85 Topics

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Member Avatar for icefreezer7

Hi I started graphics programming only recently so im still a beginner at it. I've tried a snippet from online for c++ and I always get the same error message, Cannot open include file: 'stdafx.h': No such file, please help because Ive looked around this forum and I cant understand …

Member Avatar for Lucaci Andrew
Member Avatar for seblake

Good evening. I've never used php before... I tried... A simple query told me to use this syntax: <?php include 'Max-TechFooter.php'; ?> Another one showed the div's around it, so I tried that, too That's the way it is now: <!-- Footer --> <div class="footer"> <?php include 'Max-TechFooter.php'; ?> </div> …

Member Avatar for sasankasekhar
Member Avatar for jackmaverick1

I have a project going (the idea for which I got from a website a couple of years ago) and its been going pretty well. However, I have come upon a strange error, which I can't find the source of (well, I know the source but I don't know what …

Member Avatar for histrungalot
Member Avatar for megachip04

I have an approve.php inside an /include directory. I have another file inside the /pop_up directory. Approve.php [CODE] if (!isset($_SESSION['username'])) { header("location:log_in.php"); die(); } [/CODE] When i run the include('include/approve.php') code in files in the main directory, it works. When I run the include('../include/approve.php') in files in the pop_up/ directory …

Member Avatar for shah01
Member Avatar for killa78

Hey guy's, im kind of a very big beginner.. haha.. I followed this post [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/web-design/html-and-css/threads/97183/472098#post472098"]here[/URL] and i got everything working and running up to speed, What im wanting to know how, is HOW do i actually "include" the Php into my Protected area im wanting, I have a HTML Page, …

Member Avatar for simplypixie
Member Avatar for calebcook

I am trying to create a licensing system where you have a license key as a variable in a file. Then, it includes a file that's on an external server. The server then does all the validating, and returns whether the key is valid or not. The problem is, an …

Member Avatar for moneeshot
Member Avatar for harryhaaren

Hey All, I've been stumbling into the same (annoying little) problem a couple of times, and I'd like to find out how to fix it properly. Pseudo code [code=c++] // file A.hpp #include "classB.hpp" class A { A() }; // file A.cpp A::A() { } [/code] [code=c++] // file B.hpp …

Member Avatar for mazzica1
Member Avatar for shandoosheri

hi how can i include a range of numbered files like file1.php,file2.php,file4.php i have tried this code but it didn't work [CODE]<?php foreach (range(0, 7) as $fileno) { include "files/file" + $fileno + ".php";}?>[/CODE]

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for MichaelBerh

I am trying to make my website display a different header depending on the page. If the page is 'index.php', it should include 'index-header.php'. If it isn't 'index.php', then it should include 'page-header.php'. So far, I have the following code: [CODE] <?php if($_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME] == '/index.php'){include (index-header.php);} else { include ('page-header.php'); …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for Epicurus

I've created a new class called BulletList2(linked list) using the built in dialog(File>New Class) which created a header file called bulletlist.h (in project folder>include) and a source file called bulletlist2.cpp(in project folder > src). header file [CODE=c++]#ifndef BULLETLIST2_H #define BULLETLIST2_H class BulletList2 { [...] } #endif // BULLETLIST2_H [/CODE] In …

Member Avatar for Epicurus
Member Avatar for ben1996123

Hello, I just downloaded the [url=https://mattmccutchen.net/bigint/]big integer library[/url], and I want to use it in my prime number checking program. I downloaded the zip file and got a bunch of .cc and .hh files. I need to know what to do with the files, where I should put them, and …

Member Avatar for ben1996123
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hi, I have this codes: (index.html) [CODE] <body> <div id="wrapper"> <?php include('includes/header.php'); ?> <div id="nav"> <a href="#">Home</a> <a href="#">About</a> <a href="#">Portfolio</a> <a href="#">Contact</a> </div> <!-- end #nav --> [/CODE] I wonder why <?php include('includes/header.php'); ?> does not works. In other words, the codes that I have place in header.php does …

Member Avatar for azeem786
Member Avatar for manchurianCEO

I posted this once but no one is stopping by so maybe the title didn't sound much interesting. I got the code for a google search bar and pasted it on the corresponding <div id and made a separate file for the search results and worked perfectly. But when I …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for surjeetk27

hi friends.... I'm getting this type of error n running my program... Warning: include(include_fns.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\wamp\www\index.php on line 7 Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening 'include_fns.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\php\pear') in C:\wamp\www\index.php on line 7 Can Anyone plzz Tell me what this …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for jrotunda85

So I'm trying to create one central file for my navigation which is used across my site; however, some of the pages are in different directories. So, for example , let's say I have the following directories -- domain.com/ domain.com/dir1/ domain.com/dir2/ If I wanted to use the same include between …

