85 Topics

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Member Avatar for GreaseJunkie

Hi, I've got this nice little sales tool/form written where I can drop email addresses into my webform and automatically send an HTML email, but I want to have the option to send a different html body using a drop-down option. For example, if I want to send a "general …

Member Avatar for GreaseJunkie
Member Avatar for debasishgang7

im new to php i have a problem.. i wanna design a website that will have index.php as the Home page. The index.php will include header.php(the universal header) menu.php(unuversal menu) topics.php(topics of my websites like global warming,child labour etc..) content.php(a welcome note for Home page.) ___________________________________________________ header.php ___________________________________________________ | menu.php …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for lsmith93

Just wondering but is there a way to include the meta tags from one page to another? The reason why i ask this is that i built a website using PHP Includes and want to include the meta tags so when i load index.php?id=About , it will load the meta …

Member Avatar for Borzoi
Member Avatar for bjc999

I know PHP include is server sided, but is there something similar I can implement that can work across different servers? Or something server sided that can work on the same server but across different URLs? Thanks!

Member Avatar for nonshatter
Member Avatar for bjc999

Hi there, I have a few sites plus a few clients' sites I have designed and manage. At present, when I want to add a new feature to all of the sites, I code it into each site individually. What I want to achieve is to be able to update …

Member Avatar for bjc999
Member Avatar for bjc999

Hi there, I have a few sites plus a few clients' sites I have designed and manage. At present, when I want to add a new feature to all of the sites, I code it into each site individually. What I want to achieve is to be able to update …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for andy106

Hi everyone! Thanks for reading my post. I have 2 questions, first I have a PHP site where it reads the pages from a folder and shows it in a php frame, for example the contact us page with the file name of contact.php will be shown as http://www.<DOMAIN>?page=contact. and …

Member Avatar for andy106
Member Avatar for lsmith93

I have built a website using php include and i want to know if there is a way that i can include keywords?

Member Avatar for Spycat

Hello all, This doesn't seem that it should be terribly difficult to do, but of course it is (for me anyway). I own a golf site, and I would like to insert the world rankings, which is in an XML format file into an existing html file. I have applied …

Member Avatar for macgurl70
Member Avatar for iw2z

Hi all, I'm sure this is a trivial question for the veterans (and the newbs maybe as well). But I just can't find a straight answer to it. So here it goes: I have my main.cpp file, and 2 more files, custom.h and custom.cpp. Obviously, custom.h would contain declarations, prototype...etc, …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for iw2z

Hi everyone, I'm doing a little project after a long period of no c++, so please forgive me for any possible stupid mistakes. Basically I have 2 cpp files, in first.cpp I define namespace 'myNS', and in second.cpp I define class 'myClass'. The problem is that I have a pointer …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for garea

I have a problem with recursive imports in C++. I have this 2 classes: [CODE] //File A.h #include "B.h" class A{ public: A(){}; void doA(B b){ b.doB(); } } [/CODE] [CODE] //File B.h #include "A.h" class B{ public: B(){}; void doB(A a){ a.doA(); } } [/CODE] I tried to use …

Member Avatar for rodc
Member Avatar for jmaddy10

Hello all, I just started working at a firm as a web assistant and was given the task of redesigning our site. One of my tasks involves making the site more efficient by using include files. I have never designed with this in mind and despite my best research I …

Member Avatar for jmaddy10
Member Avatar for ripraw

i need help :( i'm trying to create an external menu with rollover images i'm using php include() the javascript for the rollover images is written into the <head> of every page and the included file contains the revelant html.... .... the rollover doesnt work. it says 'done, but with …

Member Avatar for daino

Hi Would anyone know if there is a book explaining all the various C++ Libraries and what features they encapsulate? I'm thinking in terms of, for example: iostream -- then a list of features and functions in iostream etc. Could anyone suggest any books or good reference material for this …

Member Avatar for daino
Member Avatar for haribo83

I have a php page showing records from an sql database, when the user clicks on a link they are taken to a detail page with more info etc. All of this works fine - the issue is that I wiould like uses to be able to submit a form …

Member Avatar for saiprem
Member Avatar for kartik14

Hi, I'm having problems adding images to a game I'm trying to modify. The given project has some images in a folder called "Images". So I added new images to this folder and tried to use these new ones in my code. To do this, I right clicked on the …

Member Avatar for jamesonh20
Member Avatar for manishmannan

in my program i am getting this error what would be the reason Warning: include(/common.inc.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\oob\Product\manager.php on line 41 Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/common.inc.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\xampp\php\PEAR') in C:\xampp\htdocs\oob\Product\manager.php on line 41

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for Androggles

Hey :) I have written this code, but it seems that theres an error in it, that i can't find. When i try to compile it i get this error: Call to undefined function 'sleep' in function main(). I know it has something to do with that sleep function, because …

Member Avatar for Excizted
Member Avatar for ahamed101

Hi All, Let me explain the problem. I have multiple include files as in class1.inc, class2.inc, class3.inc etc. Contents of an include file will be like class1.inc [code=c] { "john", 12, 68, "steve", 12, 98, "mat", 12, 95, }; [/code] This will basically serve as a static array of structures. …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for darkagn

Hi all, I have seen code of the form: [code=php] if(file_exists("foo.php") include("foo.php"); else include("blah.php"); [/code] As far as I know, this is perfectly legal in php. What I was wondering was is it possible to do the following in in-line code in PHP? [code=php] if(file_exists("foo.php") // contains a specialised version …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for Clawsy

I'm building a Content Management System on my own in PHP & MySql. I thought it's a good idea that all CMS files to be stored secure on the server "before" www folder so that it can't be accesed from the browser (all cms files in one folder). In www …

Member Avatar for Clawsy
Member Avatar for Namibnat

If I have a function included within a page, and that function is in it's own file, in a different directory (/scripts/thefunction.php) how would I go about writing a file path to another file that is in a different directory. In a nutshell, a file in /index.php includes a file …

Member Avatar for CFROG
Member Avatar for jonow

Hi, I was wondering how you keep a navigation menu up-to-date on a 200 page website. When I first started using HTML I used an iframe which it is a [I]terrible[/I] idea. Now i am using PHP (im using include). But i am guessing this is also very inefficient. SO …

Member Avatar for codejoust
Member Avatar for hschroeter

hello, there is a main xslt-script with a "do_this_and_that"-template. in an from the main included script ther is such "do_this_and_that"-template too. is it possible to call the "do_this_and_that"-template from the main by this included "do_this_and_that"-template? many thanks for your answer(s)

Member Avatar for fpmurphy

The End.