1,138 Topics

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Member Avatar for ndeniche

I'm building a website that requires some image preloading, which is handled smoothly with an overlaid splash screen and a progress bar and a spinner. The thing is, I want the preloader to know if preloading is necessary (the cache has been wiped, or is disabled in the browser), so …

Member Avatar for asmira
Member Avatar for PriteshP23

I had saved files in folder "uploads".I want to display uploaded filename in the table. There are two files. london.jpeg & usa.pdf Table: no Name File 1 abc london 2 xyz usa When one click on london or usa, one should able to see the file. I need urngent help. …

Member Avatar for PriteshP23
Member Avatar for eburlea

Hello. I have a form with captcha element. The text field displays on the right of the image. How can I make it displaying below the image? $path = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getBaseUrl(); $captcha = new Zend_Form_Element_Captcha( 'captcha', array( 'label' => 'Type the characters you see in the image below:', 'attribs' => array('id' …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for hazzag1995

I want to make a image pop up on my site, where if you hover over a line of text, a image will pop up on top of everything else on the page, using HTML5 and CSS3, can someone help me with this? ~I've tried some tutorials online but they …

Member Avatar for hazzag1995
Member Avatar for kcm5052

Hi All, I've been struggling with this problem for the better part of 2 weeks. (Trying to help an aunt with a website.) I just can't seem to discover the issue. I've simplified the scenario to a very basic site just for the ease of troubleshooting. But I cannot get …

Member Avatar for Zagga
Member Avatar for sabarinadh.ch

I want to upload images to my database, these can be done using php and mysqli . The form contains some information like file descriptiopn and input file and when i submit the file the file will automatically enters in to the database and the image will be stored in …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for ravinder yadav

i have seen some e commerce site which display picture of there products using magnify tool.*[Click Here](http://www.crateandbarrel.com/border-queen-headboard/s235515)* At first picture size is small and as we press magnify tool image size and resolution goes on increasing. i want to know how it is done,what libraries are used?

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for serkan sendur
Member Avatar for one-unicorn

hello everyone, I seek help please to find a program c + + that can read images from different types bmp, jpeg, png and put the pixels values in a vector, modified pixels valus, then saved the picture change to a different location, I inform you that I am working …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for marifard

Hi, I try to make a simple page to upload an image in Database. This is a test page in my website at this moment. The name of the table to store the images is image and the columns are: id, userid, name, image My problem is when I click …

Member Avatar for marifard
Member Avatar for poopuh

I have an image set as my background, which fades from blue to white and I'm just wondering if anyone knows how I can vertically repeat the image, but make the second one upside-down?

Member Avatar for mattster
Member Avatar for imti321

i have three entries in phpmyadmin id name and image i want to upload image from the form into database and display that back into the form where from i am uploading it.I get this error PHP Warning: mysql_insert_id() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in D:\path\to\sitename\httpdocs\sql\uploadimage.php on …

Member Avatar for Webville312
Member Avatar for ditty

Hi, I am doing a photo library which includes large size of photos. One photo size may be around 80-100mb. And also the file type may be different. Is it possible to do it using php. if yes please give me the details.Thanks

Member Avatar for Szabi Zsoldos
Member Avatar for geneh23

Hey everyone, Sorry for the lack of knowlege. I've tried google-ing how to imput and display images on a web page without the image showing up in weird symbols, but I've had no luck. Can anyone help me? My purpose is to simply store an image manually into a mysql …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for riahc3

Hello I want to create a Javascript button that takes a image on a page and makes it bigger keeping aspect ratio and also another button and makes it smaller but also keeping aspect ratio. Can someone tell me a good example on how to do this? Thank you

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for Cravver

I have this code here and I need to know how to make it randomize the amoutn of images there are: Currently it shows the images, and uses a cookie so the image doesnt show up more than it needs to, but i need to randomize the image order instead …

Member Avatar for Cravver
Member Avatar for jhai_salvador

Add the snippet in your module. **Requirements:** * Make sure you have reference to M$ ActiveX Data Objects Library (ADODB) * A table field with OLE Object / BLOB as datatype * A recordset that is already oppened and ready to be use **To save Image on your table field, …

Member Avatar for emily.webb.9026

Hi All, I am very new to image processing and my requirement is to detect whehter the given large image consist the given subimage (small image) using Java and FAST algorithm. I have found the java lib (jfeaturelib) which support APIs for FAST algorithms and other descriptors etc. Follwing link …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for 26bm

Hi, I am tring to make a custom cursor in pygame and I would like to use a XBM file to do so. I am wondering if somebody could please give me an example on how to create a XBM cursor, how to load it into pygame, and how to …

Member Avatar for serph09

So I have this code here: http://jsfiddle.net/4Cqkh/1/ What I'm trying to do is when I click on a thumbnail, the below larger image of it should display according to which thumbnail is clicked. I tried switching the larger image's src to that of the thumbnail src's value when clicked but …

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Member Avatar for Nubitol

anyone can help me? i have a task from my teacher. He asked me to make a simple image processing program that can process 2D image with this feature: -the program can make a translation, rotation (an angle of rotation with arbitrary), scaling, and shearing. -the program can make an …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for dbalas

Hi! Ok, I have tried every pssible way to make this possible but it looks like im running in to cercles... My script simply doesnt want to send embaded logo... It wants to send it as an image like `<img src="http'//..." />` but than i have problem with viewing the …

Member Avatar for paulkd
Member Avatar for vegaseat

You can draw a number of shapes directly on the PyGame window, and then save the drawing to an image file.

Member Avatar for yosi501r

Hi everyone, I'm desperately looking for 2 programs that do the following things: Program 1: It's a video player that has the option to display the creation date of the video which is being played, but on the video itself! Program 2: It's a photo viewer that can display the …

Member Avatar for dwjohnson.7738
Member Avatar for RT00220489

Hi, My question goes as follows : I need to replace an existing image, with another one, but without using jquery ie using javascript and using the id of the image as it is <asp:Image> tag and hence does not support name. The image supports the functionality of toggling the …

Member Avatar for RT00220489
Member Avatar for hindu times

Hi, I'm using a plugin in Wordpress to display events on my page, but instead of making it simple, they are requiring me to use php to display the title of the pages as I want to. The rest of my pages display with a little icon and then the …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for xpertj007

how can i change my background image by clicking on another image use as a button with jQuery... please help

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Labdabeta

Hello. I have been looking long and hard for an image library that meets these criteria that I have for pretty much any library I will use (with some obvious exceptions): A) Cross-Platform (If at all possible) B) Weightless (or nearly weightless) C) Stand-alone (I hate having to include DLLs …

Member Avatar for Labdabeta
Member Avatar for kumar89hitesh

how to set the text with image in asp.net? I mean how to set start three or four lines with the left/right side of image and next lines onwards? Please give me the code. i need it immediately.

Member Avatar for annaharris
Member Avatar for NiescierJ

I am trying to set "myimage" as the background for my GUI but having problems with self.canvas.create_image(myimage,750,450) def __init__(self): self.root=tk.Tk() # The number of times the GUI is updated self.ctr = 0 #creating the Canvas self.canvas = tk.Canvas(self.root, width=750, height=450, bg = "black") #Sets the background as an image myimage=PhotoImage(file='world.gif') …

Member Avatar for vegaseat

The End.