Member Avatar for jrotunda85
Member Avatar for sallecpt

Hey there I know one can use include [url]http://domain/page.php?var1=xxx&var2=xxx[/url] But I dont need an include This is what I need to do, and how on earth can I achieve this? I've burnt my brains already. Please help me. [CODE]$command = "/usr/bin/php5 -f /home/path/to/file/test.php?folder=777";[/CODE] then run the command. so, test.php needs …

Member Avatar for jnicholls92
Member Avatar for UltimateKnight

I saw a code that had <conio.h> and the whole code is working nice but this line seems to be the error. I know that this is old one and the .h format is replaced with using namespace but still I get an error. What is the problem? Maybe the …

Member Avatar for UltimateKnight
Member Avatar for LloydFarrell

Hi everyone, just wondering if its possible to include [CODE] <?php require "../includes/h.php"; ?>[/CODE] into the code below ?? [CODE] echo "<td valign='top'><div class='p'> <hr> add button menu here <hr></div></td>"; echo "</tr>"; [/CODE] I have tried a few different ways adding '..' for concactination to see if that works, but …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for ggeoff

Hi I am using the PHP include statement to enable publication of a piece of news. The news is filed as "news.txt" and the user has access to a directory to upload the file or delete old news but no access to the code. If the file does not exist …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for RyanMcMillan

i have a variable "float PI = 3.146;" in a header file called "evar.h" but when i use the variable PI in my main functoin it only comes out as "3" , i have to explictly type cast it for the number "3.146" to be printed out how could i …

Member Avatar for RyanMcMillan
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, If I have a home.php file and I want to store it into a $_SESSION like $_SESSION['home'] = home.php - how do I do that? I tried using include but it doesn't work... I have to have it in a session because it fits into a bigger portion of …

Member Avatar for feoperro
Member Avatar for biogig

so I've been trying to write this program that takes the data from a file and outputs the year the rainfall how much it is below/above the average, the average raifall and the std deviation and for some reason I get three C4552 warnings:'>': operator has no effect on three …

Member Avatar for biogig
Member Avatar for juanp

I'm having a lot of trouble getting my code to compile. It basically has this structure: [CODE]Headers: a.h, b.h, c.h CXX: a.cxx, b.cxx, c.xx[/CODE] And my main.cpp of course. The problem is that my classes link each other, ie. a uses something from class b and b uses something from …

Member Avatar for Fbody
Member Avatar for Tbusuk

Hi, what is the meaning of the code shown below? <jsp:include page="/exec/employeesList"/> Because usually include is like this include("a.php"), this means the page include the a.php page. But the jsp include is different, it doesn't show any extension like .jsp or .jav or .html. so where does it include? is …

Member Avatar for coervivekmca
Member Avatar for BaSk

We have a client that came to us, and his admin panel is using a iframe system, [CODE]<html> <head> <title>Administration Area</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> </head> <frameset cols="180,*" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0"> <frame src="menu.php?id_mnu=prd" name="leftFrame" frameborder="yes" scrolling="YES" noresize> <frame src="landing.php" name="mainFrame" frameborder="yes" bordercolor="#000000"> </frameset> <noframes><body> </body></noframes> </html>[/CODE] Now I'm loading landing.php …

Member Avatar for spacific
Member Avatar for Brianbc

Working with some OOP, I had an error that I have now traced to inistantiation of a class when the file in which the class is contained is included in any other file. Is this the default/normal behaviour of php, and how do I get myself out of this? I …

Member Avatar for Brianbc
Member Avatar for rajesh1158

I have a php file, for example abc.php file whose output will be an image(profile pic) and below it a set of links(navigation links). When i click any of those links, it displays the output of destination file(output of file mentioned in "href" attribute of anchor tag). But i want …

Member Avatar for rajesh1158
Member Avatar for Borzoi

1. Separate pages. Each page coded completely independently. 2. Index page with content as included files. An index page with everything that would appear on every page coded in then a simple if statement to check which page should be displayed, likely depending on the URL (e.g.: index.php?page=news). 3. Content …

Member Avatar for aniyishay
Member Avatar for jontes

Hello, I'm new here, so I hope I'll ask my question correctly. I have an assignment to create a "text-based cosmic adventure" and all went well until now. My project is separated into several header and implementation files. Problem arises only when I include certain file in another header file. …

Member Avatar for jontes
Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, Say for example I have a page with 100 includes. How would I reload just one of them? Say I ran an ajax script that did certain tasks on the server side, but I didn't want to display the information by setting it in the ajax script - Instead …

Member Avatar for diafol

The End.