Function to format bytes in human readable format Programming Web Development by jhbalaji I was digging through my old codes to get this, still could not find. Hence when I wrote it, just made a note here such that later it wont be difficult to find atleast for me. [B]Format filesize, php filesize human readable[/B] trnslating OIDs to human readable string Programming Software Development by novice20 Is there any method or library to translate pysnmp OIDs to human readable strings?? UK Human Readable to Epoch Timestamp Programming Web Development by Coyx … files and whenever I want to change a UK based human readable date to a timestamp... I run it through this; quick… Re: BLOB to human readable? Programming Databases by riahc3 … I would have a (huge) string with the in a human readable format data I want. Just not sure how to do… Re: Converting an XML file to readable info Programming Software Development by sknake You can't very well convert an XML document in to something "human readable" without knowing the structure of the document. Elements could contain any number of child elements, etc etc. XML by itself is fairly readable if you understand you're looking at related data in my opinion. Re: Convert TimeStamp into a more readable time Programming Web Development by almostbob THE db is not supposed to be human readable, it is meant for the machine to read date stored … factor several orders of magnitude selected records are parsed to human readable only, using simple php date() format for different users 2013… How Should Voting Machines Work? Community Center Geeks' Lounge by Reverend Jim … (bar codes/QR codes) where the machine readable selections would differ from the human readable selections. Because of this, bar/QR codes should… Encrypt a serializable class to a file in one step Programming Software Development by zachattack05 … to a file using the BinaryFormatter and a FileStream is human readable (to a point). You may not be able to directly…] But I didn't like this either. It's not human readable, but it still identifies itself as a memory stream and… Re: Encrypt a serializable class to a file in one step Programming Software Development by nick.crane …, DSA and RSA) One simple way to get a none human readable file is to use the System.IO.Compression.GZipStream class… advantage of both compressing the data and making it none human readable in one go and is 'decrypt-able' from any user… help me with my colledge programing java Programming Web Development by jax001 … (Unique, required) Farm-based unique animal identifier. Animal String (Required) Human readable animal name (special chars name allowed). Animal type Select menu….mm.YYYY) Animal’s birth date Mother’s name String Human readable mother name of current animal Farm’s name String Name… How does a computer run Perl scripts? Programming Software Development by MrDavo … run by Servers. In traditional programming a source file (containing human readable programming instructions) is first compiled (into binary data) before it… run, or does the "scripting engine" interpret the human readable commands directly? Any help here will be greatly appreciated. Kind… Process Virtual Machine Design/Development Programming Software Development by NardCake … parsing instructions? How are instructions implemented? I've seen what human readable instructions look like for the JVM but class files appear… have a built in assembler type system that takes the human readable instructions down and then the instructions are some how executed… Understanding C++ - From source to binaries Programming Software Development by mike_2000_17 … language). This intermediate output is not really meant to be human-readable (in the same sense that most programmers would say assembly… language is not human-readable, but of course, some programmers read and write assembly with… My Approach to Automating Grocery Shopping Programming Software Development by dubadub … @syrup{1/2%tbsp}. That will make recipe files human and machine readable. Given these recipe files, computers can create a shopping… that information for ingredients provided. And the recipe is still human readable, so I can be agile and store my recipes in… Re: How does a computer run Perl scripts? Programming Software Development by almostbob perl is an interpreted language, a perl interpreter installed in the server basic on a larger scale human readable instructions are interpreted as is available for development purpposes on a smaller scale down to usb thumbdriver versions The Top 12 Native Linux System Monitoring Tools Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by khess … the du command and request a [B]h[/B]uman readable (megabytes, gigabytes) [B]s[/B]ummary report of the /opt… the example below. The example shown uses the (-h) or human readable format that many SAs prefer. [QUOTE]$ df -h Filesystem Size… Using OFL Fonts Programming Game Development by mjacqu3 … included either as stand-alone text files, human-readable headers or in the appropriate machine-readable metadata fields within text or binary files… The Best Way to Store ipv4 & ipv6? Programming Databases by mattyd … manner until I have to actually present them in a readable format to someone in the future? (At this point, I… long as they can be dealt with later in a human-readable manner.) I'm also learning about **inet_ntop()**, **inet_pton()** from [this… Formatting numeric values with commas Programming Software Development by Luther von Wulf … reformats a numeric sequence to include grouping in the usual human readable format. "123456789" becomes "123,456,789"… becomes "12,34,56,789". Printing numbers for human consumption is a common request. C does not offer direct… Re: Question Many Experts Do Not Answer It To Me! Is It that Hard? Community Center by Fest3er ….isaac;734559]I'm wondering, if compilers are written in human readable way, then how come the machine could read the compiler… number of other languages, it must be compiled into machine-readable language before the machine can run it. The same goes… Converting Hexadecimal characters to integers. Programming Software Development by JECMAIL … accepts 4 separate Hexadecimal inputs and returns in English the human readable for a set of machine code instructions. I can either… Using Global Low-Level Hooks Without Using A Dll Programming Computer Science by ZOverLord … code push edx ; virutal key code call ToAscii ; convert to human readable characters test eax, eax ; if return zero, continue jnz test_carriage_return… data format from (4.56 0.7) -> 4.6(7) awk?! Programming Software Development by ahan … bb 123.456 0.00987 cc 987654 321 . . in easily human readable format of type aa 4.6(7) bb 123.456… Java Client/Server Programming Software Development by chip1123 … FilterReader.. The TextReader provides methods for reading data expressed in human-readable ASCII text format. This file also defines three public subclasses… Lookup tables - how to perform a switch using a string Programming Software Development by Bench … selection must be based on an integer, rather than a human readable word or sentence. [B]Allowing string input - The wrong way… How do i get cin.getline to timeout? Programming Software Development by sweRascal …(conn); while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(res_set)) != NULL) { //Konverterar UNIX time till human readable char buffer[32]; time_t value = strtol(row[1], NULL, 10… help on GUI developer Programming Software Development by MxDev hi guys, is there any stand alone GUI designer which could deal with most of Swing components and generate human readable code and also free Strange value with ifstream get Programming Software Development by xcesmess … maybe be numeric integers or alpha-characters. All data is human-readable at the end of the day. For those curious (or… Hex conversion problem Programming Software Development by lmrd … hex data in it. I need to convert it into human readable text for display on a web site. The problem that… Master's Thesis - C++ Programming Software Development by Alex Edwards … language is used to interface with Operating Systems to perform human-readable computer logic. It'll be some time before I have…