returnValue = scanner.hasNextLine(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { illegalStateExceptionHandler(); } return returnValue; } /** * @return… Assignment- multiple errors (using else if statements) Programming Software Development by compuser … line = null; boolean done = false; if(!in.hasNextLine()) { done = true; } else { line = in…out.println("Error: command invalid"); } if(!in.hasNextLine()) { done = true; } else { line = … "Cannot find symbol" compilation error Programming Software Development by jaxi … = new Scanner(courseList); //scan lines in File while(courseScanner.hasNextLine()) { //get name and start/ end times String cName =… cStart, cEnd); courses.add(newCourse); //skip blank line if(courseScanner.hasNextLine()) courseScanner.nextLine(); } } public void fit() throws NumberFormatException{ //sort… Problem with DecimalFormat and variable type Programming Software Development by jaxi … = new Scanner(courseList); //scan lines in File while(courseScanner.hasNextLine()) { //get name and start/ end times String cName =… cStart, cEnd); courses.add(newCourse); //skip blank line if(courseScanner.hasNextLine()) courseScanner.nextLine(); } } public void fit() throws NumberFormatException{ //sort…