pulse counter Programming Software Development by gedas … ireturn; } void _interrupt intSrv1(void) { ibegin; *licr1 = 0xa222; // clear PIR1 bit…ireturn; } /* void _interrupt intSrv2(void) { ibegin; *licr1 = 0x2a22; // clear PIR2 bit … Minor Annoyances: Looping from 0 to size() using auto Programming Software Development by deceptikon …() non-member functions that return an iterator: for (auto i = ibegin(v); i != iend(v); i++) { cout <<…only that v is a container with an implementation of ibegin()/iend() and an overloaded subscript operator. Like with …'s not the case for user-defined container classes, ibegin() and iend() can be overloaded as necessary to meet… Re: My "if" is not good Programming Software Development by XianBin … p, charT c) { size_type __o = p - ibegin (); insert (p - ibegin (), 1, c); selfish (); return ibegin () + __o; } iterator insert(iterator p, size_type… n, charT c) { size_type __o = p - ibegin (); insert (p - ibegin (), n, c); selfish (); return ibegin () + __o; } #ifdef __STL_MEMBER_TEMPLATES template<class … Re: Pop up image Programming Web Development by samarudge I use IBox [URL="http://www.ibegin.com/labs/ibox/"]Here[/URL] I think it is really good and use it a lot